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The Respiratory
System Notes
By: Katherine Pease
Take a big Breath….
Did your chest move?
Your Respiratory system
is at work.
My what system?
Respiratory System
–The integrated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ between an
organism and the environment.
In to other words….
Let’s Take a trip
through your
Respiratory System….
follow me
First Stop in respiratory system…
____ enters the body through the
nose, is warmed, filtered, and
Air can also enter through your
_____________, your mouth.
Second Stop in respiratory
The ______ then
_________________ the _______
Then into the upper part of the
–The trachea contains the larynx.
In the ________________________.
The vocal cords are two bands of
tissue that extend across the
opening of the larynx.
Third Stop in respiratory system…
After passing the
___________, the
air moves into the
Your _________________are…
___________ (sing.: bronchus
These tubes take the air
Once inside the Bronchi…
__________ known as
From there they terminate in
grape-like sac clusters known as
Alveoli are…
Tiny, thin-walled,
They are surrounded by a network of
thin-walled __________________.
Remember: Capillaries are blood
vessels that O2 and CO2 diffuse
What helps to move this air in and
out of your lungs?
That would be your diaphragm.
How does my diaphragm do this?
Through the process of
___________________is: The
mechanics of breathing in and
out through the use of the
diaphragm and muscles in the
wall of the thoracic cavity.
In other words….
When you ____________,
______________, lifting the ribs and
pulling them, outward. The
________________ at this time
enlarging the chest cavity. Reduced
air pressure in the lungs causes air to
enter the lungs. Exhaling __________
theses steps.
This a diagram of Ventilation.
Also see website to see in action:
Ok, so now you know how your
respiratory system works. But lets
review just to be sure.
Use this information to fill in your
diagram of the respiratory system.