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Concept of Enthalpy
Important Terms
Heat is energy transferred between two bodies of
different temperatures
System is any specific part of the universe
Surroundings is everything that lies outside the
Open system is a system that can exchange
mass and energy with its surroundings
Closed system is a system that allows the
exchange of energy with its surroundings
Isolated system is a system that does not allow
the exchange of either mass or energy with its
Energy is the ability to do work
SI unit of energy is kg m2 s-2 or Joule (J)
Non SI unit of energy is calorie (Cal)
1 Cal = 4.184 J
A study of heat change in chemical reactions.
Two types of chemical reactions:
Exothermic reactions
Enthalpy of products < Enthalpy of reactants, ΔH is
Energy is released from the system to the
Consider the following reaction:
A (g) + B (g) → C (g)
ΔH = ve
H= -ve
reaction pathway
Energy profile diagram for exothermic reaction
Endothermic Reactions
Enthalpy of products > enthalpy of reactants, ΔH is
Energy is absorbed by the system from the surrounding
Consider the following reaction
A (g) + B (g) → C(g)
ΔH = + ve
Energy profile of diagram endothermic reactions
Enthalpy, H
The heat content of a system or total energy in the
Enthalpy, H of a system cannot be measured when
there is a change in the system.
Example: system undergoes combustion or ionisation.
Enthalpy of Reaction, ∆H and
Standard Condition
Enthalpy of reaction:
 The enthalpy change associated with a chemical
Standard enthalpy, ∆Hº
 The enthalpy change for a particular reaction that
occurs at 298K and 1 atm (standard state)
Thermochemical Equation
The thermochemical equation shows the enthalpy changes.
Example : H2O(s) →
ΔH = +6.01 kJ
1 mole of H2O(l) is formed from 1 mole of H2O(s) at 0°C,
ΔH = +6.01 kJ
However, when 1 mole of H2O(s) is formed from 1 mole of
H2O(l), the magnitude of ΔH remains the same with the
opposite sign of it.
H2O(l) → H2O(s) ΔH = 6.01 kJ
Types of Enthalpies
There are many kind of enthalpies such as:
 Enthalpy of formation
 Enthalpy of combustion
 Enthalpy of atomisation
 Enthalpy of neutralisation
 Enthalpy of hydration
 Enthalpy of solution
 Enthalphy of sublimation
Enthalpy of Formation, ∆Hf
The change of heat when 1 mole of a compound is
formed from its elements at their standard states.
H2 (g) + ½ O2(g) → H2O (l)
∆Hf = 286 kJ mol1
The standard enthalpy of formation of any element in
its most stable state form is ZERO.
∆H (O2 ) = 0
∆H (Cl2) = 0
Enthalpy of Combustion, ∆Hc
The heat released when 1 mole of substance is
burned completely in excess oxygen.
C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g)
∆Hc = 393 kJ mol1
Enthalpy of Atomisation, Ha
The heat change when 1 mole of gaseous atoms is formed
from its element
Ha is always positive because it involves only breaking of
Na(s)  Na(g)
Ha = +109 kJ mol-1
½Cl2(g)  Cl(g)
Ha = +123 kJ mol-1
Enthalpy of Neutralization, ∆Hn
The heat change when 1 mole of water, H2O is formed from the
neutralization of acid and base .
HCl(aq)+ NaOH(aq) → NaCl(aq) +H2O(aq)
ΔHn = 58 kJ mol1
Enthalpy of Hydration, Hhyd
The heat change when 1 mole of gaseous ions is
hydrated in water.
Na+(g)  Na+(aq) Hhyd = 406 kJ mol-1
Cl-(g)  Cl-(aq)
Hhyd = 363 kJ mol-1
Enthalpy of Solution, Hsoln
 The
heat change when 1 mole of a substance is
dissolves in water.
 e.g:
KCl(s)  K+(aq) + Cl(aq) Hsoln = +690 kJ mol-1
Enthalpy of Sublimation, Hsubl
The heat change when one mole of a substance
sublimes (solid into gas).
H subl
I2 (s) →
Hsubl =
+106 kJ mol1
A method used in the laboratory to measure the
heat change of a reaction.
Apparatus used is known as the calorimeter
Examples of calorimeter
Simple calorimeter
Bomb calorimeter
Simple calorimeter
The outer Styrofoam cup
insulate the reaction
mixture from the
surroundings (it is
assumed that no heat is
lost to the surroundings)
Heat release by the
reaction is absorbed by
solution and the
A bomb calorimeter
Important Terms in Calorimeter
Specific heat capacity, c
 Specific heat capacity, c of a substance is the amount of
heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of the
substance by one degree Celsius (Jg 1C1).
