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The Human Body System
By: Haylee Seville
The Circulatory System
The Circulatory System Is One Of the Five
Systems In the Human Body. The Circulatory
System (Just Like All The Other Systems)
Has A Certain Job To Do, In My Opinion The
Circulatory System Has The Biggest Job Of
All The Systems. The Circulatory System’s
Job Is To Get Food To All Of the Cells In The
Body, This System Is Made Up Of The Heart,
The Blood, And Tubes Or What We Call
Blood Vessels. This System Transports The
Food, And Oxygen Your Cells Need. It Also
takes Away Wastes.
The Functions Of, The Heart, The
Blood, And The Blood Vessels
Like Other Systems The Heart, Blood, And The Blood Vessels, (Otherwise Known As The
Circulatory System),
All Have Functions.The Function Of the Heart Is To Pump The Blood (Which Carry
Oxygen And Nutrients) To All Of The Cells In The Body. The Heart Is Divided Or Split
Into Two Sides On One Side You Have The, Right Ventricle And Right Atrium, On the Left
Side You have The Left Ventricle And Left Atrium. The right Side is like A separate Pump If
You Like, A Pump that Sends Blood In A Certain Direction, Same with The left.
The Function Of The Blood Is To Give Oxygen And Nutrients To All The Cells In The Body
Then It Collects The Carbon Dioxide. There Are several Parts To Your Blood, There’s The
White Blood Cells The red Blood Cells, The Plasma, And The Platelets, Each Of these have
A Different Function Also, Here’s A Quick Summary Of There Jobs, the White Blood Cells
Are Like The Army Of The Body They Fight bacteria And germs That Invade your Body,
The Red Blood Cells Carry Oxygen To Your Blood, The Plasma Moves The Food From
Your Digestive System To The Rest Of The Cells In Your Body, And Lastly The Platelets Job
Is Too Clot Up The Skin Around Your Cut To Form A Scab.
The Circulatory System Uses The Blood Vessels To Reach the Cells In Your Body. There
Are Three Kinds Of Blood Vessels In Your Body Arteries, Capillaries, And Veins. Arteries
Carry Blood From Your Heart To Other parts Of Your Body, Capillaries Are the Smallest
Of Blood Vessels The Walls Of The Capillaries Walls Are Only One Cell Thick That Means
That gases Can Pass Right Through The Walls So Oxygen Is a gas And It Passes Right
Through The Capillaries To Reach All The Other Parts Of Your Body, And The Veins
Transport Blood From Cells Back To the Heart.
The Respiratory System
The Respiratory System Is The second Of
Five Systems In the Human Body. The
Respiratory System’s Job Is To Carry
Gases From The Air To Your Blood. There
Are Eight Parts To the Respiratory
System, The Heart, the Diaphragm, The
Voice Box, the Windpipe, The Lungs, The
Aorta, The Bronchiole, And The Vocal
The Functions Of the Eight Parts Of
The Respiratory System
The Eight Parts To The Respiratory System Have Functions To Them, The Functions Of Both The
Vocal Cord, And Voice Box Are Working Together In There Functions,When You Breathe The Air
Goes To The Back Of Your Throat And Into The Voice Box. Two Vocal Cords Stretch Across the
Voice Box. The Sound Of Your Voice is The Sound Of The Vocal Cords Vibrating As You Breathe.
The Function Of the Windpipe Is To Move Air From The Voice Box To the Lungs. The Function
Of The Bronchioles Is, To Carry The Air Through The Bronchioles Which Are Small Tubes.
The Function Of the Diaphragm Is To Flatten Out And Move Down So Air Can Enter The Lungs.
The Function Of The Lungs Is When You Breathe The Air Must Reach the Lungs Because the
Lungs Keep All The Oxygen And Sends It To All The Other Cells That Need Oxygen Then It Lets
Out The Carbon Dioxide, And The Carbon Dioxide is Released Into the Air When You Exhale.
The Function Of The Heart Is To Pump Blood To All Of the Cells In The Body.
The Function Of the Aorta Is To Transport Blood Full Of Oxygen Away From The Heart.
The Digestive System
The Digestive System Is Three Of Five
Systems In the Human Body, The Purpose
Of The Digestive System Is To Break
Down The Food You Eat Before The Cells
Can Use It. There Are Six parts To The
Digestive System, The Windpipe, The
Esophagus, The Epiglottis, The Salivary
Glands, The Tongue, And Lastly The Teeth.
The Functions Of The Six Parts To
The Digestive System
The Function Of the Windpipe Is To Move Air From Your Voice Box To The Lungs.
The Function Of the Esophagus Is To Move Food From the Mouth To the Stomach.
The Function Of the Epiglottis Is To Move To Cover Your Windpipe When You
Swallow just To make Sure That Your Food Goes Down Your Esophagus Into the
Stomach Instead Of Down Your Windpipe Into The Lungs The Function Of The
Salivary Glands Is To Use The Chemicals That It Contains To Break Down The Food.
The Function Of The Tongue is To use The Nerves That It Has To Send Messages Of
taste To the Brain. The Function Of The Teeth Is To Tear Apart Your Food Before You
Swallow Otherwise You Would Choke, Food Always Has many Ways Of Getting
Broken Down.
The Skeletal System
The Skeletal System Is Made Up Of The
Basically The Skeleton, Now The Skeleton
Is The Foundation Of the Body. It Gives
Us Support, Stability, Protection, And
Shape. The Skeletal System Is Made Up
Of The Cranium, The Clavicle, The Spinal
Column, The Rib Cage, The Pelvis, The
Scapula, The Cartilage, And The Spinal
The Functions Of The Eight, Parts
To the Skeletal System
The Skeletal System (As You Already probably Know) has eight Parts To It, And Here Are There
The Function Of The Cranium Is, To Cover the Brain With It’s Very Hard Shell.
The Function Of The Clavicle Is, To Attach To the Rib Cage And Become The Collar Bones
(Otherwise Known As The Clavicle),
The Function Of the Pelvis Is To, Protect The Lower Abdomen.
The Function Of the scapula Is, To Attach To The Clavicles With It’s Two triangular Bones That
Are On the Back, And Form What We Call the Scapula.
The Function Of The Spinal Column Is, To Be The Major Support Structure Of the Skeleton.
The Function Of the Rib Cage Is, To Protect The Heart, And Lungs From Injuries.
The Function Of The Cartilage Is, To Cover Bone Ends, And Joints.
The Function Of The Spinal Cord Is, The main Nerve To Connect the Brain To The Rest Of The
The Nervous System
The Nervous System’s Job is To, Be The
Control Center Of The Body, It Is MADE
Up Of The Brain, The Spinal Cord And A
Huge Network Of Nerves.
The Functions Of The Brain, And
The Spinal Cord.
The Function Of The Brain is To,
Coordinate All Of Your Actions And
Reactions, Without This You Would Not
Exist. And The Function Of the Spinal
Cord Is To Hold You Upright Or Erect
Without It You Would Be Like A Puddle
On the Floor. The Functions Of the Cells