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The Disk-Jet Connection:
A Universal Picture for Protostellar Jets
Ralph Pudritz
McMaster University
Western Workshop: From Protostellar Disks
to Planetary Systems
1. Theory of disk winds
2. Numerical simulations – disks as jet engines
3. Coupled disk-jet evolution
4. Disks and outflows during gravitational collapse
5. Jets and star-disk interaction
Collaborators: Robi Banerjee (pdf), Sean Matt (pdf),
Rachid Ouyed (U. Calgary), Conrad
Rogers (summer student),
Major Advances in the field:
- High resolution spectro-imaging of jets
- Computational advances – large class of
new solutions
- Disk/Jet paradigm being uncovered in
massive stars & brown dwarfs.
(Reviews; eg. Pudritz 2003, Les Houches; and Pudritz et al , 2006, PPV)
Points of Principle:
1. Jets and disks are coupled: (in large measure,
operation of a disk wind for observed jets)
- outflow rate scales with accretion rate
- jet rotation and angular momentum extraction
from disk measured
2. Universality: jet production mechanism same from disks from brown dwarfs to massive stars
(eg. massive stars: Konigl 1999)
Jets harness accretion power in all systems, from
extended disk down to stellar surface..
1. Evidence for jet/disk coupling: (i) jet rotation
(Bacciotti et al 2003, Coffey et al 2004, Pesenti et al
jet rotation, 110 AU from source, at 6-15 km/sec
Footpoints for launch of jet *extended over disk
surface* (Anderson et al 2003) LV originates from
disk region: 0.3-4.0 AU
(ii) accretion and jet mass loss rates coupled (wide
variety of systems (eg. Hartmann et al 1998)
M w / M a  0.1
2. Evidence for universality: CO flows
Measure thrust
in swept-up CO;
 250( Lbol / 103 L ) 0.3
Lbol / c
(Cabrit &
 Correlation works
for both low and
high mass stars
For 391 outflows: Wu et al (2004) same index
I. Theory of disk winds
Blandford & Payne (1982; BP), Pelletier & Pudritz (1992)
Conservation laws in steady, axisymmetric flow:
1. Conservation of mass and magnetic flux
v p
d Mw
 const
* Function k is mass load, per unit time, per unit
magnetic flux - requires input physics.
The way that an accretion disk mass loads field
lines at each disk radius plays critical role in jet
The toroidal field in rotating flows
- from induction equation:
B 
(v  r o )
 0 = ang. velocity at mid-plane of disk
Strength of toroidal field:
- depends on mass loading : stronger
toroidal field for smaller k
inertial effect
- mass load has an important effect on the
collimation and variability of jets (Ouyed &
Pudritz 1999, MNRAS; Anderson et al 2005)
2. Angular momentum conservation:
* Angular momentum per unit mass conserved
along each field line (depends on mass load)
l  (rv 
)  const
Regular behaviour of flow through “critical
(Alfven) point” on field line;
mA  v p / v A  1
l  o rA  (rA / ro ) lo
- Angular momentum is extracted from rotor
3. Energy conservation: Bernoulli theorem - energy
conserved along each field line
Terminal speed – (i) scales with depth of gravitational
potential well at point of launch;
(ii) has “onion-like” kinematic structure:
v  2 o rA  (rA / ro )vesc,o
1/ 2
Use conservation laws (Anderson et al 2003) to
deduce point of origin of outflow from disk from
j  e   ol  const
observed disk rotation profile
  o  v p , /( 2v , r )
Angular momentum extraction from disk:
- assume thin disk, neglect viscosity
- angular momentum flow due to external torque
of threading field:
- after vertical integration:
d (ro v )
 ro B Bz |ro , H
Disk angular momentum equation (Pudritz & Norman 1986,
Pelletier & Pudritz 1992):
M a  [rA (ro ) / ro ] M w
Accretion and ejection coupled through magnetic
torque exerted on disk
Lever arm: rA (ro ) / ro  3 (numerics) and
observations (Anderson et al 2003): 1.8 – 2.6 for
DG Tau)
Disk angular momentum equation (Pudritz &
Norman 1986, Pelletier & Pudritz 1992):
M w / M a  0.1
Jet Collimation
Collimation of flows – force balance perpendicular to field line
a every point (eg. Heyvaerts 2003)
Hoop-stress provided by toroidal field:
FLorentz,r  J z B
Current carried by a jet – depends on mass load!
