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Possibilities to use administrative data
sources for register based Census in Latvia
Ms. Maranda Behmane, Director, Social Statistics Department, CSB of Latvia
Mr. Pēteris Veģis, Deputy Director, Social Statistics Department, CSB of Latvia
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
Plan of the presentation
1. Register based population censuses in the Baltic
countries in 2021;
2. Legal basis for the use of administrative data;
3. Use of administrative data in the estimation of the
number of population in Latvia;
4. Administrative data sources that characterize the
economic activity of the population in Latvia;
5. A pilot project on working out the quality system
of administrative data.
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
Register based population censuses in
the Baltic countries in 2021
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
Legal basis for the use of
administrative data
The new Statistical Law is in force since January 2016:
(2) A legal person governed by private law, an association of such
persons or a State authority shall upon a substantiated request of the
statistical institution provide data from its administrative data
sources, including restricted access information needed for provision of
official statistics. Data from administrative data sources of a State
authority shall be provided free of charge.
(4) A State authority, maintaining, planning, implementing and
improving administrative data source structure and content, shall
generate data so that the data meet the needs of provision of official
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
Use of administrative data in the estimation of
the number of population in Latvia
In 2012 the CSB worked out a new method for
estimating the number of population.
The method is based on:
• The Population Register,
• other administrative register data.
The aim of the method – to estimate the status of the
actual or de facto place of residence at the beginning of
the year for every resident registered (on individual
level) in Latvia.
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
Use of administrative data in the estimation of
the number of population in Latvia (2)
The Logistic regression model had been developed to
evaluate the residence status.
With the help of administrative register data, on each
person registered within The Population Register there
are more than 200 characteristic variables developed.
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
Use of administrative data in the estimation
of the number of population in Latvia (3)
At the beginning of 2016:
 43 administrative data sources are used to estimate
This year their number will be increased with information
on a person’s level on:
students studying abroad;
visitors of libraries;
personalized e-ticket users in Riga;
seamen and diplomats.
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
Administrative data sources that characterize
the economic activity of the population in Latvia
Grant project: «Improvement of the use of administrative sources
(ESS.VIP ADMIN WP6 Pilot studies and applications)»
Objective: feasibility study on use of administrative data and
information from statistical sample surveys to obtain data for the 2021
Census section on economic characteristics of population:
• Current activity status;
• Occupation;
• Industry (branch of economic activity);
• Status in employment.
Population to be studied: Persons included in the Labour Force Survey
(LFS) sample for 3rd and 4th quarter 2014 and 1st and 2nd quarter 2015.
LFS data comparison with corresponding information available from
administrative data sources.
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
Administrative data sources that characterize the
economic activity of the population in Latvia (2)
Current activity status
Economically active population (age 15+)
Employed persons:
 In total data about 96% of employed persons found in
administrative data sources.
 State Revenue Service (SRS) contains data of
sufficient quality to count employed persons.
Additional metadata necessary to complete
timeliness, relevance and comparability assessment.
 Statistical Farm Register (SFR) gives contribution in
identification of employed persons. Further
investigations about criteria to be used should be
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
Administrative data sources that characterize the
economic activity of the population in Latvia (3)
Current activity status
Economically active population (age 15+)
Unemployed persons:
 Comparative analysis of definitions was carried out.
 State Employment Agency (SEA) annual file should be
used (situation on 31.12.).
 SEA data represents typical age of unemployed persons
(15 – 62) as just ~2% of unemployed persons are older in
accordance with the LFS.
 LFS shows higher number of unemployed persons as SEA
 Unemployed persons in accordance with the SEA partly
have a different status in the LFS: ~4% employed, ~23%
not seeking job.
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
Administrative data sources that characterize the
economic activity of the population in Latvia (4)
SRS collects data about occupation since 2014.
Main Job:
 ~80% of employed persons have just one job.
 Occupations with the highest compliance between LFS and SRS
were: dentists; physiotherapists; customs and border inspectors;
locomotive engine drivers; bus and tram drivers; general medical
practitioners etc.
 Occupations with the lowest compliance between LFS and SRS were:
manufacturing supervisors; Web technicians; production clerks;
handicraft workers not elsewhere classified; mixed crop growers etc.
 Occupations, where more precise information available in the SRS:
police officers, accountants, teachers etc.
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
Administrative data sources characterising
economical activity of population in Latvia (5)
Research during the 2nd half of the grant project will be done on:
Currently not economically active population (Persons below working age (014); Pension recipients; Capital income recipients; Students; Others)
 Research of State Social Insurance Agency, National Education
Information System, Higher Education Institutions data.
Industry (branch of economic activity)
 Research of SRS, Statistical Business Register (SBR) and SFR data.
Status in employment (Employees, Employers, Own account workers, Other
members of the labour force)
 Research of SRS, SBR and SFR data.
Besides the Grant project includes detection of the "outliers" values, working out of
proposals for further steps of administrative data processing and proposals for
future work on imputation methodology to be used.
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
A pilot project on working out the quality system
of administrative data
Working out of the administrative data quality system
was initiated in Latvia in 2016.
Dutch experience is used as a model.
A detailed analysis of the information included in The
Population Register was made during the pilot
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics
Thank you for your attention!
Budapest, Hungary, 21 – 22 April, 2016
ESSnet Workshop on Multisource Statistics