Heat capacity, C
 Heat capacity,C is the amount of heat required to raise
the temperature of a given quantity of the substance by
one degree Celsius (JC1)
Heat released by
Heat absorbed
by calorimeter
q = mc∆T
q = heat released by substance
m= mass of substance
C= specific heat capacity
∆T = temperature change
Basic Principle in Calorimeter
Heat released
by a reaction
Heat absorbed
by surroundings
• Surroundings may refer to
i. Calorimeter itself or;
ii. The water and calorimeter
• qreaction= mcΔT or CΔT
Example 1
In an experiment, 0.100 g of H2 and excess of O2 were compressed
into a 1.00 L bomb and placed into a calorimeter with heat capacity
of 9.08 x 104 J0C1. The initial temperature of the calorimeter was
25.0000C and finally it increased to 25.155 0C. Calculate the
amount of heat released in the reaction to form H2O, expressed in kJ
per mole.
Heat released = Heat absorbed by the
= C∆T
= (9.08 X 104 J0C-1) X (0.1550C)
= 1.41 X 104 J
= 14.1 kJ
H2(g) + ½O2(g) → H2O(c)
mole of H2 = 0.100
= 0.0496 mol
moles of H2O
mole of H2
0.0496 mol of H2O released 14.1 kJ energy
1 mol H2O released
= 0.0496
∆Heat of reaction, ∆H
= 284 kJ
= - 284 kJ mol1
Example 2
1. Calculate the amount of heat released in a reaction in
an aluminum calorimeter with a mass of 3087.0 g and
contains 1700.0 mL of water. The initial temperature of
the calorimeter is 25.0°C and it increased to 27.8°C.
Specific heat capacity of aluminum = 0.553Jg-1 °C-1
Specific heat capacity of water
= 4.18 Jg-1 °C-1
Water density = 1.0 g mL-1
ΔT = (27.8 -25.0 )°C = 2.8°C
Heat released
Heat absorbed by
q = mwcwΔT + mcccΔT
= (1700.0 g)(4.18 Jg-1 °C-1)(2.8 °C) +
(3087.0 g)(0.553 Jg-1 °C-1)(2.8°C)
= 24676.71 J
= 24.7 kJ
+ Heat absorbed by
Hess Law
Hess’s Law states that when reactants are converted to
products, the change in enthalpy is the same whether the
reaction takes place in one step or in the series of steps.
The enthalpy change depends only on the nature of the
reactants and products and is independent of the route
H 2
H 3
H1  H2  H3
Algebraic Method
Step 1
i. List all the thermochemical equations involved
 CO
2( g )
2( g )
1 O
H O
2( g )
2( g )
2 ( g)
iii.C H
7 O
 2CO
 3H O
2 6( g )
2( g )
2( g )
2 ( g)
H  - 393kJmol- 1
H  -286kJmol- 1
H  -1560kJmol
Algebraic Method
Step 1
i. List all the thermochemical equations involved
 CO
2( g )
2( g )
1 O
H O
2( g )
2( g )
2 ( g)
iii.C H
7 O
 2CO
 3H O
2 6( g )
2( g )
2( g )
2 ( g)
H  - 393kJmol- 1
H  -286kJmol- 1
H  -1560kJmol
ii. Write the enthalpy of formation reaction for C2H6
H  ?
C  3H
   C H
( s)
2( g )
2 6( g )
iii. Add the given reactions so that the result is the desired
(i )  2
2C( S )  2O2( g )  2CO2( g )
H1  2  -393 kJ
(ii )  3
3 H 2( g )  3 O2( g )  3 H 2O( g )
H 2  3  -286kJ
reverse (iii) 2CO2(g)  3 H 2O( g )  C 2 H 6( g )  7 O2( g ) H3  1560kJ
H f  ?
2C( s )  3 H 2( g )    C 2 H 6( g )
H f  H1  H 2  H3
 -84kJ
- 84kJ
Energy Cycle Method
Draw the energy cycle and apply Hess’s Law to calculate the
unknown value.
2C (s )
3H2 (g)
C2H6 (g)
H O2 = 3(-286)
2O2 (g)
3/2 O2 (g)
= 2(-393)
2CO2 (g) + 3H2O (g)
7/2 O2 (g)
HO3 = - (-1560)
ΔH f = 2( H1 ) + 3(H 2 ) + ΔH3
 -786 - 858  1560
 -84 kJmol
Example 1
The thermochemical equation of combustion of carbon
monoxide is shown as below.
