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6th grade Social Studies Study Guide for Final
Chapter 7
Lesson 1 Be able to:
Explain how the mountains and seas influenced life in Greece p. 174
Compare and contrast life of the Minoans and Myceneans pgs. 174-176 (chart in notebooks)
Describe the importance of the palace at Knossos p.176
Describe the Dark Age and its affect on Greek history pgs. 177-178
Describe how the Dorians helped to spread Greek Culture p.178
Explain the role of the Hellenes in rebuilding Greek Civilization p.178 - 179(notebook)
Describe what life was like in Greek City- States (polis) pgs. 179-182 (notebook)
Lesson 2 Be able to:
Describe the types of government in Greek City- States – tyrant, oiligarchy, democracy
Pg. 183-184
Compare/contrast life in Sparta and Athens
Describe the changes made in Athens by Solon, Peisistratus, and Cleisthenes to move Greece toward Democracy
Pg. 188-189
Lesson 3 Be able to:
Describe how the Persians were able to take over Athens with the help of Cyrus the Great and howhe built his empire pg.
Explain how the Persian Government ran. Pg. 191-192
Define Zoroastrianism and the beliefs of Zoroaster. P. 192-193
Describe how Greeks defeated the Persian. Pgs. 193-194
Cite reasons for the decline of Persia. P.197
Lesson 4 Be able to:
Compare/contrast the changes in government before and after the Persian Wars (Notebooks)
Describe life in Athens pgs. 200-201
Explain how the Athenian’s lost the war. pgs. 202-203
Describe the effects of the war on the city-states pg. 205
Chapter 8
Lesson 1 Be able to:
Explain how the Greeks honored their Gods. P.212
Identify the main gods we studied and of what they were in charge (chart p. 213)
Identify and describe the importance of epics and fables. p. 214-216
Be able to summarize Homer’s stories, the Iliad and Odyssey pgs. 215-216
Identify the types of drama we studied p. 217
Tell accomplishments of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides p. 217-218
Lesson 2 Be able to:
Tell accomplishments of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle pgs. 222-224
Tell accomplishments of Herodotus, Thucydides, Pythagoras, Hippocrates pgs. 225-227
Lesson 3 Be able to:
Be able to explain how the Macedonians became so powerful and conquered Greece. Pgs. 230-231
Identify accomplishments of Philip and Alexander the Great 230-232pgs.
Identify the legacy left by Alexander the Great p.234-235
Explain the end to Alexander’s dream of creating a united empire. P.235
Lesson 4 Be able to:
Explain how Greek culture spread during the Hellenistic Era. Pgs. 236-237
Identify the accomplishments of Appolonius, Menander p. 237
Identify accomplishments of Epicurus and Zeno p. 238
Compare beliefs of Stoicism and Epicureanism p.238
Identify accomplishments of Aristarchus, Euclid, and Eratosthenes pgs. 239
Chapter 9
Lesson 1 Be able to:
Describe the importance of the mountains, plains, and rivers to Indian civilization. Pgs. 248-249
Describe the effect of the two types of monsoons Pgs. 249-250
Describe life in the Indus Valley cities, especially in those of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa pgs. 250-252
Explain how the Aryans came to live in India. p.253-253
Define raja, Sanskrit, Vedas p.254
Explain the Caste System of India p.255
Lesson 2 Be able to:
Explain the beliefs of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism (graphic organizer) pgs. 257-264
Lesson 3 Be able to:
Identify facts of the empires of Chandra Gupta Maurya and Chandra Gupta I pgs.265-266, p.268
Describe the accomplishments of Ashoka pgs. 266-267
Explain the end of the Mauryan Empire. P. 268
Describe the advancements in literature, arts, mathematics, science, and medicine pgs. 269-271
Chapter 10
Lesson 1 Be able to:
Explain the affect the mountains, rivers, and deserts had on China’s development. pgs. 278-279
Describe the Shang and Zhou dynasties’ ways of life pgs.281-282, 283-284
Describe the accomplishments of each dynasty. Pgs. 283, 285
Explain the way each dynasty was governed pgs. 282, 284
Describe how religion affected each dynasty p282, 284-5
Explain the importance of myths and legends p280
Lesson 2 Be able to:
Be able to explain the beliefs of Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism pgs. 286-288
Be able to explain what daily life is like in China. Pgs. 289-291