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Crown of Thorns
28 And they stripped him, and put on him
a scarlet robe.
29 And when they had platted a crown of
thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in
his right hand: and they bowed the knee before
him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the
30 And they spit upon him, and took the
reed, and smote him on the head.
31 And after that they had mocked him,
they took the robe off from him, and put his
own raiment on him, and led him away to
crucify him.
And unto Adam he said, Because
thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife,
and hast eaten of the tree, of which I
commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of
it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in
sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
18 Thorns also and thistles shall it
bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the
herb of the field;
E-24 That's the whole lot's the matter with
the Branham Tabernacle. Because that
unbelief, the cares of the world has bound
the people until it cannot produce spiritual
growth. That's what's the matter with our
nation. That's the matter with our churches.
They have no joy, and the joy of the Lord has
departed, as was written one time in the
Scripture, the Hebrew word of "Ichabod," which
means, "The Presence of the Lord has
You take that same plant, cactus, and put it
into a land for a few generations where there's
plenty of water, and that sticker will unfold,
and will come a soft leaf bearing fruit.
No joy, just a sprinkle now and then of a
little revival to hold it. What it needs to be is
to come out from among scoffers and
unbelievers, and be planted by the rivers of
water. For there is a fountain filled with Blood,
drawn from Immanuel's veins, where sinners,
unbelievers, plunged beneath the flood, lose all
their guilty stains.
189 I'm persuaded that many of us, friends,
have received the Holy Ghost, but we just
receive enough Holy Ghost in us to make us
to a place where we don't want to lie, we don't
want to steal, we don't want to do anything.
But God wants to fill every fiber of His church;
He wants to fill your thinking; He wants to fill
your mind. He wants to fill every bit of you, just
make you completely, totally dead to yourself or
to your thinking, just so surrendered in God till
His Word's just living right through you. You
don't know nothing else but God's Word; just
stay right with His Word; It is Life.
10 And they shall make an ark of shittim
wood: two cubits and a half shall be the length
thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth
thereof, and a cubit and a half the height
11 And thou shalt overlay it with pure
gold, within and without shalt thou overlay it,
and shalt make upon it a crown of gold
round about.
THE.ARK_ JEFF.IN V-26 N-18 SUNDAY_ 55-0522
152 Notice, put a crown on it. Why? It was
the king. What did that gold crown laying on
top of a box mean? It meant that here, with that
gold laying over it, humanity was covered
with gold. Blood sprinkled on top of it, and a
crown laying on that.
THE.ARK_ JEFF.IN V-26 N-18 SUNDAY_ 55-0522
What a perfect type of Christ and His Deity, His
love. He come forth into the world and laid
Himself over humanity, His Church, His
believers. Upon that, He sprinkled His own
Blood, and will save "whosoever will." And two
Angels beat out of gold, and the wings pointing
across each other at the mercy seat, where
every believer come, confessing his sins,
receive reconciliation for his sin.
THE.ARK_ JEFF.IN V-26 N-18 SUNDAY_ 55-0522
154 There He is. Now, look at Him. The gold
crown, does that represent Christ? Yes. When
Christ was here on earth, He was crowned with
a crown of thorns to shed the Blood. That's
right. But every believer that comes through
that shed Blood, pulls forth that crown of
thorns and crowns Him with the glory of
praises and honor.
THE.ARK_ JEFF.IN V-26 N-18 SUNDAY_ 55-0522
Every believer that steps into His Presence,
accepts that Blood from His pressed brow
here with thorns, and crowns Him with glory
and praises and majesty, as King of kings, as
Healer, as Alpha, Omega, as the Beginning and
Ending, as the Counselor, the Prince of Peace,
the mighty God, the everlasting Father.
6 But one in a certain place testified,
saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of
him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him?
7 Thou madest him a little lower than the
angels; thou crownedst him with glory and
honour, and didst set him over the works of thy
8 Thou hast put all things in subjection
under his feet. For in that he put all in
subjection under him, he left nothing that is not
put under him. But now we see not yet all
things put under him.
9 But we see Jesus, who was made a
little lower than the angels for the suffering of
death, crowned with glory and honour; that
he by the grace of God should taste death for
every man.
10 For it became him, for whom are all
things, and by whom are all things, in bringing
many sons unto glory, to make the captain of
their salvation perfect through sufferings.
13 Christ hath redeemed us from the
curse of the law, being made a curse for us:
for it is written, Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree:
27-3 When that Man Himself left the
heavens, when the entire solar system was His
crown--every billion stars that hung in the earth,
every star, that millions of miles beyond...
When they--you look through that glass out
yonder at Mount Palomar and can see a 120
million years of light space, and all those
billions and trillions of stars was in His
crown... And He left them to take a crown of
thorns. Who would do it? Wonderful. Oh, my.
Eternal was His robe. He was robed with
Eternal Life. He never had a beginning. He
never started at Bethlehem, you know, as
people try to think He did. He had no
beginning. Amen. Robed with Eternal Life,
and pushed it aside to take an old, dirty
robe of death for you and I.
