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Premise, Conclusion, Syllogism… oh my!
An assumption that something is true. At least two premises are
needed in order to form a basic argument structure.
All books from that store are new.
These books are from that store.
The consequence formed from the premises.
The final part of a basic argument structure.
Therefore, these books are new.
A logical argument based on deductive reasoning—two or more
premises that form a logical conclusion.
Premise: All books from that store are new.
Premise: These books are from that store.
Conclusion: Therefore, these books are new.
A syllogism is a fallacy when it makes accurate premises, but the
conclusion is not logical.
All crows are black.
The bird in my cage is black.
Therefore, the bird in my cage is a crow.
A flawed syllogism is where one or both premises are not true.
All humans are selfish.
Gandhi was a human.
Therefore, Gandhi was selfish.
A sound syllogism must have a logical conclusion and accurate
premises; hence, this syllogism is the strongest in forming an
All men are mortal
John is a man.
Therefore, John is mortal.
Effective debaters and writers use a variety of tools to make
their arguments more powerful, persuasive and
memorable—you know these, but it’s important to review
them, since you will use them to make your own arguments.
speaking with emotion; appealing to the audience’s
emotion; evoking emotion from the audience
how the speaker’s reputation plays a role in persuasion
using logic and facts to support claims
Argument – A “Brief” Overview
Argument is at the core of critical thinking. It’s not just about
people disagreeing and/or yelling at each other; it’s about making
a case to support a claim, which can be applicable in virtually all
subject areas.
There are basically three types of arguments:
* Argument of fact
O.J. Simpson is guilty of killing his wife.
* Argument of judgment
Is the crime first-degree, manslaughter, accident, etc.?
* Argument of policy
Determination of punishment: acquittal, imprisonment, execution.
Organizing an Argument
This is the writer’s/speaker’s overall thesis or proposition.
This is the evidence gathered to support the claim—in some
cases, it might be a good idea to start with evidence in order to
help form a claim.
Warrant (connects the claim to the data)
This is an explanation of why or how the data supports the claim,
the underlying assumption that connects your data to your claim.
This is additional logic or reasoning that may be necessary to
support the warrant.
This is a claim that negates or disagrees with your claim.
Since arguments deal in probabilities, they must be qualified with
words such as probably, very likely, almost certainly and so
forth—see complete list on next slide.
may, might, could
forms of “be” (am, is, are,
was, were)
may be, might have been, may have been
all, every
many, most, some, numerous, countless,
a majority
none, no
few, not many, a small number, hardly any,
a minority
often, frequently, commonly, for a long time,
usually, sometimes, repeatedly
rarely, infrequently, sporadically, seldom
probably, possibly
unlikely, improbable, doubtful
Be careful using qualifiers; they might express doubt, leaving the
reader/listener wondering if you know what you’re writing/talking
It appears that Freud believed the
unconscious plays a significant role in behavior.
Which works
Freud believed the unconscious plays a
significant role in behavior.
This is evidence that negates or disagrees with the counterclaim.
Organizing an Argument Example
Hybrid cars are an effective strategy to fight pollution.
Data 1
Driving a private car is a citizen’s most air polluting activity.
Warrant 1
Because cars are the largest source of private air pollution, switching to
hybrid cars should likely have (q.) an impact on fighting pollution.
Organizing an Argument Example Cont.
Data 2
Each vehicle produced is going to stay on the road for roughly 12 to 15
Warrant 2
Cars generally have a long lifespan, meaning that a decision to switch to a
hybrid car will make a long-term impact on pollution levels.
Data 3
Hybrid cars combine a gasoline engine with a battery-powered, electric
Organizing an Argument Example Cont.
Warrant 3
This combination of technologies means that less (q.) pollution is
Instead of focusing on cars, which still encourages a culture of driving
even if it cuts down on pollution, the nation should focus on building and
encouraging use of mass transit systems.
While mass transit is an environmentally sound idea that should be
encouraged, it is not feasible in many (q.) rural and suburban areas, or
for people who must commute to work; thus, hybrid cars are a better
solution for much of (q.) the nation’s population.