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Training Food Challenge Teams
Charlene Belew
Courtney Dodd
Sara Dodd
Outline of Training
Review Food Challenge Basics
Recipe Selection & Preparation
Teaching MyPlate
Cooking Terms & Preparation Steps
Time Management
Teaching Food Safety
Figuring Cost Analysis
Food Challenge Opportunities
What is the Food Challenge?
• Food Challenge Basics
– Team event
• Teams made up of 3-5 youth
– Two Parts
• Preparation
• Presentation
• Set of ingredients (based upon a recipe) provided for each team
• Teams also have access to a “pantry” of additional ingredients
• Ingredients are representative of 1 of 4 categories:
Main Dish
Fruits & Vegetables
Breads & Cereals
Nutritious Snacks
• From ingredients, teams have 40 minutes to:
– Develop and prepare recipe
– Prepare presentation for judges
– Clean up work space
Preparation Highlights
• Each ingredient must be incorporated into recipe
• Teams may determine the exact amount of each ingredient
to use
• Ingredients may be used to garnish dish; additional garnish
items not provided
• At end of time, area must be clean and all supplies put
• Educational resources are provided to teams, as well as
receipt and worksheet
• Teams should highlight:
– Steps taken to prepare dish
– Nutrients found in dish and their functions
– Food safety practices and concerns related to
preparation and storage
– Cost analysis
– Refer to scorecard for more topics to highlight!
• Teams have 5 minutes for presentation
Presentation Highlights
• Teams are allowed use of note cards; reading
from them minimizes effectiveness of
• Judges’ questions may address general
nutrition knowledge
• All team members must participate in
Preparing & Selecting Recipes
• Choose recipes that can be prepared with equipment
available in supply kits
• Difficulty of recipe should be based upon age of youth
• Look for recipes that also provide nutritional information,
preparation time, and number of servings
• Select recipes that may expose youth to a new ingredient
or cooking method
• Teams will receive: category, ingredient list, and clue
Food Challenge Ready Recipes
Recipe Ingredients:
For Food Challenge Teams:
• 4 c bow tie pasta
• 1 red bell pepper, 1 zucchini,
and 1 carrot each cut into 1inch match-stick strips or
• 4 green onions, chopped
• 5 Roma tomatoes, seeded and
cut into 1-inch cubes
• ¼ cup chopped basil
• 1 can 98% fat free cream of
chicken soup
4 c bow tie pasta
1 red bell pepper
1 zucchini
1 carrot
4 green onions
5 roma tomatoes
¼ cup basil
1 can cream of chicken soup
Bread & Cereal
4 c bow tie pasta
1 red bell pepper
1 zucchini
1 carrot
4 green onions
5 roma tomatoes
¼ cup basil
1 can cream of chicken soup
Clue: Chop it, toss it, and serve it!
Teaching MyPlate
• MyPlate Jeopardy
• Cooking and presentation activity –
– Lots of hands-on activities with a variety of foods,
so you will need space, time, and patience.
– Kids stayed engaged and were excited to eat their
Cooking Terms & Preparation Steps
• Teams should know:
– Basic terminology
– Methods of food preparation & purpose
– Cooking tools and how they should be used
Time Management
Practice Makes Perfect! Organization is key!
• Have the team members identify their
strengths and weaknesses
• 4-H Food Challenge Team Worksheet - divide
job responsibilities amongst team members
1. Knowledge of MyPlate: identify the
ingredient, which food group it falls under,
and the number of servings needed daily.
Time Management
2. Nutrient Knowledge: identify the ingredient
and what the main nutrient/vitamin is, and
why it is necessary for the body
3. Food Preparation: tell how much of each
ingredient was used in the recipe, and how it
was prepared
4. Food Safety: provide the safety measures
used in the storing, preparation and holding
of the dish
Time Management
5. Serving Size Information: calculate the cost
per serving, and the total cost of the dish
6. Know what is available in the kit
7. Know what information is available in the
provided resources and how to utilize
8. Conduct workshops, trainings, tours, etc.
How to Utilize the 40-minute Window?
