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Saturated Solutions
(Solubility Curves and More)
What a Solubility Curve Is
 A form of graph which shows the
amount of solute that can be
dissolved into a given solution at a
specific temperature.
 This graph can show both solid and
gas solutes.
Why does it matter?
 It displays three specified, important numerical
amounts relating to the solution and solvent
 Unsaturated: The solution can hold more solvent
 Saturated: The solution can no longer stably hold
more solvent
 Super Saturated: The solution has too much
solvent at this temperature, risks crystallization if
more solute is added.
Solids vs. Gasses
 The solubility of a gas in a solution is directly
proportional to the partial pressure of that gas above
the solution. (Think of it as a bubbling effect)
 For a solid, the solubility is directly proportional to the
temperature, and amounts of solute and solution.
How to Determine Saturated from
 The most effective way is to add more solute, and the effect
shows what the solution is
 If no change: The solution is Unsaturated
 If the solute does not dissolve into the solution: Saturated
 If the solution forms more solute on the bottom or top: The
solution is super saturated
If no Solute is Present
 Lower the temperature by 10 degrees (Or a higher interval of 10)
Which, based on the curve, should cause the solution to hold less
solute, though this method is less accurate.
 If there is no change: The solution is unsaturated
 If there is minor crystallization: The solution is saturated
 If the solution forms noticeably more crystals: The solution is super
Like Dissolving Like
 Ionic compounds, with both positive and negative
‘ends’ to them (Water H- O+) can dissolve many more
forms of solutes, due to this law of science.
 Compounds will be dissolved by solutions with similar
structures, or polarity, water is bipolar, making it a
universal solvent.
Acidic Scale
(The pH Scale)
The Scale Itself
 The scale measures the acidity of the given solution.
 A lower number indicates an acid
 A higher number indicates a base.
Neutralizing Each Other
 When an acid and base react with each other, they
tend to neutralize each other and produce water and
carbon dioxide
Litmus & Buffers
 Litmus is among the oldest known pH indicators,
turning red under acidic conditions and blue under
basic conditions.
 Buffers contain both acids and bases that work in
conjuncture to prevent any changes in pH levels
Indentifying Acid from Base
 The placement of hydrogen and oxygen in the chemical
formula determines the substance identity.
 If hydrogen is in the front, it is an acid (HCl)
 If oxygen and hydrogen are at the end, it is a base
 If hydrogen and oxygen are absent, the substance is
Periodic Arrangements
Mendeleev Structure
 His structure is based mainly on repeating structures
and increasing atomic weight and his design was
effective enough to predict the existence of a few
unknown elements of that time.
Electrons Arrangements
 The elements with the same amount of valence
electrons, or similar chemical and physical properties
are grouped together
Predicting Bonds
 By knowing the amount of valence electrons, you are
able to predict the likeliness of a bond to form.
 (ie: H and Be would form a -1+2 bond)
 Put simply, groups are vertical, periods are horizontal.
 Groups: Clear properties and trends, from alkaline
metals to noble gasses.
 Periods: Less important classifications, main use is for
transition metals, trends in atomic radius, ionization
energy, electron affinity, and electro negativity.