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Network Norfolk
September 11 2012
Alex Delaney
Newsnet project
Network Norfolk
What is marketing?
There are many definitions, but in its purest form, marketing is
all about identifying a need, producing a product or service to
meet that need, and then providing that service or product to
your audience as efficiently as possible.
Marketing is about planning
Without a plan of what you want to achieve and why; how you
plan to achieve it and how you will measure it, you will never be
truly effective. Aside from anything else, planning will prevent
duplication of effort and will save you a lot of time and money as
a result.
Key tools in marketing and promotion of your
community news or topics
Social media
Word of mouth
Advertising your organisation
Google Ads
Facebook Ads
Local papers/magazines
Local websites
• Cost?
• Does it really reach your targets?
• Direct to your database as you build it
• Brand building and awareness
• Design - There are certain design essentials you cannot afford to ignore – such as how
your emails will look in preview panes (in Outlook, for instance)
• Spam filters - There is a growing list of words, phrases and punctuation that spam filters
use to determine ‘junk email’. Don’t CAPITALISE! Don’t over-emphasise! Avoid
hyperbolic phrases like ‘UNIQUE’ and ‘FREE’.
• Measure and refine - Email marketing enables you to monitor open rates, click-through
rates, spam filter rates, and a host of other metrics besides
• Strong call to action - Make it clear what you want the reader to do as a result of
receiving the email.
• Downside – average rate of 10% open newsletters
• Your beneficiaries may prefer a paper newsletter!
What kind of story do you have? - There are different types of 'local story', not everything is suitable for the
news desk itself. The main categories are news, features and listings.
Be creative - If your organisation has relatively little exposure in the local media try thinking up an
interesting story.
Key messages - Agree on the key messages you want to communicate through the media. Choose a
maximum of three messages.
Getting to know the media - Get to know your local newspaper journalists, they depend on you. If 'coldcalling' a newspaper or local radio, just ask for the name of the most relevant person to your story: the News
editor, Features editor, Environment Correspondent, Picture Editor for photos.
Read, listen or watch - the publication or programme and are sure that their target audience matches yours.
Photos? - Are there good quality photos available, or a photo opportunity for the press?
Be persistent – follow up and be polite but firm. Keep the relationship going.
- A brand is a logo and corporate identity in its simplest and most powerful form.
brand is your organisation.
-Especially a charity or support organisation where the company is the
-- A brand is your financial asset.
-- A brand is a set of beliefs, values and perceptions that exist in the mind of your
stakeholders about your organisation.
-- Your brand personality heavily influences the way you interact with the world.
-- A brand is about experience.
Your Brand!
Your shop window…
Lively – photos, changing content
Accessible and plain English
Clear key messages and call to action – donate button?
White space and easy to read
Social Media
- Follow other people, have conversations, ask questions and share
-Be interested and you will be interesting
-Be yourself: Social media is a very immediate, transparent medium. Be authentic and
genuine - personally and on behalf of your brand.
-- Focus on relevance: Follow and engage with people/organisations you share interests,
missions or values with (find them by checking relevant topics using tools like Twitter Search,
Monitter, Samepoint, TweetDeck etc.)
-- Make every word ( or140 characters count) Use URL shorteners, like, tinyurl
-Always integrate: Flickr, YouTube, blogs, Facebook etc. - your own website, any microsites
you may have, and other websites, online forums and communities, so share content/links
-- Be your own, most constructive critic: Take stock of your social media output.
What For? - Understand what it might do - before you start.
Start A Conversation - Starting a blog is similar to starting a conversation or a debate.
Keep It Small – start target and grow
Link, Link, Link - Linking is the lifeblood of the blogosphere. If your blog is going is going to be
promoted by Google, other people will need to set up 'inbound' links pointing at it.
Promote – tell people and ask if they would like to write something for you as a guest blogger.
Half Of Blogging Is Reading - This is best done through a RSS reader such as Google Reader,
Bloglines or Netvibes.
Leave Comments - leave thoughtful comments on other popular blogs.
Adapt: Take a look at blogs like ProBlogger for tips. Or consider using a different way of
building conversations such as video or podcasts.
Word of Mouth
A valuable tool – don’t forget or
neglect that what people say to each
other matters!
What are your messages?
Recruitment to projects
understanding of
Christianity or the work
you do.
Who is your audience?
Who and where are they – brainstorm?
What’s your call to action?
Marketing isn’t just about finding new audiences
It’s about retaining, nurturing and developing existing ones –
particularly the important audiences and service users, that
make a major contribution to your community news project.
Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation
How do you know if what you’re doing is working, unless you monitor
and evaluate?
• Google analytics?
• How many read your newsletter?
• Social media – See metrics on your Facebook Page go to
the Insights Dashboard.
• How many people re-tweeted you?