• Set the timer. (assigned task)
Time Management
• Team members work together to strategize
and form a plan: set out ingredients, see what
is available in the pantry, and decide on a
recipe and who is doing each preparation step
• 25 minutes into the contest, have the one
team member that’s assigned to food prep
finish the dish (plate and garnish it)
Time Management
• Other teammates begin working on their
pre-assignments (colored note cards) *the
person assigned food prep completes their
note cards as they work on the recipe
• 5 minutes left, everyone helps with cleanup:
left-over food, dirty dishes, etc. (assigned task)
• When the 40 minute is up, the prep area is
clean, the dish complete, presentation ready
and 4-H’ers confident!
Teaching Food Safety
• Do this lesson FIRST.
• Use “bacteria” gel and black light to
demonstrate the best way to clean hands and
surfaces before handling food (lesson plan provided
• Resources:
Figuring Cost Analysis
1 dozen eggs
Number of eggs in carton
Formula: cost/number of eggs
Cost per egg
.1825 ($0.18 per egg)
Recipe calls for 3 eggs:
Price of one egg
Formula: cost of 1 egg x 3
.18 x 3
Cost of eggs used in recipe
Figuring Cost Analysis
# in Package
Formula to Use
Cost per Item/
Boneless, skinless
chicken breasts
2 lb.
9 breasts
Loaf of bread
22 slices
Bag of apples
Bag of potatoes
5 lb
17 potatoes
Cheese slices
16 slices
Salt, 26 oz.
491 ¼ tsp
491 x .25 tsp = 122.75 tsp
.33/122.75 tsp=
.33/41 Tbsp* =
*Have to know that 3 tsp = 1 Tbsp
Team Presentations
• Stress the importance of teamwork and public
speaking – have all youth give a portion of the
• When it is time for the interview, the group walks
into the room (in order of presentation) with one
member carrying the dish in and placing it on the
table before the judges. Make sure that person is
wearing disposable gloves.
Team Presentations
• Once the dish is placed on the table, that person
should take the gloves off and set them on a folded
paper towel (no cross-contamination) on the table
beside the dish. Everyone needs to keep their hands
either to their side or behind them, and should have
their apron/chef hat on, hair pulled back out of the
face, no nail polish on, wear close-toed shoes, and
clean trimmed nails. Happy faces!
Team Presentations
• Hi! I’m Allison Halfmann, a 4-H member from
Glasscock County, and my teammates are Shay, Scott
and Seth Miller (gesture your nearest arm toward
them as you say their names…as your name is said,
smile, step up to the table and shake hands with the
judges). We are the Spicy Clovers. Today we are
going to tell you about our recipe, which we’ve
called, Rolled Olive Sandwiches. This recipe falls in
the nutritious snack category.
Team Presentations
Knowledge of MyPlate: (use the MyPlate resource)
Hi. I’m going to tell you about the main ingredient that
is in our recipe, and where it falls on MyPlate. As kids
that do 60 minutes of physical activity, we need to get
about 2200 calories every day.
• (EXAMPLE.) The ingredients in our recipe falls into
several different food groups, but today I’ll focus on
our main ingredient, which is bread. This food falls
under the Grain Group. We need to eat 7 ounces of
grains every day. We should try to eat whole grains.
Team Presentations
Nutrient Knowledge: (use the Nutrient Needs at a
Glance resource) I’m going to tell you about the main
nutrient found in the food Shay talked about , and how
it helps your body.
• The main nutrient found in the bread is
carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are important
because it supplies energy to the body at 4 calories
per gram to all body cells, and it helps the body use
other nutrients properly. Without carbohydrates a
person could have a loss of energy and be fatigued.