I (r , z )  2  J z (r , z )dr   (c / 2)rB (r , z )
Cylindrical collimation (Heyvaerts & Norman 1987) if:
lim I (r )  0
r 
If current finited – then Parabolic collimation (ie wide-angle)
Jet collimation depends on mass loading through
toroidal field (PRO):
- Gradually decreasing field (BP): collimated jet
- Steeply decreasing field (eg. monopolar): wide
angle outflow
Models: 1. jet-driven bow-shock
(Raga & Cabrit 1993, Masson & Chernin 1993)?
2. wide-angle wind-driven, X-wind
(Shu et al 2000, Li & Shu 1996)?
- Both types observed (eg. Lee et al 2000)
II. Numerical simulations – disks as jet engines
Underlying accretion disk provides fixed
boundary conditions for jet – check physics of
*ejection, acceleration, collimation, stability*
eg. Ustyugova et al (1995), Ouyed et al (Nature
1997), Ouyed & Pudritz (1997a,b, 1999),
Romanova et al (1997), Meir et al (1997),
Krasnopolsky et al (1999),…
Krasnopolsky et al (1999)
- treatment near outflow axis:
core “jet” – no equilibrium
- cold gas – pressure small
- constant density maintained
at disk boundary
Outflow from initial split –monopole initial field:
Poloidal field and velocities
isodensity contours
Beta = 1; flow not collimated
Romanova et al (1997)
Mass loading controls jet collimation (Pudritz, Rogers, &
Ouyed, 2005, PRO)
- assume power-law disk field:
Bz (ro ,0)  bro
 1
potential;   0
Pelletier-Pudritz   1 / 2 yet steeper
This prescribes mass loadings:
 o v p ,o
1 
 ro
B p ,o
 ro ,
3 / 4
1 / 2
1 / 4
  1 / 4
  3 / 4
Last 2 give wideangle disk wind
Initial Magnetic Field Configurations
1. Potential
  0.0
2. Blandford-Payne
  0.25
3. Pelletier-Pudritz
  0.5
4. yet steeper..
  0.75
Potential: poloidal field
poloidal field
poloidal field
-0.75: poloidal field
BP: Poloidal velocity field
-0.75: poloidal velocity vectors
Collimation better for shallow slope in B p
Collimation due to hoop stress
Dense jet near axis in all models
- low density, wide-angle outflow from larger
radii for steeper distribution
- Shu et al (1994), Romanova et al (1996) as
limiting cases – they are highly concentrated
fields that should give wide-angle flow…
3D simulation
of jet from
vertical field
accretion disk
- Find
saturation of
are stable!
(Ouyed, Clarke
& Pudritz 2003)
Universality – applications of disk winds:
1. Protoplanetary jets: Jovian planets accrete from circumplanetary subdisk (eg. Kley et al 2001):
M Planet  6 10 M Jup yr 1
Fendt (2003) – disk wind model for planetary outflows
- T up to 2000K: good coupling of field - feasible
- Outflow of order escape speed: 60 km/sec
(X-wind model: Quilling & Trilling 1998)
2. Massive YSO jets: precede radiative driven outflows
( Banerjee & Pudritz 2006, in prep.)
- Disk winds many punch hole in envelop - allowing radiation to
escape ( Krumholz et al 2004)
III. Coupled Disk-Jet Evolution
Self-consistent mass loading, magnetic field, etc. –
requires disk-jet interaction.
