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Group 1
Athens - By 700 B.C.E., Athens established a unified polis on the peninsula of Attica. By the seventh century,
Athens had fallen under the control of its aristocrats. The aristocrats controlled everything and set up a counsel
of nobles. Near the end of the 7th century, Athens faced severe political erisis. In 594BCE, Athens put stolen
full power, reform <minded aristocrat. Coexist hens created the council of five hundred. Persia challenged
Athens power. Xerxes, Persians monarch vowed revenge and planned attack on Greece. Xerxes and the
persons conquered Athens, but the Greeks defeated the Persian army at plates and won the war.
Sparta - located in Peloponnesas, Sparta faced the need for more land. They undertook the conquest of
messenger despite seize and population. They created a military state there.
Between 800-600B.C.E., Sparta instituted a series of reforms associated with lawmakers lycasgus. Sparta was
a major military state and famous in movies such a 300. The lycargan reforms reorganized the Spartan Gov.,
creating an oligarchy. Two kings organized military affairs. They shut off the outside world. The art of war was
the Spartan ideal.
Peloponnesas War - 27 years long - Athens vs Sparta
Plague in Athens weekend them during the second war.
Sparta defeated Athens, and Athens was no longer more in 401 B.C.E.
405 B.C.E. Athenian Fleet was destroyed at Aegospetom.
Group 2
Day 2 Notes for World History
A series of disputes finally led to the outbreak of war in 431 B.C.E. At the
beginning of the war, the Athenians planned to remain behind the protective walls
while the overseas empire and the navy would keep them supplied. In the 2 nd year
of the war, plague wiped out 1/3 of the population. Pericles died the following year
in 429 B.C.E. Despite the losses, Athenians fought on for 27 years. A final blow
came in 405 B.C.E. when the Athenian fleet was destroyed at Aegospotami on the
Hellespont. Athens was besieged and surrendered in 404 B.C.E. The Great
Peloponnesian War weakened the major Greek states and led to new alliances
among them. Its walls were torn down, the navy was disbanded, and the Athenian
Empire was no more.
Sparta located in the southern Peloponnesus. They faced the need for more land
like the Greeks. Spartans conquered the neighboring Laconians and after, starting
730 B.C.E. At the age of 20, they are enrolled into war. They live in barracks and
go through harsh discipline to make them tough. At the age of 30, they can live at
home with their wives. They fight until they’re 60. The mothers expect her
husband and son(s) to be brave in war. New ideas were discouraged by the
Athens by 700 B.C.E had established a unified polis on the peninsula of Africa.
Early Athens was ruled by a Monarchy, but by the 7th century B.C.E., it had been
taken over by the Aristocrats. Near the end of the 7th century B.C.E., Athens was
going through political turmoil because Athens was facing serious economic
problems. Many Athenian farmers were being sold into slavery because they were
finding that they were unable to repay loans that they had gotten from their
aristocratic neighbors. By 560 B.C.E., an aristocrat gained power, but the
Athenians rebelled and ended the tyranny in 510 B.C.E.
Group 3
Peloponnesus - location where Sparta and other Greek states were.
Peloponnesian war :
- divided into 2 sides : Sparta and its supporters & the Athenian empire.
- War broke out in 431 BCE
- PLASQUE wiped 1/3 of Athenian population
- Hellespont: where Athenians surrendered in 404 BCE
- Resorted in wearing Greek states & new alliances
-Like other Greece states, Sparta faced he need for more land
- known as helots desired from a Greek word for "capture" and forced to woke for the Spartans
- Created a military state to ensure control over them
- Between 800 & 400 BCE they instituted reforms with the name of the lawgiver
- Spartan "highly self- discipline"
- Lives of Spartans were now rigidly organized and tightly controlled
- Spartan women lived at home
- Created an oligarchy
- Group of 5 men known as ephors were elected each year to educate the youth and conduct all
- The art of war was the spartan idea and citizens all other arts were frowned on.
- ruled by a monarchy at first, but then it was under control by its aristocrats
- Possessed the best land and controlled political life
- Possessed few powers although one was assembly of full citizens
- Faced political turn oil bc if serious economic problems near the end of the 7th century
- Athenians rebelled against his son and ended the tyranny in 510 BCE.
Group 4
As the Mediterranean came into contact with the Persian Empire to the east every single thing went
downhill. An example of this could be America during the election. Ionian decided it would be a great
idea to revolt but obviously this me in Mr. Eubanks’ class. After the death of Darius in 486
B.C.E., Xerxes came into power. Seeing how Xerxes is a little child he declared war on Greek. In
preparation, Greek had to get their little states together and form a defensive league..because
apparently they can't work independently. This was under Spartan leadership. Themistocles was trying
to be slick so he got his fellow citizens to follow along with him and they built a navy. Seeing how Xerxes
was a salty sailor, he made sure to have about 150,000 troops along side with him on his way to Greece.
Sadly for the Greeks some snitch told the Persians how to use the mountain path. With knowing this,
The Athenians abandoned their city while they let the Persians burn their city. Did they fight? No they
ran away like small children.
Welcome back my dudes for yet another exciting adventure on the democracy train, the train
that everyone THINKS America is on but really isn't. Athens is probably known as the birth place
of democracy, and no steely that's cool af. And by 700 B.C.E Athens had a unified polis, and
have sadly fallen under the control of aristocrats, and their economy began to go down hill. Just
like ours! RIP Greece you will be missed af. But out of no where these Solon aristocrats came,
and became the Bernie sanders to the Greeks. These reformist af people were pretty chill; they
cancels all land debts, outlawed new loans based on humans as collateral, and freed people
who had fallen into slaver for debts. #woke. Just kidding this may sound cool but is sadly didn't
solve all of Athens’ problems, so I guess I give them about a 7/10 and an A for effort. The
aristocrats soon split up into factions, yet again like the hunger games. My dude Pisistratus took
over in about 560 BCE and help with the trade. Yet another Greek MVP.