His blessed feet has never touched the earth
yet. There He stands there, in the air; and the
saints and redeemed from all ages, through
every watch, first, second, third, fourth, fifth,
sixth, and seventh, all stand there robed in His
righteousness; we crown Him the King of
king and the Lord of lords, and sing those
redemption stories. Our poor hearts will quiver
as we look upon Him who loved us and gave
Himself for us. While we were unlovable and
sinners, Christ died that we might be saved.
E-13 Then in that great field somewhere
between here and glory when we crown Him
King of king and Lord of lords, and Angels
stand with bowed heads not knowing what
we're doing... They never was lost like we
were. And when we sing the songs that He
redeemed us, what a glorious time that'll be.
We're looking forward for that time. May our
hearts be prepared.
Nicolaitane doctrine become a man; then they
could crown it. They couldn't do it because he
was just a doctrine. Glory.
Notice, and when this Holy Spirit that we have,
becomes incarnate to us, the One that's in our
midst now in the form of the Holy Ghost,
becomes incarnate to us in the Person of
Jesus Christ, we'll crown Him King of
king...?... That's right. See?
Think of it. His hardest pierces
comes from the pulpit. That's where His new
Calvary is at. They crucify Him, the Word, at
the pulpit. That's right. How, how'd they do it?
By their forms of godliness. That's exactly!
290 Crowned from the audience, by scoffers!
He's got a new crown of thorns, scoffers!
Pierced from the pulpit; crowned by the
scoffers. Is He crucified again, afresh? Striped
by man-made creeds, teachers of
denomination against His Word. They stripe It,
in shame, condemn It.
291 Jesus said, "In vain they worship Me." In
vain, "don't do no good." Who they worship?
They worship that same God. They was
worshipping that same God at His first
crucifixion, and it was vain worship. It's the
same thing today. In vain they build these
denominations. In vain they build these
seminaries. In vain they have these creeds,
teaching for doctrine the commandments of
man, and denying the Word of God. They're
guilty of crucifying the Prince of Life, teaching
man's doctrines for His Word. "In vain they
worship Me," striped, pierced, crowned.
When you see that go down the street,
and some of you ladies with long hair; say,
"She is old-fashion, isn't she?" Remember,
that's scoffers, that's the crown that you're
wearing. God said it was your glory; wear it
with pride. Hallelujah! Wear it with pride, as
you would wear a crown of thorns for your
Lord. Wear it with pride. Don't be ashamed. He
said so, no matter what these Jezebels says
today. What these impostors stand in the pulpit,
crucifiers of Christ, no matter what they say,
you wear it with pride. God said so. You keep it.
293 Crowned, with scoffers again, thorns.
Pierced from the pulpit, with creeds.
294 He got a new Golgotha, where they take
Him to: these robed choirs, short-wearing
women, bobbed-haired, painted-face, singing in
the choir like Angels, with talents. That's His
new Golgotha, just modern stripteases
protected by a law, like at Sodom and
12 Blessed is the man that endureth
temptation: for when he is tried, he shall
receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath
promised to them that love him.
In I Corinthians 9:24, Paul says,
"Know ye not that they which run in a race run
all, but one receiveth the prize? So run that ye
may obtain."
A crown given to the winner of the Olympic
race was a garland of olive branches. But the
crown spoken of here in the Revelation,
given to a martyr, is the crown of royalty.
Jesus calls it the crown of life.
The one crown is for those who have striven;
the other is for those who have given. Both
crowns are incorruptible. They will not perish.
The winners of the worldly race of life will soon
lose the joy of the plaudits of the world. Their
glory will fail. But those who give their lives
for God, either by daily striving or shedding
their blood as the crowning sacrifice of their
lives will be given the crown of life.
What if the president would say, "I'll
make... I come to take you, and I have the
authority to do so, and make you the president
of the United States"? You--you have to give it
up sometime. What if the queen wanted to
make you queen of England, and you wear the
crown? It, you'd have to give it up.
122 But Jesus gives us a crown of Life,
that we never give up, incorruptible crown
of His Glory. And we don't have to give It up.
He gives It to us. It's a blessing. It's the Holy
Spirit, that He wants to crown our life with.
63-0623E - The Flashing Red Light Of The Sign Of His Coming
165 O God, I know I… Give me grace to never
complain. And I want my life, Lord, I want my
people's life… God, grant that our life could
be crowned, no matter if we suffer, whatever
takes place, how many turns against me.
63-0623E - The Flashing Red Light Of The Sign Of His Coming
166 And I know that someday I've got to die. I
hope that God never lets Satan crown me as
an old crabbed, indifferent man, and my
wife an old nagging woman, or your wife, or
you that way. I pray, brother, that our lives will
be crowned with the fruits of the Spirit; love,
joy, long-suffering, gentleness, patience, Truth,
faith, in the Holy Spirit.
62-0908 - Present Stage Of My Ministry
138 How many Christians are in the Way
tonight, in here, that are happy that you started
a long time ago? Done made your start, and
way down along the road, still coming down
towards the end. I pray that God will crown
your ministry, whatever it is. It may be a
housewife. I pray that God will crown your
ministry. It may be a preacher. It may be a
deacon. It may be a lay member. It may be a
farmer. I don't know what it is. Whatever it is,
may God crown your life with the glory of
His Word, and His Second Coming rapture
you and take you away into another Land...