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• Due to passive resistance being called there were no
goods to be traded. The government simply printed more
money and paid off debts in worthless marks.With so
much money in circulation prices and wages
rocketedand money became worthless and the value of
the currency drastically dropped.
• People’s life savings became practically worthless and
were not enough to buy a week’s groceries
• A decrease in living standards and starvation were
Effects of Hyperinflation
‘In recent months, a new force seems
to be arising in German politics. Adolf
Hitler and the Nazis have hit the
headlines with their meetings, banners
and radical ideas.’
‘The most active political force in
Bavaria at the present time is the
National Socialist Party..It has recently
acquired a political influence quite
disproprtionate to its actual numerical
strength…Adolf Hitler from the very
first has been the dominating force in
the movement and the personality of
the man has undoubtedly been one of
the most important factors contributing
to its success…His ability to influence
a popular assembly is uncanny.
• The situation needed
urgent attention and in
August 1923 Gustav
Stresemann came to
power and introduced a
new currency, the
Rentenmark.He also
negotiated loans under
the Dawes Plan.
• See p.144 for relevant
The Munich Beer Hall Putsch
Focus:The events of the Munich
Beer Hall Putsch and how Hitler
would subsequently use the
events to improve the Nazi Party.
The situation in Germany
By 1923 Hitler believed that the moment had come for him to topple the Weimar government. On
8 November Hitler hijacked a local government meeting and announced he was taking over the
government of Bavaria. He was joined by the old war hero Ludendorff.
Nazi stormtroopers began taking over official buildings.The next day, however, the Weimar
government forces hit back. 16 Nazis were killed,the rebellion broke up in chaos, Hitler had been
wounded whilst escaping.
Hitler had miscalculated the mood of the German people. In the short term it had been a disaster
and he ha was charged with treason.
However, at the trial he gained enormous publicity for himself and his ideas
Hyperinflation had done great political damage to the Weimar Government and in particular they
had lost the support of the middle classes.Hitler stirred nationalist passions in his audiences
Focus-how did Hitler use the
Munich Beer Hall to his
advantage ?
He made long speeches in his trial which
made him a national hero
Hitler learned power in Germany could only
be gained through the ballot box.They would
have to work with the democratic system..
Ludendorff was not found guilty and freed .
but Hitler was sentenced to 5 year although
he ended up serving 5 months in very
comfortable conditions where he wrote Mein
Kamp (my struggle)
He organised Germany into districts for
more effective Nazi control.
Hitler created a network of local Nazi parties
which in turn set up the Hitler Youth, the
Nazi Student’s League and similar
Read p.150 for quotes and sources.
He also got the party to readopt the Twenty
Five Point Programme
‘A veneer of legality-power
through the ballot box
• ‘When I resume active work, it will be
necessary to pursue a new policy.
Instead of working to achieve power
by armed conspiracy we shall have to
take hold of our noses and enter the
Reichstag against the Catholic and
Marxist deputies. If out-voting them
takes longer than out –shooting
them, at least the results will be
guaranteed by their own
constitution. Any lawful process is
slow. Sooner or later we shall have
a majority and after that we shall
have Germany.
Hitler, writing while in prison in
The Twenty Five Point
1.The abolition of the Treaty of Versailles
2.A strong central government in Germany
3. Lebensraum-the need for ‘living space’ for
the German nation to expand
4.Fuhrer-the idea that there should be a
single leader with complete power rather
than a democracy
5.Autarky-Germany should be economically
self sufficient
6.For Germany to be aware of the threat
posed by Communists and Jews
7.The Aryan Race to be superior over sub
human Jews
8.Union of Germany and Austria
9.Large industries and businesses to be
10.Generous provision for old age
Mein Kampf
National Socialism:this stood for
loyalty to Germany,racial
purity,equality and state control of
the economy.
Racism:Aryanisation and anti
Armed force:War and struggle
were essential.
Living Space (Lebensraum).
The Fuhrer:Debate and
democratic discussion produced
weakness. Strength lay in total
loyalty to the leader
In 1924 the Nazis won 24 seats in
the Reichstag elections.
What was the state of the
Weimar Republic in 1924 ?
Bulk of German population prepared to
support the WR e.g. passive
resistance & Kapp Putsch.
Effective government action-Ebert’s
actions against the communists and
Stresemann’s reform of the currency.
Foreign support with more sympathy
from France and Britain&Dawes Plan
with USA.
Political opponents opponents weaker
than they seemed.Freikorps and
suspicion of extremist groups and
communist revolutionaries lacking