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Unit 09
Unit 9 Vocabulary
Thermochemistry - concerned with
heat changes that occur during
chemical reactions
 Energy- capacity of an object to do
work or produce heat
 Kinetic energy- the energy an object
has due to its motion
 Potential energy- stored energy
 Temperature- describes amount of
motion of particles
Unit 9 Vocabulary
Heat - describes amount of energy
transferred from one object to another
 Endothermic process- heat absorbing
 Exothermic process- heat releasing
 Specific heat- Amount of heat it takes
to raise 1g of a substance by 1°C
The Flow of Energy
Heat is transferred from one object
to another.
Cranking up the Heat:
Basic Thermodynamics
Energy is required in all
biological and chemical
Kinetic Energy
the energy an object has due to its
Potential Energy
stored energy
Energy in the universe
is constant, though it
changes forms.
Law of Conservation of energy –
energy can neither be created nor
Heat vs. Temperature
Temp. and heat are not the same thing.
Temp. describes amount of motion of
Heat describes amount of energy transferred
from one object to another
Describing Energy Changes
Heat flow is from the warmer to the
cooler object
Heat Flow
Heat Flow
Describing Energy Changes
Hot day 50°C = 122°F
Energy transferred from fire to beans.
Change in energy for beans would be
Beans lost energy, it was transferred to its surroundings. This
change of energy would be negative
change = ∆
Describing Energy Changes
Endothermic reactions – absorbs heat, ∆E is
positive, the surroundings cool down
Exothermic reactions – releases heat, ∆E is
negative, the surroundings heat up
Units used to describe Energy:
calorie – called “little calorie” – (cal)
kilocalorie – called “Big calorie”- (CAL)
1000 calories – same as a food calorie
Joule – the SI unit of heat - (J)
cal = 4.184 joules
1 cal
4.184 J
4.184 J
1 cal
Heat Units: Conversion Problems
1. Convert 32.7 cal to joules.
2. Convert 6.24 J to cal.
Specific Heat 
Amount of heat it takes to raise 1g of
a substance by 1°C
Metals have a low specific heat
Water has a high specific heat
Learning Check
1. On a sunny day, the concrete deck around
an outdoor swimming pool becomes hot,
while the water stays cool. This is because…
A. The deck has a higher specific heat than the
B. The deck has a lower specific heat then the
C. Both objects have the same specific heat
Learning Check
2. Two objects are sitting next to each other
in the sunlight. Object A gets hotter than
object B.
A. Object A has a lower specific heat than
object B
B. Object A has a higher specific heat than
object B
C. Both objects have the same specific heat
Specific Heat of Water
Matches definition: Amount of heat it takes to raise
1g of a substance by 1°C
4.18 J/g × °C
1 cal/g × °C
Formula for Specific Heat
q = mc ΔT
q = amount of heat – measured in cal or J
m = mass – measured in g
C = specific heat – units are J/g x °C or
cal/g x °C
ΔT = change in temp – measured in °C
Specific Heat Problems:
1. Aluminum has a specific heat of 0.9020 J/g × °C. How
much heat is lost when a piece of aluminum with a
mass of 23.984 g cools from a temperature of 415.0°C
to a temperature of 22.0°C?
2. 850 calories of heat are applied to a 250 g sample of
liquid water with an initial temperature of 13.0 °C.
Find: a) the change in temperature and
b) the final temperature.
(remember, the specific heat of liquid water, in calories, is
1.00 cal/g x °C.)
Specific Heat Problems:
3. The temperature of a sample of water
increases by 69.5 °C when 24,500 J are
applied. The specific heat of liquid water is
4.18 J/g x °C. What is the mass of the sample
of water?
4. When 34,700 J of heat are applied to a 350 g
sample of an unknown material the temperature
rises from 22.0°C to 173.0°C. What must be
the specific heat of this material?
Bell Work - Wed 1/23/08
When 34,700 J of heat are applied to a 350 g
sample of an unknown material the
temperature rises from 22.0°C to
173.0°C. What must be the specific heat of
this material?
Energy and Change of State
You do not have to write this
 When energy is added to a solid substance, its
temperature increases until its melting point is
reached. Upon the addition of more energy, the
substance begins to melt.
 The temperature remains the same until all the
substance has melted. ****
Enthalpy of Fusion (DHfus)
Energy required to melt 1 gram of a substance
at its melting point
Heating Curve: ( For Water)
Melting point
Heating Ice
Energy and Change of State
After the substance melts and if heating
continues, the temperature will continue to
rise until it reaches its boiling point.
۞The temperature remains the same until
all the substance has boiled.***
Enthalpy of Vaporization (DHvap)
Energy required to vaporize 1 gram of a
substance at its boiling point
Boiling Point
Melting Point
Heating Ice
Heating Water
► Important Formulas to Know ◄
When a substance is being heated, use the
following formula: (inclined line)
q = (m)(c)(DT)
When a substance is melting or boiling, use
the following formula: (flat line)
q = (m) (DHfus or DHvap)
q = (m)(c)(DT)
(C) = Specific Heat:
- of ice = 2.06 J/g x °C
- of water = 4.18 J/g x °C
- of steam = 2.02 J/g x °C
q = (m) (DHfus or DHvap)
 Enthalpy
Values for Water:
DHfus = 334 J/g
DHvap = 2260 J/g
Learning Check:
Sample Problem #1
How much heat is required to melt
5.67g of ice?
Q = (m)(ΔH fus)
Q = (5.67g)(334 J/g)
Sample Problem #2
How much energy is required to boil 85g of
Sample Problem #3
How much energy is required to raise the
temperature of 25g of water from 15°C to
75°C ?
Sample Problem #4
How much energy is required to convert 40g of
ice at -10°C to steam at 150°C ?
Use Both Formulas
Draw a graph
Sample Problem #5
What is the final temperature when 1250 J of
energy is added to 15g of water at 25°C ?
Warm Up
How much energy is required to boil 50 grams of
What is the final temperature when 2500 J of heat
is added to 35 grams of water at 15 degrees
How much energy is required to convert 75 grams
of ice at -20 degrees Celsius to steam at 125
degrees Celsius? (Hint: This problem has 5