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Skeletal and
muscular systems 4
Weight training
And sports 5
vocab 1
And prevention 2
Final Jeopardy
1 - $100
What muscles do you have control over?
1 - $200
Blood vessels that carry blood away from the
heart to various parts of the body
1 - $300
What are veins
Blood vessels carry blood from all parts of the
body back to the heart.
1 - $400
What is fitness
Being able to handle physical work and play
each day without getting over tired
1 - $500
Name the 3 sides of the health triangle and 3
benefits of physical activity for each side of the
health triangle
Physical- manage weight, sleep better, builds and
maintains bones and muscles
Mental- more relaxed, improves attitude, cuts down on
Social- meet more people, create friendships, share
2 - $100
What is a warm up and a cool down.
Warm up gets heart rate up and ready for
activity, cool down slows heart rate down and
lets body adjust back to normal.
2 - $200
What are the 5 elements of physical fitness?
Muscle endurance, cardiovascular endurance,
strength, flexibility, body composition.
2 - $300
What is the F.I.T.T formula?
Frequency, intensity, time and type
2 - $400
What is the difference between aerobic and
anaerobic exercise? And provide examples of
Aerobic -Activity that uses large amounts of
oxygen, (swimming, long distance running)
anaerobic- builds muscle but does not use large
amounts of oxygen (lifting weights)
2 - $500
What is the target heart rate for someone who is
the age of 30. Show ALL of your work!
220-30= 190 (MHR)
 190x.6= 114
 190x.8=152
 Range: 114-152
3 - $100
What is a concussion?
A brain injury, usually results from a blow to the
3 - $200
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3 - $300
What is a stress fracture
A small fracture caused by repeated strain on a
3 - $400
What is a dislocation?
A major injury that happens when a bone is
forced form its normal position within a joint.
3 - $500
When should you use the P.R.I.C.E procedure,
and define each letter.
When a muscle is stiff or feels painful, Protect,
Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate
4 - $100
How many bones are found in a human body?
4 - $200
What is the skeletal system?
The framework of bones and other tissues that
supports the body.
4 - $300
How many muscles are in the human body?
More than 600
4 - $400
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4 - $500
Which of the following is a type of connecting
tissue and what do they join/hold
 Joints, tendons, ligaments, cartliage.
Tendons-connecting tissue that joins muscles to
bones and muscles to muscles
 Ligaments- connecting tissue that holds bones to
other bones at the joint.
5 - $100
what is conditioning
Training to get into shape for physical activity or
a sport.
5 - $200
What is overworking?
Conditioning too hard or too often without
enough rest between sessions
5 - $300
What is dehydration, what does it cause and
how do you prevent it.
The excessive loss of water from the body, can
cause muscle cramps and heat stroke, drink
water before, during and after the game
5 - $400
List 3 benefits of weight training
Tones muscles, strengthens bones and helps
manage weight (speeds metabolism)
5 - $500
Why should athletes eat a variety of foods each
day? List some examples of good carbs and bad
To get enough fuel for energy (supplies the
nutrients they need) Do eat: wheat bread,
wheat pasta, potatos, whole grain rice Don’t
eat: cookies, cake, white bread etc.
Final Jeopardy
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