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Fish Nutrition
When you increase the intensity of fish farming (aquaculture known
as density or number of fish weight per unit area or size of the pond)
in the ponds it becomes difficult to produce food naturally meets the
growth requirements of the fish and their living and filling their food
needs. So fish breeders resort to processed foods and added to the
ponds to increase growth rates and fattening fish to get the most
production possible minimum period of time. Called on the
processed food diets fish.
The basic components of the fish diets
To achieve the desired goal of fish farming should be integrated
to provide food that meets the needs of the fish in order to grow
rapidly. To achieve this goal must be that the food contains a basic
living requirements and growth
1- -Proteins
Proteins is the basic element for the construction of animal tissues.
Proteins differ among themselves based on their component, which
represents the unity of the initial construction of proteins and how
those relate to the type of amino acids.
The construction unit basic amino acids is nitrogen, which has a
presence in most of the proportion of animal proteins and oilseeds
and grains up to 16%. It expresses the protein content of the feed
material the following equation- :
The amount of crude protein = The amount of nitrogen in
protein × 6,25
Where the figure was 6.25 expense ratio of 16% 100/16 = 6.25
Since the amino acid unit is based proteins have been isolated 23
sour acids of natural proteins. Fish need to be ten essential amino
acids in their diet where the body can not synthesize from other
compounds which arginine, Hustdan, leucine, lysine, Mithaaonin,
polyvinyl alanine, threonine, valine and Terptovan Alaizuliossin.
The rest of the amino acids are not essential for the body and can be
synthesized at the fish if they actually needed were not available in
its food. The proteins can be divided into two main sections
according to the amino acids involved in the type of installation
‫ سامر سليم الشكرجي‬.‫م‬.‫ م‬-: ‫اعداد‬
Fish Nutrition
‫كغم غذاء‬/ ‫احتياجات بعض األسماك لألحماض االمينية األساسية غم‬
10, 3
** 5,6
* 16
‫سمكة الكارب‬
‫الحامض االميني‬
‫الفينايل األنين‬
‫ * بوجود السستين ** بوجود التايروسين‬-:‫مالحظة‬
:A :animal protein
It is an animal protein source is characterized as containing
essential amino acids where it enters in the diets of fish and can be
obtained from several sources, such as fish meal and meat powder
and powder residue massacres and blood worms and others. The
amount of animal protein are calculated in Fish diets accurately due
to higher prices, which affect the price of fish diet, may lead to
economic losses
B:-vegetable protein
It is obtained from plant sources, which lacks some essential
amino acids. Vegetable protein is characterized by lower prices,
which helps to put it in the diets of fish and reduces the rates of
addition of animal protein, especially for fish and plant nutrition and
mixed vegetable protein is usually available in gaining oil crops,
legumes, seeds and seaweed. Some caution is advised thing to add
because of vegetable protein sources contain some harmful
substances such as fish SBM containing the enzyme trypsin
inhibitor, and cotton seed cake containing a substance gossypol an
impact on the work of many digestive enzymes.
