Download The Digestive System Three (3) main functions Breaks down food

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The Digestive System
Three (3) main functions
Breaks down food
Into molecules body can use
Molecules absorbed into blood
Carried throughout body
Wastes are eliminated
Mechanical digestion
Physically broken down
Chewing, grinding
Chemical digestion
Chemicals produced by body
Mix with food, change it chemically
Example: starch changes into sugar molecules
Nutrients pass into blood
Transported to all cells in body
Materials not absorbed
Fiber is an example
Put out of body as waste
Parts of the digestive system
Mechanical digestion in mouth
Teeth cut and grind food
Incisors cut
Canines tear and slash
Molars grind
Chemical digestion
Saliva mixes with food as teeth work
Changes starch into sugar molecules
An enzyme in saliva caused this to happen
Enzyme - protein that speeds up chemical reactions
Muscular tube - connects mouth to stomach
Lined with mucus - makes food easier to swallow
Smooth muscles push food toward the stomach
Muscular waves are called peristalsis
Keep food moving toward stomach
Epiglottis - seals off windpipe when you swallow
Mechanical digestion in the stomach
Most mechanical digestion occurs here
Churns and mixes food
Like a washing machine mixes soap and clothes
Chemical digestion in the stomach
Digestive juices mix with food
Enzymes like pepsin digest proteins
Breaks proteins into amino acid pieces
Hydrochloric acid helps pepsin work
Kills many bacteria swallowed with food
Stomach lining
Protects stomach with thick coat of mucus
Food remains in stomach until all solid material is broken down
Thick liquid is then released into small intestine
Small Intestine
Almost all chemical digestion takes place here
Almost all absorption of nutrients takes place here
Name for small diameter
Actually about 6 meters long
Starch, proteins already partially broken down
Fats have not been broken down at all
Enzymes and secretions are mixed here
Produced by pancreas, liver, small intestine
Largest organ inside the body
Extremely busy chemical factory
Plays a role in many body processes
Produces BILE to aid digestion
Bile breaks large fat particles into smaller droplets
Produces enzymes that break down starches, protein, fats
Produces insulin
Tiny, finger-shaped structures inside small intestine
Nutrient molecules pass into blood vessels here
Greatly increase surface area in small intestine
Large Intestine
Last section of digestive system
About 1.5 meters long
Bacteria here help make certain vitamins
Water removed here
Remaining material is readied for elimination
Waste material compressed into solid form
Eliminated from the body through the anus
Muscular opening at end of rectum