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EEEE 381 – Electronics I
Lab #5: Two-Stage CMOS Op-Amp
In this lab we will expand on the work done in Lab #4, which introduced the actively-loaded
differential pair. A second stage that is comprised of an actively-loaded PMOS common-source
amplifier will be added to the differential amplifier from Lab #4. The result is a two-stage
complementary MOS (CMOS) amplifier, the CMOS designation referring to the fact that both
NMOS and PMOS transistors are used.
A generic multi-stage amplifier having N stages is shown in Figure 1. The individual stages could
be MOS- or BJT-based, and they could be single-transistor stages (like common source),
compound transistor stages (like a differential amplifier), or a mix of any of the foregoing. A
common theory applies for determining the voltage of the overall multi-stage amplifier irrespective
of the individual stage types.
Note that stage k has an input resistance, Rin(k) . For stages 1, 2, …, k, …, (N–1), the load on stage
k is the input resistance of the next stage, Rin(k+1) . For stage N, the load is the actual load, shown
as RL. The gain through any given stage depends on its load.
Rin(k+1) Rin(N)
vo1 = vi2
Figure 1. Generic multi-stage amplifier
Electronics I – EEEE 381 — Lab #5: Two-Stage CMOS Op-Amp — Rev 2017
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Teaching Assistants — Office: 09-3248
Designating the voltage gain through stage k as Av k  
vo ( k )
vi ( k )
, the gain of the overall amplifier is
calculated as the product of the individual stage gains:
Av 
  Av ( k ) .
vi1 k 1
In the event where the signal source vsig itself has some associated resistance Rsig, the overall gain
is given by:
 Rin(1)
 N
  Av ( k ) ,
Gv  o  
v sig  Rin(1)  Rsig  k 1
where the factor that precedes the product of the individual stage gains represents the voltage
division that occurs between Rsig and the input resistance of the first stage, Rin(1).
The small-signal output resistance for a MOSFET operating in the saturation region is given by
ro  1
I D  where is a technology-dependent parameter for a given channel length. Note that
ro varies inversely with the DC bias current. The value of  for each transistor can be determined
by measuring the output resistance at a given bias point, as was done in Lab #2.
Channel-length modulation increases the magnitude of the drain current in a MOSFET above its
first-order saturation value that is given by
kn W
L V  V 2
I Dsat 
for an NMOS device. When the effect of channel-length modulation is included, the more accurate
calculation of the drain current is given by
 
 
 k n W
L V
GS  VtN  1  nVDS  for NMOS
 2
I Dsat  
 p L
VSG  VtP 2 1   pVSD for PMOS
 
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A two-stage CMOS amplifier is shown in Figure 2. The first stage is an actively-loaded differential
amplifier comprised of M1 – M4. It is biased using the M6 current source. The second stage is a
PMOS common-source amplifier (M7). Transistor M8 provides bias current for M7 and functions
as an active load on M7. The RD7 and RD8 resistors can be used to center the DC output voltage at
0 V (only one of them is needed; the other one should be 0  — i.e., omitted). (Channel-length
modulation would have to be taken into account if calculating the DC voltage at the output by
+5 V
10 
1 k 100 F
51 
1 kz
100 F
20 k
RS = 200 
Figure 2. Two-stage CMOS amplifier
Assume the following parameters for the CD4007 devices: Vtn| = 1.4 V, Vtp= -1.6 V,
kn = 60 A/V2, k p = 23 A/V2, W for NMOS = 170u, L=10u, W for PMOS = 360u, L=10u,
n =0.01 and p =0.02
 Design the two-stage amplifier to meet two specifications:
(1) The overall small-signal gain, |Av|  vo / vid  240 V/V (47.6 dB).
(2) The DC output voltage at the node between M7 and M8 = 0 V  0.1 V;
Your calculated value of R must be rounded to a standard 10% resistor value, then the actual
small-signal gain must be re-calculated. Set RD7 = RD8 = 0 Ω in your initial design.
