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A Nonviolent
Two Wars,
Both Alike in
Let’s Get
Days of Loss
& Rage
From The Halls
Of Power
Final Jeopardy
1 - $100
“This” ambitious program of social reforms,
which included the introduction of Medicare and
Medicaid, were seen as objectionable by
conservatives, as they felt the program made
government “too big”.
What is “The Great Society”?
1 - $200
President Johnson’s famous ability to persuade
was known in the House and Senate as the
_____ ________.
What is the “LBJ treatment”?
1 - $300
Spearheading various judicial reforms
throughout the 50s and 60s, this Supreme Court
justice was instrumental in creating legal
precedent to protect the rights of those accused
of crimes and ordering congressional
reapportionment for fairer election returns.
Who is Chief Justice Earl Warren?
1 - $400
President Kennedy often had difficulty getting
legislation passed because he faced “this” – the
same obstacle that plagued President Truman.
What is “a predominantly Republican Congress”?
1 - $500
While many who listened to the radio broadcast
of the 1960 presidential debate would say that
Richard Nixon made the more favorable
impression, those who watched it on T.V. rather
favored Kennedy because he wasn’t visibly
______ing – unlike Nixon himself.
What is “sweating”?
2 - $100
While the March on Selma was meant to gather
support for the Voting Rights Act, the March on
Washington was meant to gather support for
What is the “Civil Rights Act of 1964”?
2 - $200
In partnership with local law enforcement, “this”
infamous group was responsible for the deaths
of three civil rights workers during the “Freedom
Summer” in Mississippi.
What is the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)?
2 - $300
A champion of nonviolence and an admirer of Dr.
King, Cesar Chavez also employed the use of
“this” in his protest activity – angering the
growers in the local community.
What is “religious content or imagery”?
2 - $400
• As a founding member of the SNCC, “this” young
man was initially a strong supporter of nonviolence.
However, his focus would shift over time to a
stronger emphasis on “Black Power”.
Who is “Stokely Carmichael”?
2 - $500
While he seemed to be trying to “keep a lid on”
civil rights earlier in his presidency, Kennedy
finally came out in full support for civil rights
after having to force “this” Southern governor to
allow the University of Alabama to integrate –
with the help of 400 National Guardsmen!
Who is “Governor George Wallace”?
3 - $100
At the peak of the war, the United States had a
maximum of _______ troops serving in Vietnam.
What is “half a million”?
3 - $200
While the United States saw the Vietminh and
Vietcong as the tools of Russia and China, and
as fighters for communism, they were really
fighting against “this”.
What is “colonial control or oppression”?
3 - $300
“This” Congressional decision gave Johnson total
power to run the war in Vietnam.
What is the “Gulf of Tonkin Resolution”?
3 - $400
“This” structure was erected in 1961 partly to
prevent people from fleeing Soviet Russia.
What is the “Berlin Wall”?
3 - $500
This “close call” during Kennedy’s presidency
ultimately resulted in the removal of U.S.
missiles from Turkey – and Khrushchev’s
removal from power.
What is the “Cuban Missile Crisis”?
4 - $100
While many women from different walks of life
found aspect of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine
Mystique relatable, it seemed to resonate most
strongly with “this” group of women.
What are “middle-class, white women”?
4 - $200
“This” totally spontaneous protest involved a
violent clash with police, and was
commemorated for the first time one year later
with a Gay Rights march that continues annually,
to this day.
What are the “Stonewall Riots”?
4 - $300
These two books, commonly known as the
“______ ______s”, dramatically altered the way
that Americans perceived both sexuality and
sexual orientation.
What are the “Kinsey Reports”?
4 - $400
“These” two civil rights groups both believed in
armed self-defense and worked tirelessly to
improve conditions within their own
Who are the “Brown Berets” and the “Black
4 - $500
Championed by feminists like Gloria Steinem and
Betty Friedan, and condemned by anti-feminists
like Phyllis Schlafly, “this” Constitutional measure
sadly failed to pass, earning approval in 35 of
the required 38 states.
What is the “Equal Rights Amendment”?
5 - $100
“This” tragic event which took place on April 4,
1968 sparked massive rioting in over 100 cities
across the nation and plunged the nation into
What is the “assassination of Dr. Martin Luther
5 - $200
An anti-war protest on “this” college campus
erupted into violent clash with police and Ohio
national guardsmen, resulting in the deaths of 4
What is “Kent State”?
5 - $300
In contrast to the earlier findings of the Warren
Commission, a 1979 commission investigating
the Kennedy assassination reached the
conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was part of a
What is a “conspiracy”?
5 - $400
Daniel Ellsberg leaked “these” to the American
public in 1971, leading to a massive loss of trust
in the government.
What are the “Pentagon Papers”?
5 - $500
“This” tragic event which involved the slaughter
of 300-500 Vietnamese wasn’t made public until
one year after it occurred, horrifying the
American public and eroding their support for
the Vietnam War
What is the “My Lai Massacre”?
Final Jeopardy: Counterculture
“This” famous phrase, coined by Harvard
psychology professor Timothy Leary, provided a
philosophical basis for many who embraced the
counterculture or “hippie” lifestyle.
What is “Turn on, Tune in and Drop out”?