Spartans are great warriors, so since they're great warriors they conquered neighboring lands in
order to gain more land. While being great warriors and conquerers, the Spartans wanted to
impregnate Messenia's fertile nation. Whilst trying to impregnate Messenia, Sparta's own
Lycrugus came up with some reforms that organized the miserable lives of the Spartans. These
reforms created a highly self disciplined battle machine. At the age of 7, these said battle
machines go under the states control and go through vigorous training. If they don't die in the
training they get enlisted into the military at 20. If they survive the wars, at 30 they're allowed to
marry. From this point they still continue to live heir miserable lives fighting for their country until
age 60, when they can retire. The Lycurgan reforms reorganized the Spartan government as
well as their citizenship standards. It created an oligarchy which consists of two kings. It's
government consisted of 3 different job titles each with their own purpose. The ephors served
the purpose of educating the youth; the council of elders handled politics, and of course the king
was also involved. The Spartans secured their society by being prejudice towards people who
weren't from Sparta.
The Peloponnesian war lasted for about 40 years. How you can fight for that long I'll never
know. Someone was probably a little too sassy that day. As this was going on the Athens
and Spartans couldn't play nicely so they got split up into two different camps. While
Athens and Sparta was having their little battles, the Spartans were scared that Athens
would be too big of an area to handle. It seemed like these two areas had different views
about society. Both were equally as crazy though, sort of like that one ex girlfriend you want
to go away. Athens decided they didn't want to be hostile all the time like some people so
they stayed back at times to get supplies and what not. Smart choice. Now during the 24th
year of this things kind of hit the fan because the PLAGUE came through and nearly killed
everyone. Because ya know, that's not bad at all. After the plague things eventually came to
an end due to Athens’ walls being torn down and well I'm sure you can tell what happened
from there. Rip Athens.
Group 5
Athens, Sparta, Persia & the Peloponnesian War Early Athens was ruled by a monarchy, next they had
fallen under the rule of aristocrats but overtime the Greek city-state developed into a democracy. They
had in their possession the best land, controlled political life, and even though there was an assembly
full of citizens, it did not hold much power. While Greeks had spread throughout the Mediterranean
they discovered the Persian empire, and Persia challenged Greece over dominance. Sparta was a citystate of Greece who's culture solely revolved around war and was led by two kings and a council of
elders. The council of elders were men who had recently exited the military at age sixty. This war culture
relied on isolation, military, and kicka** attitude in order to thrive. Military was strict and hard on
magets to make them Satan's personal accountant. Isolation as in no outside influences to taint this
Beast of a culture. Only people who got out were soldiers, men weren't the only ones living this
hardcore life. Women were taught to raise kids and run a household. They also participated in extreme
sports. In Sparta's history, they had to deal with Xeres of Sparta after they MUTILATED his predecessor.
300 Spartan's, which equaled 300,000 magets, stood up against 150,000 Persians. Spartan's were cutting
the Persians like grass till some B****** told Xeres how to finish them. After this Persia went on to burn
Athens, and the rest of Sparta and Athens got pissed off and drowned the Persians in the sea in a Naval
battle. Persia found out that you don't f*** with Sparta. Peloponnesian war started in 431 BCE after
Sparta defeated the Persians. The Spartans and Athenians were the major groups, and they couldn't
tolerate each other. The Spartans would attack but the Athenians would remain secure behind their
walls. The next year a plague killed many Athenians and the following year Pericles died. The war
continued for 27 years until the Athenian fleet was destroyed in 405 BCE. The Spartans then managed to
destroy the walls and their navy and beat the Athenians. After the war, Sparta, Athens and Thebes tried
to control Greece. Meanwhile Macedonia was growing. This lead to the downfall of Classical Greek
Group 6
Day 2 Notes: Athens, Sparta, & Peloponnesian War
[War] After bringing home the trophy from the Persians, the greeks were changed forever. They split
into 2 camps, Sparta & Athens. Rivalries, to say th least. This lead to the war of 431 B.C.E. bc someone
got their panties in a wad. Athens, built a wall (@trump) for safety. As to where Sparta relied on
strength. Athena built a wall for protection from Sparta, but not from DEATH. A plague basically wiped a
ton of people out. They fought for 20 years, but sissies never win.
[Sparta] Sparta sent me their location in the Southeastern Peloponnesus & much like the Greeks, they
wanted (needed) more land. The Sparta gang fled the streets in the neighborhoods. (TWO being the
Laconians & Messenia) The Mess’s were named the ‘helots’ {means captured} after being conquered.
Oh my, the irony ❤. They became saves to the Spartans. Boys were taken from their mothers ☹ and put
into the army at 20. They guys were not free until their 60s. Bummer. Women lived at home and stayed
fit. LOL
[Athens] Athens got Atticas lives back together by making a polis for them. -They are doing better than
me at this point- Once bring controlled by a monarchy, they were taken over ☹ However at the end of
the 7th centry B.C.E., their lives came crippling down due to economic issues (can relate) The Athenian
assembly [big dawgs] were made up of all men, of course. They basically had the last word in every
situation. LOL