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Mesothelioma is a devastating form of cancer that is relatively rare when compared to the
incidence rates of other cancers. The word mesothelioma is derived from the English word
mesothelium, which is a specific type of simple squamous epithelial tissue that lines the organs
facing the body’s internal cavities, including the heart (pericardiac cavity) and lungs (pleural
cavity), as well as the Latin root oma, which means tumor. Therefore, mesothelioma is a tumor
of the mesothelium. Although these tumors can develop anywhere in the mesothelium, by far the
most common location is in the pleural cavity. This is largely due to the fact that carcinogenic
substances, when inhaled, can disturb the normal DNA synthesis pattern of the mesothelium, and
form a tumor. Because many pleural mesotheliomas are caused this way, they are almost always
classified as malignant tumors which are cancerous growths that have the potential to spread, as
opposed to benign tumors that are simply noncancerous hyperplasias. One of the most notorious
carcinogenic agents is asbestos, a salicate-derived, naturally-occurring, fibrous material that was
popular in manufacturing and materials design until it was discovered that it was a potent
carcinogen. In the mid-1940s, efforts were begun to reduce asbestos exposure, and they were
drastically increased in the 1970s. In most developed countries, asbestos and any by-products are
no longer used for materials or projects in which humans would have any exposure to possible
carcinogenic harm.
One of the many individuals who were diagnosed with, and eventually succumbed to
mesothelioma was James “Rhio” O’Connor. However, Rhio did not let his mesothelioma take
over his life and diminish his daily experiences. Originally, Rhio was diagnosed with malignant
mesothelioma due to exposure to asbestos earlier in life. His doctors gave him a prognosis of less
than one year to live before the cancer would kill him. At this time, in October of 2001, Rhio was
61 years old. However, Rhio was determined to outlast this prognosis and did so by an incredible
amount of time. Rhio passed away on July 11, 2009, nearly eight years after his original
diagnosis. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation were not options for Rhio due to the high risk of
further complications, and there were no other treatment options available. Rather than simply
accept his prognosis and his physicians’ suggestions to finish out his life peacefully and with the
realization that nothing could be done, Rhio chose to fight back. Rhio decided to undertake
massive amounts of research on the subject of cancer and the physiology behind the disease, and
worked with a dietician and clinical specialist in oncology to come up with a plan of supplements
and a healthier diet to help Rhio improve his health and be “smarter” than his mesothelioma.
These supplements included vitamins and herbal products, and his diet consisted of little meat
and various vegetable and whole grain options. Additionally, Rhio may have been able to outlive
his prognosis by so long due to his incredible optimism and the spiritual aspect of his care. Rhio
began to practice a form of mind-body medicine, and always held the belief that he could
overcome his mesothelioma. This form of medicine which involves focusing on the pulse of
energy throughout the body, may give the patient the necessary mindset to produce the
appropriate chemicals and neurotransmitters which may aid the body in its battle against the
cancerous tissue. Certainly, there is no harm that can come from this practice, and if it proves
beneficial to some patients then they should take advantage of it. Even if mind-body medicine
provides no medical benefit, it may still provide psychological condolence to the patient and
make the process of living with the cancer less burdensome.
To help others in their walk with cancer, Rhio wrote and published a book entitled They
Said Months, I Chose Years: A Mesothelioma Survivor’s Story. He discusses his difficult journey
he had with mesothelioma and the choices he faced in developing his diet and supplement
regimen, as well as the aspects of practicing mind-body medicine with the intention of providing
advice for others who have been diagnosed with an “incurable” cancer, or one for which
treatment is otherwise not possible. I believe that Rhio’s choice of writing this book was a good
decision on his part because many other cancer patients may not have been aware of the
alternative medicine therapies that Rhio chose to prolong his life. Countless others may have
received the benefit of the therapies with which he chose to experiment, not knowing if they
would have a single advantage against his cancer. Large pharmaceutical companies are reticent
to invest money to conduct clinical trials on alternative therapies due to the current lack of
evidence of efficacy surrounding these treatment regimens, as well as the fact that even if these
treatments do offer clinical benefit, they may still be unprofitable because the supplements are
often herbal products that are found in nature, and therefore cannot be patented. Additionally, his
decision to write his book may spur others with cancer and cancer survivors to share their own
stories of the difficult treatments they faced, and what worked best for them, as well as any
unique supplemental regimens they may have taken.
If faced with a similar situation as Rhio, where surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation
were all impossible options due to the specific circumstances surrounding my cancer, I would
also reject the physicians’ ideas that nothing could be done in terms of treatment, and that the
only thing possible was to let the cancer take its natural course. I would seek a second opinion
from a skilled oncologist to see if they believed any options existed for treatment. If they thought
other options existed, I would pursue plans for that treatment. However, if the second oncologist
agreed with the first, I would seek out ways to prolong my life and delay the action of the cancer
against my body. As a student in pharmacy school, I would utilize the extensive database of drug
information resources available through my school, to see if there were any suitable chemical
alternatives to doing nothing. I already know that certain drugs such as methotrexate that
function as inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase, one of the cyclin dependent kinase enzymes
that promotes the replication of DNA and cell division, are used in patients with rheumatoid
arthritis as well as cancer patients, and that drug could be appropriate. Other drugs such as
cyclophosphamide directly bind to DNA to stop any replication. These mechanisms of action
would help stop cancer cell metastasis. Unfortunately, as with all drugs, these would also have
side effects, particularly immunosuppressive effects where I could experience a blood dyscrasia.
I would also have to convince an oncologist that these therapies were appropriate for me, using
data from the medical literature.
In fact, reviewing various medical and scientific academic journals would be another
priority on my list. I would check for research in new or alternative cancer treatment therapies of
which the oncologists may be unaware. I would check regularly with cancer research institutions
and journals. I would also consult with my student peers, my professors at school, and the staff at
the hospital at which I work to gather their thoughts and opinions and hear what they know about
certain drugs or treatment regimens. Additionally, I would seek research on herbal and dietary
supplements to see if any are produced that would be beneficial. Certainly, any supplement that
can function as an antioxidant would be beneficial as the molecules can scavenge any free
radicals in the body that could potentially cause cellular and DNA damage, which could result in
new or further carcinomas. Additionally, I would seek to change my diet and lifestyle. I would
eat healthier foods and not foods that are overly high in fats and triglycerides, sugar, and
cholesterol. I would seek to gain enough vitamins and minerals from my natural diet in order to
provide my body and my immune system with the nutrients it needs to deal with and attack the
cancer cells. I would also try to adjust other factors so that my CHEM-7 and other laboratory
values are closer to normal range, or even exceed medical recommendations. I haven’t had
trouble with my blood pressure in the past, but I do need to watch my cholesterol, especially my
LDL. Perhaps asking my physician about prescribing a statin or other relevant medication may
be useful in trying to help keep the body in top condition while it prepares for a very aggressive
fight against the cancer. I would try to consume less red meat and more vegetables, more whole
grains, and fewer sweets and salty snacks. I would also work on getting more exercise,
particularly walking more and moving my limbs around instead of leaving them sedentary. If I
am lucky enough, I can live many years like Rhio and write a book about my experiences to
share with others as they have the battle of a lifetime against cancer.