***** There is not a unique design solution *****
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 Calculate the minimum value of Vcom (a DC value) that is needed to ensure proper operation of
the differential amplifier (i.e., all transistors in saturation). (Since the lower power supply is –
5 V, it is possible that Vcom could be negative.)
 Simulate the circuit and compare the simulation results to your hand calculations. Explain any
discrepancies, re-design if necessary, and adjust RD7 or RD8 to center your DC output voltage to
0 V. Use standard 10% values for RD7 or RD8.
 Calculate the output resistance of M8 (Rout8) and the output resistance Rout of the overall
Lab Exercise
Using three CD4007 packages, build the circuit in Figure 3. (The pin diagram for the CD4007
package is shown in Figure 4.) Measure the “10 ” resistor yourself and record the actual
resistance prior to inserting it in the circuit. The 51 Ω resistance (shown as a standard 5%
resistor value) can be implemented as two 100 Ω resistors in parallel. The 51 Ω /1 kΩ voltage
divider provides a controllably small vid in order that the voltage swing at the output vo is still in
the linear range of amplification — i.e., to ensure that none of the MOSFETs are driven out of
+5 V
10 
1 k 100 F
51 
1 kz
100 F
20 k
RS = 200 
Figure 3. Two-stage CMOS amplifier with scaled signal generator differential input.
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Note that all NMOS body connections (pin 7) go to the lowest supply (–VSS). Since we are
using a separate chip for M1 and M2 from the one for M5 and M6, we could eliminate body effect
in M1 and M2 by connecting their bodies directly to their sources. However, that is not realistic
because all the NMOS bodies are common in an integrated circuit, tied to the lowest potential in
the circuit (not always true). (Also, all the PMOS substrates (bodies) are common, tied to the
highest potential in the circuit.) The substrate (pin 14) of the PMOS device must be connected
to the most positive supply voltage (VDD).
Apply power to VDD before connecting the input signal. Remove the input signal before
disconnecting power. Make sure you are grounded before touching the pins of the CD4007
MOSFET package.
1) Verify that the M6 current source is sinking approximately the designed amount of current
from the differential amplifier. This can most easily be accomplished by measuring the
voltage drop across the “10 ” resistor and dividing by the actual measured resistance that
you recorded earlier while building the circuit.
2) A small-signal differential input must be applied. Note that the signal generator connection
in Figure 3 is superimposed on the DC common mode voltage supply Vcom (use the power
supply’s variable +6 V output for Vcom). Set Vcom = 0 V initially. It will be adjusted in step
(3) below. The output vsig from the signal generator has been scaled so that the input to the
differential amplifier can be adjusted to about vid = 5 mV. Set the signal generator vsig to a
sine wave of 1 kHz frequency and 100 mV amplitude. Make sure that the signal
generator is in “High–Z” mode.
3) A common-mode DC supply must be provided in addition to the differential signal to bias
the amplifier in the linear operating region (all transistors in saturation). Place a scope on
the output signal node (vo) and carefully adjust the Vcom DC supply from zero volts until
you see an undistorted sine wave on the display. Compare this value of Vcom to the value
calculated in your pre-lab preparations.
Caution: You must get Vcom up to a point where the transistors are operating properly —
i.e., in saturation. It is not sufficient to merely get a response at the output node. (You will
get a response as soon as there is some current flowing. You will also see amplification of
the differential input signal, albeit distorted.) You must get Vcom up the point where your
current source is operating properly — i.e., at the designed current level. All your results
will be invalid if this is not done properly. If Vcom is too low, M6 will not be in saturation.
You must monitor the current in M6 and verify that you are getting the desired current.
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4) Measure the DC output voltage at the node between M7 and M8. Add RD7 OR RD8 (not
both) to adjust it to 0 V  0.1 V.
5) Measure the differential mode voltage gain of the amplifier in Figure 3 for an input signal
of vid = 5 mV at 1 kHz.
N.B.: The two-stage CMOS amplifier of Figures 2 and 3 will be used in Lab #6, so you may
wish to keep it assembled once you have it working properly.
Summary and Discussion
Summary of questions to be addressed:
• Is the value of Vcom obtained in part (3) of the lab exercise consistent with the value you
calculated in your pre-lab preparations?
• What is the differential-mode voltage gain at 1 kHz? Is it consistent with your pre-lab
• What discrepancies have you noted in your lab measurements compared to your calculated
values? How can you account for any observed differences?
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Appendix A — PSPICE Instructions
Please refer to the following for assistance in modifying the MbreakN MOSFET model. You
also need to modify the MbreakP model similarly see the spice model above for values for W, L,
NRD, and NRS.
We want to place the MbreakN Schematic symbol on our schematic then edit and display the
properties to represent the CD4007 transistors. We also want to change the name of the spice
Model from MbreakN to RIT4007N7.
Right Click on the transistor and select “Edit
Properties”, Pivot, Display, Apply
Finally, we want to let PSPICE know where to find the text
file that has the SPICE MODEL in it. That is done by editing
the PSPICE simulation profile. Under the Configuration
Files Tab, select Include, and then Browse to the Location of
the file where the SPICE model is. (Note: you should have
already placed the text file that has the RIT4007N7 SPICE
model in it on your computer in some location)
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Appendix A — SPICE Instructions
Please refer to the following for assistance in modifying the MbreakN MOSFET so that it
represents the NMOS FETs in the CD4007 chip.
We want to place the MbreakN Schematic symbol on our schematic then edit and display the
properties to represent the CD4007 transistors. We also want to change the name of the spice
Model from MbreakN to RIT4007N7.
Right Click on the transistor and select “Edit
Properties”, Pivot, Display, Apply
Finally, we want to let SPICE know where to find the text
file that has the SPICE MODEL in it. That is done by editing
the SPICE simulation profile. Under the Configuration
Files Tab, select Include, and then Browse to the Location of
the file where the SPICE model is. (Note: you should have
already placed the text file that has the RIT4007N7 SPICE
model in it on your computer in some location)
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*and also at:
*----------------------------------------------------------------------*Used in Electronics II for CD4007 inverter chip
*Note: Properties L=10u W=170u Ad=8500p As=8500p Pd=440u Ps=440u NRD=0.059 NRS=0.059
+TOX=4E-8 XJ=2.9E-7 NCH=4E15 NSUB=5.33E15 XT=8.66E-8
+VTH0=1.4 U0= 1300 WINT=2.0E-7 LINT=1E-7
+NGATE=5E20 RSH=300 JS=3.23E-8 JSW=3.23E-8 CJ=6.8E-8 MJ=0.5 PB=0.95
+CJSW=1.26E-10 MJSW=0.5 PBSW=0.95 PCLM=5
+CGSO=3.4E-10 CGDO=3.4E-10 CGBO=5.75E-10)
*Used in Electronics II for CD4007 inverter chip
*Note: Properties L=10u W=360u Ad=18000p As=18000p Pd=820u Ps=820u NRS=0.027 NRD=0.027
+TOX=5E-8 XJ=2.26E-7 NCH=1E15 NSUB=8E14 XT=8.66E-8
+VTH0=-1.65 U0= 400 WINT=1.0E-6 LINT=1E-6
+NGATE=5E20 RSH=1347 JS=3.51E-8 JSW=3.51E-8 CJ=5.28E-8 MJ=0.5 PB=0.94
+CJSW=1.19E-10 MJSW=0.5 PBSW=0.94 PCLM=5
+CGSO=4.5E-10 CGDO=4.5E-10 CGBO=5.75E-10)
These are two of the several SPICE models in the text file “RIT_SPICE_Models.txt” provided on
the lab webpage. You should download the entire text file and place it on your computer. You can
include all the models by telling SPICE the location of the downloaded file as shown on the page
above (page 8). SPICE will actually only use the models called for by the devices in your
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Enlarged CD4007 Pin Out
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Check-Off Sheet
A. Pre-Lab
 Design of the two-stage amplifier to achieve small-signal voltage gain and DC output
voltage specifications: determination of R, RD7, and RD8.
 Calculation of output resistances of M8 and the overall amplifier.
 Calculation of the minimum acceptable value of Vcom.
 PSPICE simulation of the overall amplifier; comparison to hand calculations.
B. Experimental
 Two-stage amplifier built and tested: verification of designed current amount in current
source; determination of Vcom level needed for proper operation; measurement of
differential-mode gain.
TA Signature: ____________________________ Date: ___________________________
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