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Hypothetical Translation Project
Human Resources
• Project Manager (handles the whole project, the
communication among the different parties involved in it
and sets up the translation project, TMs and TBs)
• Terminologist (extracts both the source and target language
terms and add terms to the termbase)
• Translator (translates the text and post-edit it after the
reviewer gets back to him/her with his/her feedback)
• Reviewer (knows both the Source and Target languages and
makes sure the target text is faithful to the original)
• Proof-reader (does not need to know the Target language
and checks the translation for fluency and grammar errors.
Hypothetical Translation Project
• Your group gets hired to translate a 30,000 word-long
• The terminoligist is asked to extract the terminology
from the source text, find the target language
equivalents and add these terms in a termbase. The
total amount of specialized terminology that s/he will
in the end extract from the source text is expected to
be approximately 40 terms.
• The project is handed to the project manager on
September 30th and needs to be completed no later
than October 30th
Duration metrics
• Project Manager (n/a)
• Terminologist = 4 words per hour (source and
target language equivalents)
• Translator = 850 words per hour
• Reviewer = 1,400 words per hour
• Proof-reader = 3,000 words per hour
Cost Metrics
• Project Manager = 13 % of the total project
• Terminologist = $ 35/hour
• Translator = $ 0.12/word
• Reviewer = $ 0.06/word (usually half the
translator’s rate)
• Proof-reader = $ 0.03/word (usually one third
or fourth of the translator’s rate)
How much will the whole project cost?
Terminologist = 40/4 * $ 35 = $ 350
Translator = 30,000 * $ 0.12 = $ 3,600
Reviewer = 30,000 * $ 0.06 = $ 1,800
Proof-reader = 30,000 * $ 0.03 = $ 900
Total = $ 6,650
Project Manager = 13 % of $ 6650 = $ 864.5
• Total cost of project = 6650 + 864.5 = $ 7,514.5