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Plant Response to
Chapters 39
What you need to know!
• The 3 steps to a signal transduction
• The role of auxins in plants.
• The survival benefits of phototropism and
• How photoperiodism determines when
flowering occurs.
Signal Transduction Pathway
Organismal responses to stimuli involve a
cascade of cellular interactions:
1.Reception: cells detect signals when
ligands bind to specific receptors which
change shape in response
2.Transduction: amplification of response
allowing for small number of molecules
(hormones) to trigger a large response
3.Response: Cell responds to specific stimuli
1. Increasing or decreasing mRNA production, or
2. Activating existing enzyme molecules.
Signal Transduction Pathway
• Hormones are chemical messengers that
allow coordinated cellular responses; they
are produced by one part of the organism
and transported to another
Tropism is a hormonal plant growth response
toward or away from a stimulus
• Phototropism: positive or negative growth
toward or away from light
• Gravitropism (growth parallel to gravity)
• Thigmotropism (detect support structure)
Hormones in Plants
Early plant growth; elongation of root
and shoot
Apoptosis (leaves, flowers), fruit
ripening (positive feedback loop)
Stimulates germination and
plant growth
Works in concert with auxins in stem
elongation, germination
Acid (ABA)
Inhibits growth, maintains
dormancy, closes stomata
during water stress
Plant Responses to Light
• Light is critical for plant success
• Light receptors (phytochromes) detect
specific wavelengths of light
– Triggers plants development
• Photoperiodism is a response to the length
of day/night
– Short-day plants (long-night) flower in early
spring or fall
– Long-day plants (short-night) flower in late
spring or early summer
– Day-neutral plants flower in any day length
• Circadian rhythms are physiological cycles
of about 24 hours (not dependent on light)
Plant Defensive Responses
Herbivore Defense:
•Distasteful and/or poisonous chemicals
•Airborne attractants draw predators
Bacterial and Viral Immune Response
•First line of defense = epidermal layer
•Second line of defense =
1. recognition of pathogens
2. Develop resistance or isolate infected area
3. Deliver resistance throughout plant or
Mimosa Plant Reacting to