Team Presentations
Food Preparation: Now I’m going to tell you how we
prepared our recipe. The ingredients in our recipe
included: (substitutions can be found in the Altering
Recipes for Good Health handout)
• 24 thin sandwich bread slices…a substitution could
be using a flour-tortilla
• 1 package of cream cheese…a substitution could
include using fat-free or low-fat cheese
Team Presentations
• 1 cup diced salad olives…you could substitute green
olives for the black
• 1/2 cup chopped pecans…any nut, such as Walnuts,
could be substituted
• 1/2 cup mayonnaise…a substitution could include
using fat-free or low-fat mayonnaise
• 1/4 teaspoon pepper…a substitution could be using
a fresh or dried herb
Team Presentations
1. To prepare our dish, we first removed the crusts
from the bread using a sharp paring knife on a
cutting board.
2. Next we flattened each bread slice with a rolling
3. We then stirred the cream cheese and remaining
ingredients until they were mixed in a bowl. This is
our filling.
Team Presentations
4. Next we spread 2 tablespoons of the cheese
mixture on 1 side of each bread slice. Then we
rolled each slice up, and cut each roll into 4 slices.
5. To serve the snack, we laid lettuce leaves on a tray
as a garnish and placed the sandwich slices on top.
6. This recipe made 96 sandwich slices.
Team Presentations
Food Safety: (use the BAC resource)
I’m going to tell you about the food safety steps we
took to make sure the dish is safe to eat. There are
numerous ways we kept ourselves and the food safe
today while making our recipe, but four of the main
items we focused on included:
• Once you get ready to prepare your dish, you should
make sure your work surface and supplies are clean.
We did that by using the Lysol Disinfecting Wipes
found in our kit.
Team Presentations
• We then prepared ourselves. As you can see, I had
my hair pulled back, and wore an apron, and the
boys wore chef hats. We all have on close-toed
shoes, and sanitized our hands with sanitizer found
in our kit, along with wearing disposable gloves.
• We washed the lid of the olive can using the Lysol
Disinfecting Wipes prior to opening the can. This
made sure all residue and bacteria was removed.
Team Presentations
• This dish should be covered with plastic wrap or
tinfoil to keep it from being contaminated and stored
in the refrigerator until serving.
• Any leftovers should be covered and kept in the
refrigerator. This should be done within 2-hours of
Team Presentations
Serving Size Information: (use the receipt and serving
size to complete this.) Lastly, today I’d like to share
with you the cost of our dish.
• The total cost of the loaf of bread was $2.50. There
are 24 slices of bread in a loaf, and we used the
entire loaf.
• The package of cream cheese cost $1.10. We used
the entire 8-ounce block.
Team Presentations
• The can of olives cost $.75. The entire can was 16
ounces. We only used 1 cup in the recipe. One cup =
8 ounces, so our cost was $.38.
• The 4-ounce package of pecans cost $4.25. We used
½ pecans in the recipe. ½ cup = 4 ounces, so we
used the entire package of pecans.
• The 8-ounce jar of mayonnaise cost $3.45. We used
½ cup of mayonnaise in the recipe. ½ cup = 4
ounces, so we used half of the jar. Our cost was
Team Presentations
• The 4-ounce jar of black pepper cost $.50. We used
¼ teaspoon of pepper in the recipe. 24 teaspoons =
½ cup, and ½ cup = 4-ounces, so the cost of the
pepper we used was less than a $.01.
The total cost of the dish we prepared was $9.96. The
dish serves 24 people, so the cost per serving would be
$.42 (9.96/24=.42). This would be a cheap dish to
make because it serves so many people, plus you have
left over food that could be used to make other dishes,
such as the pepper, mayonnaise and olives.
Team Presentations
Summarize: We’d like to thank you for your time, and
are ready to answer questions you may have.
Practice Makes Perfect! Organization is Key!
Education is Necessary! Fun is Mandatory!
Food Challenge Opportunities
• National 4-H Food Challenge
– October 7-8, 2014
– State Fair of Texas
• San Antonio Livestock Show & Rodeo
– February
Thank you!
Food Challenge Resources: