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Road to WWII
Militarism in Japan germ warfare and weapons of mass destruction
experiments on over a 100,00 in Manchuria China without
America’s Open Door Policy making Pacific an American Lake
Stalun in USSR Russia
Breitish ansd American lack of protection of Burma, Phillipines and
other protecxtoirates
Power vacuum in China as Nationalists lose territory to Japan and
Unhappiness with Treaty of
• Japan lack of natural resources for
industrial production
• Italy
• German reparations disintegration of
banking except for the Jewish Rothschild
Military dictatorships of 1930’s as
response to the depression
• Hitler blamed the depression on the Jews
• Unlike the US which went into debt in billions to
prime the pump in Germany wealth created from
confiscation and then territorial expansion in
Poland rustbelt and port facilities Germany
• Same in Japan, territorial conquests in China etc
fed the depression recovery
• Confiscation in Spain with the wink from the
Church authorities
• Stalin killed over a million people in his native
Georgia and confiscated the wealth and lives of
anyone who criticized him. The Great Terror
killed over 10 million communists who he
suspected of not being personally loyal to Stalin
took over after Lenin died in 1924
• Hitler did the same, including Catholics in his
concentration camps as the German and Polish
church spoke out
• Italy saw the Germans as the answer to
regaining Northern African colonies and vital oil
• In 1919 Mussolini Fascist supporters fought
against communists and socialists when
veterans came back from WWI to no jobs and a
longer recession than the US had
• IlDuce and his Bloack Shirts were aasked by
Italian King Victor Emmanual to form a govt in
1922. Mussolini developed a SECRET POLICE
LIKE Putin and Stalin in Russia
Runaway Inflation in Germany was
too much for its Democracy The
Weimar Republic
• Hitler’s mom was Jewish, wounded in WWI and crazy
but a mesmerizing speaker. The Rweichstag or German
congress did not check his power grabs from 1933 to
1935 so in 1935 Hitler took all power
• He and Stalin made disasterous military decision
contrary to the advice of their best generals. Stalin’s
successor, Kruschev was his general Kruschev’s first
visit to the UN involved him taking his shoe off and
banging it on the table for days Yet even Kruschev was
not crazy enough to recommend refusing to do strategic
withdrawals like Stalin insisted on, losing millions of
Russian lives in WWII
Totalitarian characteristics of Hitler
State controlled press
State controlled education
controlled youth groups
Did huge rearmament and huge public
works projects to end depression, not
unlike the US and Japan
Anti-Semitism Anti-Jewish
• Can be seen in the novel and book, Ivanhoe
• In Ivanhoe the Jewish banking network saves English king Richard
the Lionhearted with its international lending network
• The Rothschilds brothers from Germany financed many European
War efforts like Waterloo and thewur abstaining from financing the
cotton bonds of the American Confederacy may have shortened the
Civil War
• Spanish and other peoples refused to let
Jews hold any jobs in guilds, own real estate, intermarry with non
Jews after the Muslims were defeated and
Russians blamed Jews for the death of the Czar who freed their serfs
US Neutrality Acts 1935-7
• When it looked like England and her
economic empire, our biggest trading
partner might lose we resorted to the 1939
Lend Lease Act to get them the supplies
needed without losing American lives and
Paying for It
• Raised taxes in US and sold war bonds
• Like WWI consumer goods were needed for tge war so
rationing was used in WWII not just voluntary
• Double the workforce by sending women to work despite
the fear that women used to better paychecks than
prewar would refuse to go back to their traditional
housewife roles
• We restricted the lives of California Japanese Americans
because Cal governor Olson in Feb 1942 said they could
not be trusted to not communicate important information
to Japan
• We restricted the lives of Alaskan Inuit native Americans
when Japan attacked the islands of Alaska
• Civilian govt of 1920’s discredited by the
• Military leaders ruled with an aloof constitutional
emperor a bit like Queen Elizabeth’s buccaneers
were allowed to plunder the Spanish ignoring
the legalities and moralities as long as the nation
was benefiting. By 1937 the Rape oif Nanjing
allowed the Japanese to murder 200,000 people
and burn a huge section of the city
League of Nations
• Without the US it had no standing neutral
• No real power to enforce its decrees
• Granting concessions in exchange for the
hope that it will maintain peace
• Ambassador Joseph Kennedy and others
let aggression go unchecked yet his son
wrote While England Slept
• US and Engl remained on sidelines in
Spain and Germany’s invasion of Poland
• Many believed that USSR Stalin was a
bigger danger than Hitler
• Forced Austria into Germany for Anscxhluss or
German Nationalism manifest destiny
• Took part of Czechoslovakia that was ethnic
German called Sudetenland
• Munich Pact agreed to let Hitler keep it to
preserve the “peace” It lasted 11 months only
• In 1939 Hitler took in the rest of the Czech land
• US stayed neutral even when Japan killed
3 sailors on the Panay gunboat on the
Chang River in 1937
Blitzkrieg against Poland
• 1939
• The Soviets signed a non agression pact
with Germany Au 1939 so Germany did
not have to fight a war on 2 fronts and
agreed to split Poland. The Russians then
killed most of the Polish military ansd
denied it for over 50 years
Japan Italy and Germany against
Britain France and eventually US
• China and the Soviet Union were oin the side of the US
on paper but neither of these trusted each other
• In 1940 Germany went for Norway and Denmark. Next
came the Belgium like WW! Netherlands and
• France prepared the Maginot Line of Defenses because
they had insufficient manpower after WWI It did not hold
and 338,00 British and French troops escaped on
anything that floated from Dunkirk back to England. Half
American Half British English Prime Minister Winston
Churchill then held out in his country against the Air
Bombing that had beaten all the others
Cash and Carry
• At the beginning of the war Americans
favored isolation. Roosevelt had been
sending up trial balloons to join against
Germany since 1937 so all The Neutrality
Acts of 1939 would allow cash and carry
with Britain
Roosevelt’s 4 Freedoms Speech
• Freedom of Speech, Worship, Freedom
from Want and Freedom from Fear
• By 1945 US had sent 40 billion of Lend
Lease materials to England
• In 1941 Churchill and Roosevelt agreed to
the world after the war to be one of self
determination and international security in
the Atlantic Charter
Fall 1941
• Fall of 1941 German U boats had killed
100 American sailors and were to be shot
at on sight by Americans. Russia was
attacked by Germany