• Plan what you want to measure
Any Questions?
[email protected]
Network Norfolk Social Media Training
September 11 2012
Alex Delaney
Social media can be defined as a group of Internetbased applications that build on the ideological and
technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows
the creation and exchange of user-generated
Wikipedia 2012
• Create a message up to 140 characters.
• Can include links to photos, websites, sound files, images or video
• Anyone can follow anyone else on Twitter, without being ‘friends’
• All twitter accounts are free and created in the same way whether you are an
individual or a big corporation
• Twitter can be viral, allowing users to ‘re-tweet’ messages posted by others.
• Biggest use of Twitter - consumers following celebrities.
• Keep track of best times to send messages:
The feed
Personal info
How many tweets?
info up
to date
Started in 2004, Facebook now has over 845 million active users
Of the 845 million active users 425 million users access Facebook via a mobile device
Facebook is the largest English speaking social media site in the world and has the most
diverse demographic.
Facebook allows the sharing of status updates, messages, photos, videos between a
member’s group of Facebook friends.
Brands have Fanpages and when a Facebook member ‘Likes’ a brand page, they begin to
receive messages and content posted by the brand.
Facebook apps allow users to play games, enter competitions and interact with brands.
Facebook is free to everyone
Facebook carries advertising on all pages.
Facebook continues to be the outright leader in social networking sites in the UK, with far more users than its
competitors; Twitter, Flickr, MySpace, and Linkedin
• Around half of all active Facebook users log into their account on any
given day.
• More than 55 million status updates are posted each day and more
than 2.5 billion photos are uploaded to Facebook each month.
• The number of Facebook users continues to grow here in the UK, with
over 30 million active Facebook users (Feb 2012).
• UK Facebook use has a slight female bias
• 50% of Facebook pages are owned by under 30s
• Users spend the equivalent of nearly a whole working day using
Facebook a month
• Producing a Fan page is your first step to becoming a social media
• Make sure your Fan page encompasses your whole brand not just a
single campaign.
• Keeping this page regularly updated is crucial to keeping and
recruiting more fans
• Once your Fan page is setup it is best to make a calendar of key
events throughout your year and plan how you are going to
communicate these through your fan page.
• Communication through a Fan page can be done in several ways
• Via wall updates
• New tabs
• New apps
• Polls
• Videos
Setting up a fan page
Create a page
Adding a new tab to your Fan page can highlight events, educate users
and even be an interactive mini site.
If you want to capture user information this needs to be done within
an App.
Just Giving have an API that can be pulled into Apps and Tabs that can
inform users how many donations have been made and what events
are going on.
Make sure people have to LIKE your Tab before being able to look at an
• Even if you have minimal advertising spend a little bit of online marketing
especially on Facebook or Google Content Network can go a long way and
help increase the number of followers / LIKES you have.
• Some social networks even offer free advertising for charities.
• Facebook have a value added programme running for charity advertising
campaigns. You can apply to the Facebook Pricing Team and ask them to
match your media spend so if you were going to run £3,000 worth of
engagement ads you could request for Facebook run £6,000 worth, but it is
all subject to special approval.
Keep your content varied & interesting: Don’t just broadcast appeals, take the
opportunity to highlight successful work and encourage discussions, post photos and
Don’t be silent: Social Media is a two way relationship; make sure you reply to
questions and topics posted on your Wall or Twitter feed
Be Realistic & persevere: Building a large network of fans & followers takes time and
effort, but perseverance does pay off.
Know your demographic: If you know who you are interacting with you can tailor the
tone of your voice as well as the visual aspects of you page, blog or avatar / icon to
best speak to your supporters.
All roads lead to Rome: Whether you are on Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, YouTube
etc you should always make sure that your updates appear on all relevant portals and
always take the user back to a common source, like your website or donations page
for example.
Be yourself. Use ‘we’ and ‘I’ instead of the company / organisations
Always respond to questions
Update your wall at least every few days but don’t go overboard
Allow only a small group of people to have access to post on the wall
– this way tone of voice is consistent and people don’t duplicate
Make sure what you post is interesting. Do some test and see what
interest different types of posts get
Is it actually useful? Make sure you do not post something just for
postings sake
Always link back to your other assets – websites, Video, donations
Allow people to share Wall comments
Always look to gain more fans so you can establish a strong community
Encourage debate
• Ask for opinions
• Use Facebook Poll
Praise good deeds / successful events
Twitter on Facebook – You can using third party applications get your twitter
posts on Facebook. Not all twitter posts need go on Facebook
Twitter posts can include web links, links to video and photos, use these as often
as possible.
Social Media Moderation
Do what’s right for your organisation, but don’t be scared
to relinquish control.
Newsnet online support:
This month web support
Any Questions?
[email protected]