Questions: launch mechanism? Origin of disk field?
Disk and jet evolution both simulated
- Non-equilibrium system: Uchida & Shibata (1985),
pioneering simulations…
- Stone & Norman (1994), Bell & Lucek (1995),
Tomisaka (1999), Kudoh et al (2002), Casse &
Keppens (2002), von Rekowski & Brandenburg
How are jets actually
Magnetic field squeezes
matter towards disk
plane below concave
region: pushes matter
upwards in convex
Change of curvature
because accretion
drags field lines inward
diffusivity in disk –
ideal MHD in jet
Ferreira (1997)
Best fit,
solution that is better
match to
observations: warm
outflow (Casse &
Ferreira 2002) – a
disk corona involved?
  h(ro ) / ro  0.1
m 
  d ln M a / d ln ro  0.004
Casse & Keppens 2004
Disk and stellar wind (von Rekowski & Brandenburg
2004) – B field generation through dynamo action
Interaction of stellar
magnetosphere and
dynamo generated
disk field:
For standard case
(1KGauss stellar field)
Fast, centrifugally
driven disk wind to 240
- Highly episodic
accretion onto central
star; averaging:
M  2 10 7 M  / yr
Purely dynamo
Mass loading
effect? Need
for ambient
field too?
von Reskowski & Brandenburg 2004
Direct detection of disk
magnetic field in FU Ori:
Uses high res,
Zeeman measurements.
1kG at 0.05 AU – far too
strong to be stellar dipole
a.Unpolarized disk profile
(solid); Kepler speed of 65
km/sec at 0.05AU (dotdash)
b. Zeeman signature (top);
with antisymm and symm
components (middle,
Donati et al, 2005, Nature
IV. Disks and outflows during gravitational collapse
MHD simulations of collapsing, magnetized B-E
spheres (FLASH AMR MHD code)
(Misaligned B and rotation axis rapidly align
Matsumoto & Tomisaka 2004)
Initial conditions as in hydro; except for addition
of additional, uniform, magnetic field:  = 84 on
Low mass model:
M = 2.1 solar masses,
R = 12,500 AU,
T = 16K; free-fall time 67,000 yr.
(Banerjee & Pudritz 2006; ApJ)
  6.5
t ff  0.4
Onset of large scale outflow:
100 AU scales… magnetic tower flow
(eg. Lynden-Bell ..)
Jets as disk winds (Pudritz & Norman 1986):
- launch inside 0.07 AU
(separated by 5 month interval)
- jets rotate and carry off angular momentum of disk
- spin of protostellar core at this early time?
3D Visualization of
field lines, disk, and
- Upper; magnetic
tower flow
- Lower; zoomed in by
1000, centrifugally
driven disk wind
Physical quantities across disk. Note, stellar
fossil field of 3000G, Hiyashi law for disk column
Collapse of massive core, all coolants included; launch of outflow
(Banerjee & Pudritz 2006, in prep)
V. Jets and star-disk interaction
Field lines beyond
Rco: shear and
inflate; disconnect
from star –
feeds flux into
disk to become
disk-wind field
(eg. Fendt &
Elstner, 2000)
Romanova et al (2002)
Magnetosphere; funnel flow onto star – what cancels
the spin-up torque?
 accrete  M a (vK ,t rt )
- disk-locking (Konigl 1991),
- X-wind (Shu et al 1994)
- accretion powered, stellar wind (Matt &
Pudritz, 2005 ApJ)
Accretion powered stellar wind (Matt & Pudritz,
ApJL, 2005): operates even for rather weak stellar
Numerical work
shows dipolar lines
- MHD wind
maintains stellar
spin at small values
through accretion
powered wind
 w   M w * R (rA / R* ) 2
Conclusions - theory and simulations converge
- magnetized, rotating collapse produces
central object + disk + jet
- jets feed on accretion power
- reflects jets transport of angular
- planetary  O star outflows