‫ سامر سليم الشكرجي‬.‫م‬.‫ م‬-: ‫اعداد‬
Fish Nutrition
In general fish vary in their needs for protein in diets and there are
factors that determine these needs, including
A) dietary habits as animal feeding fish need at higher rates in
B) the type of protein, which varies depending on the type of fish in
terms of the ability to digest and absorb
C) the age of the fish, which usually need small fish in the early
.stages of their lives to protein ratios higher than the older fish
D) the installation of the diet in terms of fat and carbohydrate ratios
as sources of energy, as these percentages vary depending on the
.type of fish
(E) the degree of environmental factors such as water temperature and
2-- Fats
Known as fat as part of an animal or plant tissue, which can be
extracted with solvents such as Chloroform and ether, and gasoline. The
fatty acids are the basis of the fat composition and there are two types
.a solid saturated fats •
.a liquid unsaturated oils •
The fatty acids are divided on the basic body can not synthesize, and
non-core can be made by the body. The fat primary source of energy in
the diets of fish and food the rest of the animals where gives each gram
of fat twice the energy of one gram of carbohydrates is preferred that the
proportion of fat in the diets of the fish does not exceed 8%, and you can
fish carp diets containing 10% of the fat and give high growth
consumption but produces greasy fish with a high content which makes
them undesirable by the consumer. Take into account the added vitamin
E as a weatherproof fat oxidation (rancidity) when diets with high
content greasy private manufacturing when storing rations at high
temperatures, where diets are Alemsenkhh toxic to fish
‫ سامر سليم الشكرجي‬.‫م‬.‫ م‬-: ‫اعداد‬
Fish Nutrition
3- Carbohydrates
Carbohydrate known as the most basic food container groups
represented on the sugars and starches energy which is a cheaper energy
sources in the fish food, especially fish with plant nutrition. It is
determined by the use of carbohydrates in the diets of fish as food habits
and the coefficient of digestion of carbohydrates and the ability of fish
to be digested and absorbed. Fish are animal nutrition can not take
advantage of the large amounts of carbohydrates in diets because of lack
of secretion of digestive enzymes of carbohydrates, while vegetable
feeding fish such as grass carp have the ability to digest plants and
complex carbohydrates, noting that the common carp has the ability to
digest carbohydrates, but the limits.
Vitamins organic compounds are very important for the life of
the organism although they actually needed in small quantities to
maintain public health and growth. The lack of a vitamin or some of
the fish in the diets cause disturbances in the dynamic representation
processes within their bodies and being infected with disease and
food shortages. Vitamins enzymatically working as an assistant for
many enzymes of the body.
It can be divided vitamins needed by the body on two main groups- :
-Soluble vitamins in the water and represents most of the vitamins
are found in a lot of vegetable origin materials.
-The fat-soluble vitamins in which vitamins K, E, D, A, and is
available in fatty substances.
The lack of a certain vitamin or vitamins leads to the most
important of multiple symptoms of anemia and poor health status of
the fish and thus being infected with multiple diseases
‫ سامر سليم الشكرجي‬.‫م‬.‫ م‬-: ‫اعداد‬
Fish Nutrition
‫جدول اإلعراض المرضية لنقص بعض الفيتامينات في عالئق األسماك‬
‫نقص العنصر اإلعراض المرضية‬
‫ فقدان الشهية‬، ‫ضعف النمو‬
‫ تقلصات عضلية‬،‫خمول في الحركة‬
‫ جحوظ العينين‬، ‫ضعف النمو‬
‫ظهور اللون الداكن على األسماك‬
‫سهولة كسر الزعنفة الذيلية‬،
‫تلون العيون‬
‫حركات عصبية‬
‫ عدم‬،‫ ضعف النمو‬،‫جحوظ العينين‬
‫تجلط الدم‬
‫جحوظ‬، ‫ فقدان الشهية‬،‫ضعف النمو‬
‫تشوهات في العمود الفقري‬، ‫العينين‬
B 12
..5..mineral salts
Minerals are inorganic salts with a close relationship for many
vital functions of the most important to offset concentration of body
fluids with the concentrations of the aquatic environment in which
they live. And contribute to mineral salts in building the skeleton of
a fish is part enters in the composition of many enzymes and
hormones, that the lack of mineral salts in the fish food lead to a
breach in many vital acts as breathing and digestion, reproduction,
growth and others. Therefore, the addition of mineral salts to fish
diets lead to good growth rates despite the fish get big amounts of
such salts of the aquatic environment.
Fish diets
Fish diets differ in terms of components and forms, depending on
the fish species and the different methods of education. And vary the
diet of one type of components by age and the goal of education.
Generally, the diets of fish is an animal and plant food mixed with
each other a and milled to be in powder form or be made on food
tablets after the addition of bonding materials have served basis feed
materials of plant origin on the grains (corn, barley) and legumes
‫ سامر سليم الشكرجي‬.‫م‬.‫ م‬-: ‫اعداد‬
Fish Nutrition
(lupine, beans) and earnings (soybean, cotton seed). The feed
materials of animal origin are powders (meat powder, fish, bones)
and remnants of the massacres and dairy products and crustaceans.
