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Eleanor Dunietz
Rabbi Shimon said; “There are three crowns: the crown of Torah, the crown of
priesthood, and the crown of kingship. And the crown of a good name is superior to them
all.” The distinction that Rabbi Shimon makes among the four different crowns is that
the first three are dependent on outside circumstances and that the fourth is earned solely
through personal achievement. Not everyone can be involved with Torah, because some
people are not given the chance to learn while others may not have an aptitude for book
learning. Priesthood is shared only among those born into the family of the Kehunah.
Royalty also depends on birth and a fit king is not picked off the streets. A good name,
however, can be earned by anyone. Actions are what make or destroy a reputation.
Having a good name is accessible to anyone, but not everyone shows the initiative
and determination to achieve it. By valuing kindness, moral behavior, education, and
other positive characteristics, a person earns the respect of his community. If she spends
her time on worthwhile activities, such as collecting warm clothes for the needy in the
winter, helping friends resolve disagreements, or attending classes at shul on Shabbat, she
will be referred to as someone with a good name. Earning a good name requires acting on
good choices, even when they require sacrifice.
That good name is developed slowly over time and can be jeopardized by poor
decisions. While an occasional mistake might be overlooked, people will not respect
someone whose actions consistently are a bad influence on their surroundings or show
that they really do not have good moral values. Someone in the public eye can lose his
good name easily, as has been shown in the lives of many politicians and celebrities. We
look up to public figures, so when they betray their families or steal money that has been
entrusted to them, we are disappointed not only by what they did but by their hypocrisy.
The same principles apply in any community, whether it is a school, a synagogue, or a
In part because it is so easily lost, the hard work and sound values that produce a
good name are worth the effort. With a good name one has access to more opportunities
in business and social interactions, is honored by one’s community, and develops selfrespect. Everyone from business colleagues to friends is conscious of image. To be seen
interacting with a well-respected person improves one’s status. In the business world a
good reputation attracts clients and builds long-term relationships. People want to be
friends with others who are known to be trustworthy and kind. Having a valued place in
one’s community makes a person want to act to keep that position of honor, which
benefits both the individual and the people around him.
Obtaining and maintaining a good reputation is challenging, and that is what
makes it as precious as a crown. A good name depends on how we act, for our actions
reveal how much we truly value ethical and charitable behavior. It can never be taken for
granted, and it is constantly in each person’s hands to destroy or rebuild himself. In order
to be crowned with a good name, one must always strive to make the right choices.