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Female Reproductive
Mrs. Thomas, a 53 year old female, comes to the
doctor’s office and says she thinks she may be in
Read the paragraph on menopause on page 260
and the paragraph on hormone replacement
therapy on page 263.
Using words Mrs. Thomas can understand, describe
the following items:
What menopause is (definition)
What physical symptoms she should watch for (predict what you
think she can expect?)
What treatment may be used if she is in menopause
Time Limit – 5 minutes
Primary function of the female reproductive system is
the creation and support of new life.
External Genitalia
 Labia are divided into two parts: labia majora and labia
 The clitoris is the sensitive, erectile tissue anterior to the
vaginal opening.
 Bartholin’s glands are two small rounded glands on
either side of the vaginal opening that produce a mucus
secretion to lubricate the vagina.
 Perineum - area between the vaginal opening and anus.
Anatomy Cont’d.
Mammary Glands
 Mammary glands – also known as breasts
 The areola is the dark pigmented area that
surrounds the nipple.
 Mammary glands produce milk shortly after
Anatomy Cont’d.
Internal Genitalia (see Figure 14.10, p.259)
 Includes two ovaries, two fallopian tubes,
one uterus, and the vagina.
 Ovaries – almond shaped organ in
the lower abdomen located on either
side of the uterus. Contain follicles
(fluid filled sacs) and ova (female egg).
 Fallopian tubes – carry ova from ovary
to uterus and sperm upward from the
vagina and uterus.
Anatomy Cont’d.
Internal Genitalia Cont’d. (see Figure 14.10, p.259)
 Uterus is the pear-shaped organ with muscular walls and
a mucous membrane lining. The uterus has three
portions: the fundus, corpus, and cervix.
 The uterus also three layers of tissue: the perimetrium,
the myometrium, and the endometrium.
 Vagina (colp/o = vagina and vagin/o = vagina) –
muscular tube extending from cervix to outside the
 Menstruation – normal discharge of bloody fluid from
the non-pregnant uterus.
Medical Specialties
Gynecologist – MD that specializes in diagnosing and
treating diseases/disorders of the female reproductive
Obstetrician - MD that specializes in providing
medical care to women during pregnancy, childbirth,
and immediately after birth.
Neonatologist (neo = new + nat/i = birth + ologist
= specialist) – diagnoses and treats disorders of the
newborn infant.
Pediatrician – MD that diagnoses and treats
disorders in children.
Ovarian Cancer – third most common cancer of
the female reproductive system, however, more
women die of it than other forms of cancer.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) –
inflammation of female reproductive organs not
associated with surgery or pregnancy; can be a
complication of STD’s and lead to infertility and
tubal pregnancies.
Pathology Cont’d
Endometriosis (endo- = within + metri- = uterus
+ -osis = abnormal condition) – endometrial
uterine tissue grows outside the uterus on other
structures in pelvic cavity
Cervical cancer – second most common cancer in
women, usual onset 35-55 years of age, detect
through pap smear.
Pathology Cont’d.
Mastitis (mast/o = breast + -itis = inflammation)
= inflammation of breast usually associated with
Dysmenorrhea (dys- = difficult, painful + men/o =
menstruation, + -rrhea = abnormal flow) – pain
caused by uterine cramps during menstrual period
Menorrhagia (men/o = menstruation + -rrhagia =
abnormal bleeding) – excessive amount of
menstrual flow, longer duration than a normal
Diagnostic/Treatment Procedures
Breast Self Examination (BSE) – important in early
detection of breast cancer.
Mammography – radiographic examination of
Tubal ligation – surgical procedure performed for
female sterilization, fallopian tubes are cut and tied
(ligated) and a section removed to prevent ovum
from reaching uterus
see Figure 14.5, p. 264.
Diagnostic/Treatment Procedures
Dilation & curettage (D & C) – dilation of the cervix
and scraping of the uterus. Figure 14.16, p. 265
Hysterectomy (hyster/o = uterus + -ectomy =
surgical removal) – surgical removal of the uterus
that may/may not include cervix. Figure 14.17
Bilateral salgingo-oophorectomy – surgical removal
of the cervix, uterus, both fallopian tubes, and both
Mastectomy – surgical removal of breast, one
treatment for breast cancer
Ovulation - release of the mature egg from the
Fertilization – when sperm penetrates descending
ovum (egg)
Embryo – name for developing child from
implantation of the egg through the eighth week of
Fetus – name for developing child
from 9th week of pregnancy until birth.
Pregnancy Cont’d.
Fraternal twins = two eggs/two sperm;
Identical twins = one egg/one sperm
that separates into two.
Placenta - temporary organ that forms within the
uterus to allow exchange of nutrients, oxygen and
waste products between the developing infant and
Amniotic sac - innermost membrane that surrounds
the embryo in the uterus and filled with fluid
(amniotic fluid) to protect the fetus.
Pregnancy Cont’d.
Gestation – period of time the fetus is developing
in the uterus. Appx. 40 weeks.
Nulligravida (nulli- = none + -gravida =pregnant)
– female who has never been pregnant.
Nullipara - female who has never borne a viable
Primigravida (primi- = first +
-gravida = pregnant) – first
Labor and delivery occurs in three stages:
contraction of uterus & dilation of cervix,
delivery of the infant, and delivery of the
placenta (afterbirth).
Postpartum (post- = after + -partum
=childbirth) – after childbirth.
Pregnancy Pathology
Spontaneous abortion – also called a miscarriage,
is interruption of the pregnancy before the fetus
is viable.
Ectopic pregnancy – fertilized egg implants
outside of the uterus
Abruptio Placenta - separation of
the placenta from the uterine wall.
Premature infant – infant born before 37th week
of gestation
Pregnancy Diagnostic or
Treatment Procedures
Amniocentesis (amni/o = amnion, fetal
membrane + -centesis = surgical puncture to
remove fluid) – performed to obtain specimen of
amniotic fluid to evaluate fetal health and
diagnose congenital disorders.
Fetal ultrasound – radiology test to evaluate fetal
Pregnancy Diagnostic or
Treatment Procedures Cont’d.
Cesarean delivery (C-section) – delivery of the
child through an incision in the mother’s
abdominal wall.
Episiotomy (episi/o = vulva + -otomy =
surgicalincision) – incision of perineum and
vagina to assist in delivery of the infant
On a sheet of paper, write the definitions of the word part using the
word bank below:
1. –pnea
6. arthr/o
2. carcin/o
7. -emia
3. thromb/o
8. -plegia
4. pleur/o
9. my/o5. lith/o
10. lord/o
Word Bank
blood condition
Then, create five legitimate medical terms using at least one of the
word parts in each term.