C(s) + ½ O2(g)  CO(g)
given :
C(s) + O2(g)  CO2(g)
∆H= -394 kJ mol-1
CO(s) + ½ O2(g)  CO2(g)
kJ mol-1
Calculate the enthalpy change of the combustion of carbon to
carbon monoxide.
Example 2
Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of methane if the
enthalpy of combustion of carbon, hydrogen and methane are
as follows:
= -393 kJ mol-1
H c ∆H [C(s)]
∆H [H2(s)]
= -293 kJ mol-1
H c
H c
Example 3
 Standard enthalpy of formation of ammonia, hydrogen
chloride and ammonium chloride is -46.1 kJ mol-1, -92.3 kJ
mol-1, 314.4 kJ mol-1 respectively. Write the thermochemical
equation for the formation of each substance and calculate
the enthalpy change for the following reaction.
NH3(g) + HCl (g)  NH4Cl(s)
1.Calculate the enthalpy of formation of benzene
if :
∆H (CO2(g) ) = -393.3 kJ mol-1
∆H (H2O(l) ) = -285.5 kJ mol-1
∆H (C6H6(l) ) = -3265.3 kJ mol-1
H f
H f
H f
Lattice Energy, Hlattice
is the energy required to completely separate one mole of a
solid (ionic compound) into gaseous ions
NaCl(s)  Na+(g) + Cl-(g)
Na+(g) + Cl-(g)  NaCl(s)
Hlattice = +771 kJ mol-1
(lattice dissociation)
Hlattice = -771 kJ mol-1
(lattice formation)
The magnitude of lattice energy increases as
 the ionic charges increase
 the ionic radii decrease
There is a strong attraction between small ions and
highly charged ions so the H is more negative.
H for MgO is more negative than H for Na2O
because Mg2+ is smaller in size and has bigger charge
than Na+, therefore
Hºlattice (MgO) > Hºlattice (Na2O)
Hydration Process of Ionic Solid
Na+ and Cl- ions in the solid crystal are separated from
each other and converted to the gaseous state (Hlattice)
The electrostatic forces between gaseous ions and polar
water molecules cause the ions to be surrounded by water
molecules (Hhydr)
Hsoln = Hlattice + Hhdyr
Na+ and Cl- ion in
the gaseous state
Heat of Solution
Na+ and Cl- ion in
the solid state
Hydrated Na+ and Cl- ion
Born-Haber Cycle
The process of ionic bond formation occurs in a few stages. At
each stage the enthalpy changes are considered.
The Born Haber cycle is often used to calculate the lattice
energy of an ionic compound.
In the Born-Haber cycle energy diagram, by convention,
positive values are denoted as going upwards, negative values
as going downwards.
Consider the enthalpy changes in the formation of sodium
Example :
Na(s) 
Cl2(g)  NaCl(s)
Enthalpy of formation NaCl
Enthalpy of sublimation of Na
First ionization energy of Na
Enthalpy of atomization of Cl
Electron affinity of Cl
Lattice energy of NaCl
-411 kJmol-1
+108 kJmol-1
+500 kJmol-1
+122 kJmol-1
-364 kJmol-1
Example: A Born-Haber cycle for NaCl
Na+(g) + e
+ Cl(g)
Energy of Na
Electron Affinity of Cl
Na+(g) + Cl- (g)
+ Cl(g)
Na(g) + ½ Cl2(g)
Lattice energy
Na(s) + ½ Cl2(g)
From Hess’s Law:
Hf NaCl
= HaNa + HaCl +IENa +
EACl + Lattice Energy
H0f  HS  IE  Ha( Cl )  EA  Hlattice
Hlattice  H0f  HS  IE  Ha( Cl )  EA
Hlattice  411kJ   108 kJ  500 kJ  122kJ   364 kJ
Hlattice  777 kJ
Construct a Born-Haber cycle to explain why ionic compound
NaCl2 cannot form under standard conditions. Use the data
Enthalpy of sublimation of sodium
+108 kJmol-1
First ionization energy of sodium
+500 kJmol-1
Second ionization energy of sodium
+4562 kJmol-1
Enthalpy of atomization of chlorine
Electron affinity of chlorine
-364 kJmol-1
Lattice energy of NaCl2
-2489 kJmol-1