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Name: _________________________________Date: _____________________________Class: ___
Chapter 16 Review Questions
Part I: Using the cladogram below, answer the following questions:
1. Which animals do mammary glands develop?
Mouse and chimp
2. Which animals have lungs?
Everything but perch and hagfish
3. Which organism is closely related? The chimp and mouse or the chimp and pigeon?
Chimp and mouse
Part II: For each description below, state whether the following is convergent, divergent, or
4. Ants are the correct size and weight needed to open the flowers for the peony plant.
The peony plant provides food for the ant and the ant fertilizes the peony’s flowers,
5. Whales, sharks, and penguins all have streamlined bodies and fins/flippers for moving
in water even though they belong in different classes of animals (mammals, fish, and
birds). convergent
6. Ostriches are native to the savannahs of Africa, while penguins live in the Polar
Regions. Although ostriches and penguins are closely-related, they look very
different. divergent
7. What type of evolution does this picture show?
8. The environment selects similar traits among organisms with no common ancestor.
9. The accumulation of differences in traits over time, even though they have a common
ancestor. divergent
10. Two or more species that evolve together. coevolution
Name: _________________________________Date: _____________________________Class: ___
Part III: There are three types of natural selection and each has a graph to represent that type of
11. Draw a graph to represent each type of selection below.
12. Which statement best describes the type of selection below:
a. Favors average traits: __________ directional __________________
b. Favors one variation of the trait and goes in one direction
c. Favors both extreme variations of the trait
13. In a lake in South Africa, guppies are eaten by the pike fish, and the larger the guppy,
the more difficulty it has escaping its pike fish predator. Directional
14. Human babies usually do not survive if they are born under 4 pounds because their
organs are too small to work properly; they cannot be born if they are too big
because the mother would not be able to give birth without dying. Stabilizing
Part IV: Mechanisms of Evolution
15. What are the 5 mechanisms of evolution and give the definition of each:
a. Gene flow
b. Genetic drift
c. selection
d. mutation
e. non-random mating
16. In genetic drift, frequency of traits change because of
Name: _________________________________Date: _____________________________Class: ___
17. Gene flow is the movement of ______genes____________from one population to
V: Speciation:
18. What is speciation?
One species may split in to two or more species because of environment change.
19. What is the difference between reproductive isolation and geographic isolation?
Geographic isolation is when species are formed because they are isolated on
different lands and the environment shapes them. Reproductive isolation is when
two different species cannot mate and produce fertile offspring.
20. When organisms of two different species cannot interbreed and produce fertile
offspring is called ;___reproductive isolation_________________
21. What is geographic isolation? How does it cause new species?
Geographic isolation is when species are formed because they are isolated on different
lands and the environment shapes them.
22. What size population would have the greatest evolutionary change? Large or small?
Many mutations or few mutations?
Small population, many mutations.