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Organizational and Legal Issues
-- Developing organization and
governance models for HIE
2nd Annual Learning Forum and Exhibition
Governance Issues
Most models call for involvement of all stakeholders, including:
Providers (through their local professional associations)
Plans (individually and/or through their local trade association)
Private (HMOs, others)
Public (Medicaid, Medicare)
Individuals (MDs, RNs, RPh, Others)
Institutional (Hospitals, Nursing Homes, others)
Private employers/employer coalitions
Public employers (state, local)
Public Health
Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs)
And then also….
Patients (consumers/unions)
Governance Issues
There are unique issues across states
Relative strength of key components (public health; purchasers; health
plans; providers)
Market consolidation/fragmentation
State regulatory constrains
The significance (and challenge) of getting all members at the table:
RHIO Organization must have a defined role/goal that is addresses each
member’s needs:
Providers – connectivity to support clinical care, quality improvement, patient safety
Plans – improve business processes to support plan administration
Purchasers – quality measurement, accountability, value-based purchasing and P4P
Public Health – improving health of population; enhancing monitoring and surveillance;
providing population-based reference data for clinical decision making
QIOs – New business role under Medicare/CMS Scope of Work
What about patients? Researchers? Vendors?
Why RHIOs Need to Discover/Invent Themselves
No cookie-cutter approach. When you’ve seen one…. You’ve seen one
Internal market dynamics drive process for establishing a regional initiative
While at the end regional organizations might look somewhat similar
(“independent multi-stakeholder non-profit”), each community needs to go
through the organizing process from start to end:
Process validates the need/value of regional effort
Process allows establishment of trust
Process ensures buy-in by participating organizations
Process ensures ongoing commitment from organizations
There are state laws that will affect the formation of regional organizations
Health plan regulations
Provider regulations
Public health laws
Building a “Sustainable Business Model”
Governance need to be established first
Will decide the mission and purpose of RHIO
The Governance will then need to determine WHAT is the RHIO going to
DO and HOW is the RHIO going to do it?
Convener/Facilitator/Educator on Standards
Pilot tester/Prototype developer
Buyer vs Builder of infrastructure (vs leveraging existing private
infrastructure and Internet)
Buyer vs Builder of value-added services
Aggregator of data (repository)
Transaction switcher/router
Administrator of cross-system patient linkage system
Clinical support systems
Role in establishing privacy and security
Role in disseminating information
Role/product/service for consumers/patients?
Building a “Sustainable Business Model”
The Governance will need to create a business plan including timeline of
implementation, start-up/maintenance costs, and methods for
paying for these costs (upfront contributions from participants,
grants, ongoing fees, state funding, etc)
Differences between existing vs new organizations
Existing organizations will need to ‘re-purpose’ their mission to
adopt/adapt to new role; business plan would then follow
New organization will need to establish governance, determine purpose
and scope of activities, develop funding
The TRUST Factor
Three levels of Trust:
Within competing constituencies (i.e. among hospitals or among health
plans in the region)
Between represented constituencies (i.e. between providers and payers
or payers and purchasers/employers)
With the public (in the community)
Organized patient/consumer advocates
Consumers/patients at large
Significance of trust with public will depend on the ROLES of the
What is the interaction with the public?
Does the public know (care?) what the regional organization is
Public Representation, Non-Profit Status and Trust
Representation of “The Public” is one of the hardest issues to deal with
“We all represent The Public” (providers, plans, employers, public health)
“Employers represent The Public” (their employees)
“Government represents the Public” (public health, public programs)
Consumers REALLY represent The Public
Who to select? (individuals; advocates; unions)
Non-profit Status Does Not Ensure Public Trust
In many states most/all hospitals and health plans are non-profit!
Public Health CAN serve as a neutral, trusted convener party
Transition out of role as convener after ‘founding’ organizations
establish mission/goals/priorities for group and define
organizational approach (independent non-profit)
Statewide vs Community-based Organizations
Are the roles and responsibilities different?
Depending on their inter-dependencies and relationship, one might
become an ‘overseer’ and the other be responsible for operationalizing
the core components of the RHIO in a smaller region/area.
Is there a need for both levels?
It all depends on the market/region
In some states, a statewide organization can suffice
In other states, there might not be a statewide organization, and
community-based organization might need to be formed
Yet in other states, a statewide organization (RHIO?) might be formed to
‘oversee’ activities, and community-based organizations in areas within
the state might exist to ‘operationalize’ components of the RHIO.
There might be also areas where a regional community-based
organization is formed to covered various states, and within each state
there are either statewide organizations or smaller community-based
organizations that operationalize the components of the RHIO
Statewide vs Community-based Organizations
Need for further federal action
Federal guidelines can be provided to explain the possible scenarios and
reinforce the co-existance of multiple models for RHIO development
Federal guidelines should not define a single approach to RHIO
formations and models.
Financial Models and Financial Incentives
Financial Models will depend on WHAT regional organization is doing:
Convener/Educator/Standards facilitator
Financial Approach: Membership-based
Innovator/Pilot Developer
Financial Approach: Grants
Products and services
Financial Approach: User fees
Financial Incentives
RHIOs might facilitate/promote the use of financial incentives to support
the adoption of HIT/Standards in the market
RHIOs should stay away from ‘standardizing’ the contractual
relationships between payers and providers related to financial incentives
and pay for performance
Might constitute restriction of trade
Could result in stiffening innovation in quality management
Creates conflicting dual roles as convener/facilitator/promoter of the
adoption of standards, and at the same time, measuring and having
a financial impact on those organizations that are members