Download AP World History Review 1750-1914 Short Review

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Period 5
1750 – 1914
20% of Test
1750 – 1914
What makes it different???
• Economics:
– Western dominance of trade is clear and the world
becomes smaller with new technologies and
– Industrialization creates huge separation between the
world powerful countries and those that remain
agricultural and “behind.” This difference is highlighted by
1750 – 1914
What makes it different?
• Political:
– Political revolutions – for independence or political change
– The concept of the nation emerges
– Absolutism is challenged and the idea of democracy spreads
• Social:
– Industrialization impacts: gender patterns and the growing middle
class, but also increases the gap between the rich and poor
– Labor systems change as slavery and serfdom become less prevalent
1750 – 1914
• Why did it begin in Britain?
Agricultural change and and Enclosures
New inventions
Natural resources and transportation
Economic and political stability
• Where did it spread?
• How did industrialization look in Russia and Japan?
1750 – 1914
Industrialization – Impacts
• Created a gap between societies
• Increased need for natural resources
– was a reason for imperialism
– led to the dependence on cash crops among nonindustrialized regions
• Global transportation developed to support the
trade in manufactured goods and raw materials
• Railroads
• New sea lanes – Suez and Panama Canals
• Environmental Impacts
• Land use and urbanization
1750 – 1914
Industrialization - Impacts
• Social Impacts
– Urbanization
– Gender “equality” ?????
– Social Classes
– Labor systems
– Immigration
• Political responses
– Reform
– Isms!
1750 – 1914
Political Change
• Sources of change:
– Enlightenment Ideas
– Those darn bourgeoisie
• Revolutions!
Latin America
(later) China
(and Russia is getting ready!)
1750 – 1914
• What makes the American and French Revolutions
• What makes the Haitian Revolution different?
• What are some of the reasons revolution spread to
Latin America?
• How did the conservative reaction to revolution
impact Europe? (Congress of Vienna)
1750 – 1914
Revolution - Impacts
• What made the outcomes of the
independence movements in North America
so different from the independence
movements in South America?
– Political
– Economic
1750 – 1914
Revolution - Limitations
• Women’s Rights
• Racial Equality?
• Social Equality?
1750 – 1914
• What makes a nation different from previous
types of political entities?
• How did nationalism create changes?
– France
– Italy
– Germany
1750 – 1914
What’s going on in those old empires?
• The Russian Empire
– Catherine the Great the “Enlightened Despot”
– Industrialization(?), Crimean War and Reform
– Marxism
• The “Sickly” Ottoman Empire
– Economic issues
– Janissaries
– Young Turks
• Austria-Hungary?
• The Qing
– From Kangxi to Opium – How did it happen?
1750 – 1914
• How did imperialism change over time in Africa?
– Slave trade
– “legitimate” trade
– The Scramble
• How did imperialism change over time in South Asia?
The declining Mughal Empire
Company Rule (to 1857)
Direct Rule (to 1947)
Nationalism and the Indian National Congress
1750 – 1914
• Economic Imperialism in China
– Opium Wars and Unequal Treaties
– Response: Taiping and Boxer Rebellions
• Economic Imperialism in Latin America
• Japanese – Avoiding Imperialism
– The Meiji Restoration
• The US joins the fun