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Ringing Magnetic Stars
A colloquium at the
University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, BC
Many stars - including the sun - have magnetic
fields, and many - including the sun - ring
with sound waves. Why do stars ring?
What, if anything, do magnetic fields have to
do with the ringing? What light does this
shed on the lives of stars and life on Earth?
Dr. E.J. Zita, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA
• Which stars ring?
• How can we tell?
• What do sound waves
look like in stars?
• Why do stars ring?
• How do magnetic
fields affect ringing?
• Who is studying these
Which stars ring?
The Sun
“5-minute oscillations”
Peculiar A stars
“mHz p-modes”
Diagrams courtesy of NASA and SIMBAD (DO Eri), sounds from Stanford
How can we tell they ring?
Doppler shifts on the
surface of the Sun ...
reveal expanding and
contracting gas.
Diagrams courtesy of JCD and D.W.Kurtz, 1990
Luminosity fluctuations
in peculiar A stars ...
reveal changes in shape of
slowly rotating stars.
What do sound waves look like?
Short-wavelength p-modes
checker the Sun’s surface
and interior
Movies courtesy of Hathaway and Kawaler (WET)
Long-wavelength p-modes
distort the surface of
peculiar A stars
Why do stars ring?
Convection compresses the
photosphere and rings the
Sun’s surface
Diagram courtesy of JCD
Peculiar A stars ring
but not due to convection!
Magnetosonic waves in roAp stars
The twisted magnetic field B
and creates a perpendicular
electric field E...
… an ExB drift compresses
the plasma
driving sound waves vr.
How do magnetic fields affect ringing stars?
We have seen that magnetic fields may DRIVE ringing in
peculiar A stars. But in the Sun ...
When sound waves bounce
into magnetic sunspots...
Diagram courtesy of JCD
… energy is lost to Alfven
waves: magnetic fields can
DESTROY sound waves.
Sunspots and the solar dynamo
Differential rotation twists
magnetic field lines ...
Diagrams courtesy of NASA
… and magnetic buoyancy
lifts kinks to the surface
Helioseismology gives insight into the
Sun’s structure and evolution
Solar core rotates slower
than equatorial surface.
Understanding flows helps
test dynamo models.
Diagrams courtesy of JCD and HAO
Solar dynamo cycle 
magnetic activity 
increased radiation to
Helioseismology of p-modes
reveals inner details of Sun
Ringing p-modes reveal
shape of stars surfaces.
Magnetic fields can absorb
ringing in the Sun
Magnetic fields may drive
ringing in peculiar A stars
Diagram courtesy of HAO and WET
Who studies
helioseismology & stellar seismology?
Global Oscillation Network Group
Bogdan & Rosenthal, 94+
D.W. Kurtz, 1985 +
E.J. Zita 97, 98, 00, 01
Dziembowski & Goode 96
Gough & Cunha, 2000
Shibahashi et al, 1985 +