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3.1 Notes: The Rock Cycle
Most Rocks are Made of Minerals
Just like pieces of a puzzle combine to form the picture, __________________ combine to
form rocks.
Just like letters combine to make words, minerals combine to make rocks.
A _______ is a naturally formed solid that is usually made up of one or more types of minerals.
Rocks are not minerals.
The amount of different elements in a particular kind of rock can change.
The minerals in a rock can be jumbled together with no ____________________ structure.
Some rocks are made of only _____ mineral.
o Example: Limestone can be made up of pure
Some rocks are made of ______ minerals.
o Example: Obsidian
Rocks Change as They Move Through the Rock Cycle
Rocks change over thousands or even ______________
of years.
The rock cycle is the set of natural processes that form,
change, break down, and _____________________ rocks.
Rocks do not move through the rock cycle in a particular ____________________.
The rock cycle has no __________________________ or ending but goes on continually.
Rock Types
The 3 types of rock are classified by how they __________________.
_____________________ rock forms when molten rock cools and becomes solid.
Igneous rock can form inside Earth or it can form on Earth’s __________________________.
_____________________ rocks is formed when sediment gets pressed together.
________________________- tiny pieces of older rocks, plants, and other loose material.
Sediment forms when rocks are weathered.
The sediment is carried by water or wind and then settles, forming layers that are pressed
down into rock.
_____________________ rock forms when heat or pressure causes older rocks to change
into new types of rocks.
The changes in heat and pressure cause the structure of the rock to change and new
_____________________ to form.
Rocks in the Crust
Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks are all found in Earth’s _________________.
Most of Earth’s crust (______%) consists of igneous rock and metamorphic rock.
Sedimentary rock makes up only ______% of the crust.
However, __________________________ rocks are the most common type found at the
surface. Why?
Because they are formed by weathering and erosion, which occur on the surface.
____1. The 3 groups of rock are sedimentary, metamorphic, and
A. Limestone
B. Granite
C. Igneous
D. Coal
____2. The rock cycle shows how rocks continually
A. Increase in size
B. Increase in number
C. Become more complex
D. Change over time
____3. What kind of rock forms when molten rock cools?
A. Metamorphic
B. Sedimentary
C. Igneous
D. Extrusive
____4. An existing rock can change into another type of rock when it is subjected to great
A. Pressure
B. Winds
C. Flooding
D. Foliation
3.1 Notes: The Rock Cycle
Most Rocks are Made of Minerals
Just like pieces of a puzzle combine to form the picture, minerals combine to form rocks.
Just like letters combine to make words, minerals combine to make rocks.
A rock is a naturally formed solid that is usually made up of one or more types of minerals.
Rocks are not minerals.
The amount of different elements in a particular kind of rock can change.
The minerals in a rock can be jumbled together with no crystal structure.
Some rocks are made of only one mineral.
o Example: Limestone can be made up of pure
Some rocks are made of no minerals.
o Example: Obsidian
Rocks Change as They Move Through the Rock Cycle
Rocks change over thousands or even millions of years.
The rock cycle is the set of natural processes that form,
change, break down, and reform rocks.
Rocks do not move through the rock cycle in a particular order.
The rock cycle has no beginning or ending but goes on continually.
Rock Types
The 3 types of rock are classified by how they form.
Igneous rock forms when molten rock cools and becomes solid.
Igneous rock can form inside Earth or it can form on Earth’s surface.
Sedimentary rock is formed when sediment gets pressed together.
Sediment- tiny pieces of older rocks, plants, and other loose material.
Sediment forms when rocks are weathered.
The sediment is carried by water or wind and then settles, forming layers that are pressed
down into rock.
Metamorphic rock forms when heat or pressure causes older rocks to change into new types
of rocks.
The changes in heat and pressure cause the structure of the rock to change and new minerals
to form.
Rocks in the Crust
Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks are all found in Earth’s crust.
Most of Earth’s crust (95%) consists of igneous rock and metamorphic rock.
Sedimentary rock makes up only 5% of the crust.
However, sedimentary rocks are the most common type found at the surface. Why?
Because they are formed by weathering and erosion, which occur on the surface.
____1. The 3 groups of rock are sedimentary, metamorphic, and
C. Limestone
D. Granite
C. Igneous
D. Coal
____2. The rock cycle shows how rocks continually
C. Increase in size
D. Increase in number
C. Become more complex
D. Change over time
____3. What kind of rock forms when molten rock cools?
C. Metamorphic
D. Sedimentary
C. Igneous
D. Extrusive
____4. An existing rock can change into another type of rock when it is subjected to great
C. Pressure
D. Winds
C. Flooding
D. Foliation