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Islamic Religion
What is Islam?
• Second largest religion in the world
– 1.2 Billion Muslims (20% of earth population)
• Began in modern day Saudi Arabia
• Based on beliefs on Jews & Christians
– Abraham is first important figure
– Belief in the same, single God
• Follows the teachings of the prophet Muhammad
What is the Qur’an?
• Holy Book of Islam
• Revealed to Muhammad by the Angel
• Contains the words of Allah.
• Ideally, it should be read and printed
in Arabic only.
• Contains parts of the Torah and Bible
Who is Muhammad?
• A prophet of God, but not a god himself
– He is not worshipped
• Born in Saudi Arabia, in city of Mecca
• A trader until age 40, when Qur’an revealed to
• His teachings are the foundation of Islam.
Who is Muhammad?
• Claimed to travel with Angels to Jerusalem one night
– Given tour of Heaven and Hell
– Temple built over the site where he went to heaven.
• He and his followers make polytheists in Mecca angry, move to
Medina. (hijra)
• After a decade, he invades Mecca.
• Later, he leads some battles himself to “defend the faith.”
• Dies in Medina at age 63
– No male sons
– Only one daughter
Basic Islamic Beliefs
1. One unique god, without a partner or son.
1. Belief in God’s revealed books:
- Torah, Bible, Qur’an
2. Belief in all Gods prophets:
- Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad
3. A final day of judgment.
4. Belief in the angels of God.
Other Beliefs
• Islam Emphasizes:
– Tolerance, Humility, Justice, generosity,
obedience to law, and courage.
• Islam Forbids the consumption of:
– Pork (pigs believed to be unclean)
– Alcohol
The Five Pillars of Islam
Muhammad said five pillars held up the building of
1. Testimony of Faith
- “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.”
2. Prayer:
- 5 times a day
3. Charity:
- 2.5% of Muslim income goes to the needy, mosques, etc
4. Fasting
- During Ramadan, no eating during the day
5. Hajj:
- Travel to Mecca at least once, if physically/financially able.
The Hajj
• The Fifth Pillar of Islam
– Pilgrimage to Mecca
• 3-6 days of rituals and prayer
• Focus is on the Ka'ba, the holiest
shrine and supposed first house of
• Pilgrims are called “hajji”
– Not to be used as a derogatory word
– Women may not go without men.
Sects of Islam
• Two Major Sects:
– Sunni
– Shi’a (Shiite)
• Sunni
– approx 90% of Muslims
– Believe successors to Muhammad should be chosen by the community
– Do not believe in intermediary (middle-man) between Allah and people.
• Shi’a (Shiite)
approx 10% of Muslims
Think Muhammad’s successor should be his relatives
Believe in an intermediary called an Imam
Those with religious authority should rule govn’t too.
Successors of Muhammad
• Abu Bakr is chosen as Caliph
– Bakr’s advisor becomes caliph later.
• To avoid civil wars of succession, each
diverted attention by invading neighboring,
non-Muslim nations.
• Weak Persian and Byzantine empires
made conquest easy.
Spread of Islam
Spread of Islam
• Islam spreads despite major geographic barriers
including mountains and deserts.
• Is at first spread along the major trade routes to Mecca
and Medina.
• Arabic language facilitated trade and intellectual
– Arabic was the language of the Koran
– Therefore, all Muslims could communicate in Arabic.
– Traders thus spread the religion and other ideas as they traded.
Arabs as Conquerors
• Tolerant of conquered people.
• Conquered people had three choices:
1. Convert to Islam
2. Don’t convert, pay annual tribute
* Non-Muslims could not be in government
3. Refusal of both meant death
• Muslims conquer major cities of Jerusalem and Damascus.
• Muslim invasion into Europe stopped at battle of Tours when Franks
defeat the Moors of Spain.
• In less than 100 years, Muslim/Arab empire spread from India to
Spread of Islam
The Crusades
• Muslims called Seljuk Turks invade Byzantium.
• Westerners try to “recapture” the Constantinople and
other “Holy Lands.”
• Seljuk Turks defeated.
• Crusades spread Arab ideas, culture, and art to
Western Europe.
• 200 years later, the Ottoman Turks finally defeat
Byzantine Empire in 1453 AD.
Little Political Unity
• Despite a common language and religion,
political unity if the first Muslim Empire was
– People fought over who should be Caliph
– Sunni / Shi’a split
• Eventually the Muslim world split into three
caliphates (areas).
– Capitals at Cordova (Spain), Cairo (Egypt), and
– Each had its own caliph.