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Today’s LEQ: How did America react to a
Civil War?
New Technology
Both sides anticipated a quick win, but
new technology brought a war of
attrition – a long, bloody battle where
both sides suffered heavy losses
New Technology
Bullet – long piece of metal w/
rounded end
New Technology
2. Rifling – spiral groove cut
inside gun barrel
New Technology
Shell –
cannon ball
New Technology
Canister – Shell filled w/ tiny
lead balls
New Technology
Ironclad Gunboats – steamships
w/ iron plating
Challenges Facing Government Leaders
While the war raged, leaders in both the
Union and the Confederacy faced
enormous challenges.
 Huge,
expensive military effort
 Lots of lives lost on both sides
 Needed to maintain public support for an
increasingly unpopular struggle
Increased Government Power
Lincoln needed to keep the border states
in the Union; pro-secession mobs attacked
a Union regiment as it moved through
 Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas
corpus – the right to a trial before
Increased Government Power
Lacking sufficient volunteers,
Lincoln enacted a military draft
in 1863.
white men between 20 and 45
were required to report for military
duty – triggers draft riots
Increased Government Power
To help pay for the war, Lincoln signed the
Internal Revenue Act – tax on liquor, tobacco,
medicine & paper
 Now
known as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Created National Currency: Greenbacks
Increased Government Power
Lincoln decided that tying the war effort
to freeing the slaves made sense
 On January 1, 1863, Lincoln signed the
Emancipation Proclamation – freed all
slaves living in states “in rebellion
against the U.S.”
 Slaves living in areas loyal to or under
Union control were not affected.
Company C of the 54th MA
1st African American Regiment
Led by Colonel Robert Gould
Most of the regiment was killed
during attack on Fort Wagner,
Medical Conditions
 Docs did not sterilize equipment!
 Went days w/out washing
 High rates of infection
Medical Conditions
Some tried to make changes:
Clara Barton – gave first aide to troops & started
Red Cross
Dorothea Dix – organized Union’s nursing corps
Both sides anticipated a quick, easy
 Some Americans thought that the
battles were entertainment.
Showed up in their Sunday best
with picnics
Battle of 1st Bull Run through Battle
of Gettysburg (1861-1863)
Battle Activity
Move around the room to read
about key battles from the Civil
Record information on your
At First…
South had the upper hand
Fighting defensive war, fighting
to protect way of life, had
better officers
Won most of the battles in the
first year
Turning the Tide
Vicksburg & Gettysburg
 How did the North turn the tide?
War of Attrition
Turned into a war of attrition
North knew that it could win if it
just wore the South down.
South didn’t have enough men or
Appomattox Court House
April 9, 1865
Lee & Grant