And feed materials vary in their nutritional value where there is a
high nutritional value materials and their prices are very high, such as
fish meal, soybean, and other cheap price such as wheat bran and
remnants of the massacres. It is not necessary that the diets be full of
fish where they contain all the nutrients in the case of farming in
earthen ponds and under semi-intensive system. If either fish under
intensive education system must be focused and diets containing the
needs of all type jam to fill the requirements of growth and vital acts.
In general, the additional rations containing protein ratio ranging
from 20% - 30% depending on the age of the fish (preferably use this
ratio when the culture density be more than t / ha)
)3( ‫أنموذج‬
)2( ‫أنموذج‬
)1( ‫*أنموذج‬
‫ا لمادة الغذائية‬
‫مسحوق سمك‬
‫كسبة فول الصويا‬
‫مركز بروتين مستورد‬
‫كسبة القطن‬
‫ذرة صفراء‬
‫شعير مجروش‬
‫سحالة رز‬
‫نخالة حنطة‬
‫كسر حنطة‬
‫فيتامينات ومعادن‬
‫المحتوى البر وتيني‬
‫المحتوى الدهني‬
‫ بثل التمر‬% 5 ‫ و‬%1 ‫تضاف إليها خميرة‬
‫ سامر سليم الشكرجي‬.‫م‬.‫ م‬-: ‫اعداد‬
Fish Nutrition
Manufacturing dry rations:
Dry rations contain a specific percentage of protein, fat and
carbohydrates, as well as the mineral salts and vitamins with
excellence tactful calamity storage for a long time. Usually what
makes these diets are provided in the form of a fine powder if
presented to the larvae and the chicks, or coarse powder if provided
for young and fingerling, or in the form of tablets and granules differ
reluctance depending on the size of the fish's mouth, which is
different turn in terms of size depending on the fish age and type.
General diets are manufactured in feed production plants and
diets spread across Iraq.
You can create a small factory for the production of diets in to fill
the need of large farms where diets take into account the following
points- :
.1-must be the primary components of the diet completely dry.
.2- Grind the initial components and well screened from the solids,
and the large pieces shall be re-milled again.
3-The weight of each component separately to determine the
percentage mix in the bush.
4-milled ingredients are mixed well to obtain a homogeneous
5-Add the oil slowly with stirring ingredients constantly to make
sure the distribution of the oil on the bush components.
6-Add the warm water (defend jolt temperatures ranging between
40-50 m) gradually with continuous stirring even get a coherent
elastic dough.
7-dough is placed inside the machine or drive manufacturing
Chopper meat production if a little and then gathered on the
cartoon or wooden planks.
8-dried rations in ventilation and sunny place for a period of 24-48
hours with a turned over.
9.- be cracking yarn feed manually or automatically in the lab and
packaged in nylon bags to be stored in private stores.
‫ سامر سليم الشكرجي‬.‫م‬.‫ م‬-: ‫اعداد‬
‫‪Fish Nutrition‬‬
‫دليل التغذية اليومي ألسماك الكارب كنسبة مئوية من وزن الجسم حسب درجة حرارة الماء والفئة الوزنية‬
‫حجم القرص ملم‬
‫الفئة الوزنية‬
‫‪-‬الى ‪5‬غم‬
‫‪20 -5‬غم‬
‫‪50-20‬غم ‪100-50‬‬
‫حرارةالماء ه م‬
‫‪-300 300-100‬‬
‫‪ 1000‬غم‬
‫اقل من ‪17‬‬
‫‪20 – 17‬‬
‫‪23 – 20‬‬
‫‪26 – 23‬‬
‫أعلى من ‪26‬‬
‫اعداد ‪ -:‬م‪.‬م‪ .‬سامر سليم الشكرجي‬