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SS(Q)S Method
Using Quotations
Why do you need quotes in your essay?
In literary analysis you need to use quotations to
support your thesis.
You can strengthen your argument by using
quotations whenever and wherever they directly
support a point.
In order to use quotes, you cannot just “throw” your
quotes into the paragraph; you must incorporate
them correctly.
Using Quotations
SSS method of incorporating quotes
S = speaker
S = situation
(Q) = quote
S = Significance
SS(Q)S Method
When Romeo decides to break into the
Capulet’s tomb to see Juliet, and he explains how
much he still loves her, he states, “Death that hath
sucked the honey of thy breath, hath had no power
yet upon thy beauty” (1094). Romeo’s love for
Juliet runs so deeply that he is willing to break into
her tomb to verify the unfathomable news of her
death. Shakespeare personifies death in this scene
to convey the unwavering love Romeo has for Juliet,
as even death does not skew her beauty in his eyes.
SS(Q)S Method
When Romeo decides to break into the
Capulet’s tomb to see Juliet, and he explains how
much he still lovers her, he states, “Death that hath
sucked the honey of thy breath, hath had no power
yet upon thy beauty” (1094). Romeo’s love for
Juliet runs so deeply that he is willing to break into
her tomb to verify the unfathomable news of her
death. Shakespeare personifies death in this scene
to convey the unwavering love Romeo has for Juliet,
as even death does not skew her beauty in his eyes.
SS(Q)S Method
Speaker – who is saying the quote
Situation – what is going on at the time the quote is
being said
Quote – your concrete detail to support your thesis
Significance – how the quote proves your thesis
 Do not say:
 “The
significance of this quote is…”
 “This quote means…”
 “This quote proves…”
Do say:
 Jump
right into your analysis by just explaining what
the quote means
 Your significance may be 1-2 sentences in length
Another example is when Juliet is about to kill
herself, she states, “This is the sheath there rust, and
let me die” (1098). Love affected Juliet’s decision
because she killed herself out of her all consuming
love for Romeo. Without Romeo, Juliet loses her will
to live.
Another example is when Juliet is about to
kill herself, she states, “This is the sheath there
rust, and let me die” (1098). Love affected
Juliet’s decision because she killed herself out
of her all consuming love for Romeo. Without
Romeo, Juliet loses her will to live.
SS(Q)S Method
In order to have a fully developed body
paragraph your paragraph should have the
Topic Sentence
Concluding Sentence (optional)
MLA Style
When using the name of the play, italicize the title.
Double space, 12 point - Times New Roman
Include a title – not the title of the play; that has
been used already
Please use the correct MLA heading
Your Name
Mrs. Schultz
Honors English 10
24 October 2011
MLA Citations of Quotations
How do you cite quotations using MLA format?
For this particular essay, the only item you will need
in your parenthesis is page numbers because all
quotes are from the same source.
Punctuation comes AFTER the citation (parenthesis)
 Exceptions
– if the quote ends with a question mark or
exclamation point, include the punctuation and then
place a period after the parenthesis
MLA Style
Include a header in the top right corner of your
paper which includes your last name and the page
Use 1inch margins throughout the paper.