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Blood: Anatomy & Physiology – Ch. 12
Transport (nutrients, O2, waste, hormones)
Help maintain stability of interstitial fluid
Distributes heat
Overall, helps to maintain homeostasis
Is a type of connective tissue
Formed elements / Hematocrit (HCT): white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets
Liquid portion: plasma (mix of H2O, amino acids, proteins, carbs, lipids, vitamins, hormones,
electrolytes, and cellular wastes)
Blood in a centrifuge
Separates into 3 parts
Top = liquid plasma
Middle = “Buffy coat” (WBCs & platelets)
Bottom = RBCs
Red Blood Cells
RBC or erythrocytes
Contain O2-carrying hemoglobin
RBC count (RBCC or RCC) males = 4.6 – 6.2 million / mm3; female = 4.2 – 5.4 million / mm3
Produced in the bone marrow
Live about 120 days
Iron required to produce hemoglobin & normal RBCs
Anemia = lack of RBC or hemoglobin
White Blood Cells
WBC or leukocytes
Function: protect against infection by phagocytizing bacterial cells or producing antibodies
5 types
Granulocytes = neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils; develop in red bone marrow, only live
about 12 hrs
Agranulocytes = monoytes & lymphocytes; develop in lymph system and bone marrow
Counts: (WBCC or WCC) 5,000-10,000 / mm3;
Above 10,000 / mm3 = leukocytosis; indicates acute infection
Below 5,000 / mm3 = leukopenia; accompanies certain disease like measels, mumps or AIDS
aka thrombocytes
Formed in bone marrow
10 day life span
Count 130, 000 – 360, 000 / mm3
Help form blood clots
Clear, straw colored
92% H2O
Proteins = albumins, globulins & fibronegen
Gases = O2, C O2 & N
Nutrients = amino acids, simple sugars, nucleotides, lipids (combine w/ protein to form lipoprotein)
Nonprotein nitrogenous substances = contain N but aren’t proteins; amino acids, urea, uric acid
Electrolytes = NA, K, Ca, Mg, chloride, bicarbonate, phosphate, sulfate
Stopping of bleeding by blood vessel spasm, platelet plug formation or blood coagulation
Thrombus = abnormal blood clot
Embolus = blood clot that moves through the vessel
Blood Groups
A = only antigen A; antibody anti-B
B = only antigen B; antibody anti-A
AB = both antigen A & B; neither antibody
O = neither antigen A nor B; both anti-A and anti-B antibody
Type O = universal donor
Type AB = universal recipient
Rh group: Rh- blood will react negatively (after initial exposure) to Rh+ blood