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Curriculum Vitae
Lauren E Kendall
January 31, 2017
General Information
University address:
College of Nursing
College of Nursing
Duxbury Hall 451
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-4310
Phone: 850/644-3296
E-mail address:
[email protected]
Professional Preparation
DNP, Samford University, Birmingham Alabama. Major: Nursing. Advanced
Lauren Kendall. (2013). Development of Medical Emergency Team Education
Program for Novice Nurses. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,
Samford University, Birmingham Alabama.
Master's Degree, FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY. Major: Nursing.
BSN, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. Major: Nursing.
Professional Experience
Assistant In, College of Nursing, Florida State University.
Business Off Clerical Etc, Medicine Health Affairs, Florida State University.
Adjunct Assistant In, Distance Learning, Florida State University.
Adjunct Assistant In, College of Nursing, Florida State University.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, College of Nursing, Florida State University.
Vita for Lauren E Kendall
Current Membership in Professional Organizations
Tallahassee Area Council of Advanced Practice Nurses
My personal philosophy of teaching is evolving over my five years of teaching experience within a
baccalaureate-nursing program. As I contemplate my personal beliefs pertaining to teaching and learning, I
find that my mission as an educator encompasses the core values that are so important to the nursing
profession: to promote integrity, altruism, caring, autonomy, dignity, and social justice. Professional values
are the foundation for practice; they guide interactions with students, patients, colleagues, other
professionals, and the public. Values provide the framework for commitment to patient welfare,
fundamental to professional nursing practice. To accomplish the development of professional values core
knowledge and competencies are essential. Utilizing the Teaching Perspectives Inventory, identification of
effective perspectives will provide direction and justification for my actions as an educator. Promotion of
critical reasoning and judgment, communication, assessment, and technical skills enhance the foundation of
core knowledge developed in theoretical course content. Educational principles, which facilitate
incorporation of my educational beliefs, include behaviorist theory, cognitivism, and humanist theory.
Behaviorist theory assumes a learner is essentially passive, responding to environmental stimuli. Behavior
is shaped through positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement. Cognitivist theory focuses on inner
mental activities. Mental processes such as; thinking, memory, knowing, and problem solving are explored.
Lastly, Humanistic theory focuses on human freedom, dignity, and potential. Humanists believe that it is
necessary to study the person as a whole, especially as one grows and develops. Each of these theories
takes into account the difference in learners and environment. The role of the educator as facilitator,
collaborator, and enforcer promotes a learning environment in which students may respond to
environmental stimuli, actively participate, and construct their own subjective representations of objective
reality. It is my personal belief that learning occurs best in an environment that supports empathetic,
sensitive, and compassionate care for individuals, groups, and communities. Such an environment will
foster honesty and accountability, which ultimately leads to social and ethical awareness, as well as
cognizance of the learners and others values and beliefs. Teaching strategies utilizing the five perspectives
by Pratt, Arseneau, & Collins (2001) of transmission, developmental, apprentice, nurturing, and social
reform assist in guiding my personal beliefs and intentions as an educator. Such strategies have been found
through research to support problem-based learning (Pratt, et al., 2001). Pratt et al. (2001) have identified
the five perspectives as: Transmission perspective states good teaching is directly associated with content
or subject matter expertise. The role of the educator within the transmission perspective is to present the
content accurately and efficiently, the role of the learner is responsibility to learn the content in its
authorized forms (Pratt et al., 2001). Developmental perspective states good teaching must be planned and
conducted from the learners' point of view. The role of the educator is to help learners develop increasingly
complex and sophisticated cognitive structures related to the practice. Effective questioning and bridging
knowledge are vital to changing those structures (Pratt et al., 2001). Apprenticeship perspective assumes
learning is facilitated when students work on authentic tasks in real settings of application or practice.
Furthermore, good teaching is more than demonstrating and having learners observe our skillful practice; it
is also a process of enculturating students into a set of social norms and professional identity. Educators
must be highly skilled practitioners of what their students are to learn. Overtime less direction is offered
and more re.
Courses Taught
Clinical Application IV: Nursing Care of Adults and Populations with Complex Health Disorders
Foundations for Nursing Practice (NUR3056)
Clinical Application IV: Nursing Care of Adults and Populations with Complex Health Disorders
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Vita for Lauren E Kendall
Professional Nursing Internship (NUR4945)
Clinical Application IV: Nursing Care of Adults and Populations with Complex Health Disorders
Foundations of Nursing Practice (NUR3056)
Foundations of Nursing Practice Lab (NUR3056L)
Foundations of Nursing Practice (NUR3056)
Clinical Application II: Nursing Care of the Adult with Acute and Chronic Health Disorders
Foundations of Nursing Practice (NUR3056-C)
Nursing Leadership in Systems of Care (NUR4888-C)
Clinical Application I: Community Based Nursing Care (NUR3636-L)
Management of Multiple Course Sections
Foundations of Nursing Practice Lab (NUR3056L)
Research and Original Creative Work
Boyer's expanded definition of scholarship in nursing is based on four functions that underlie the profile of
a quality faculty member in the areas of: discovery, integration, application, and teaching. Within this
framework, all forms of scholarship should be recognized and rewarded, resulting in the achievement of
tenure. The scholarship of discovery is evident through the production of creative work within the
education of nursing students. Utilizing current evidence through review of the literature creative strategies
are utilized in the classroom setting to facilitate student learning. The scholarship of integration is evident
through the collaboration with colleagues in designing and delivering nursing courses. Utilizing team
teaching and mentorship the Foundations to Practice course is delivered to undergraduate nursing students.
The scholarship of application is evident through the role of student advisor, fostering the students'
professional growth. As a faculty advisor for our Healthy Campus initiative, as well as within our Tobacco
Education grant, I am able to facilitate the scholarship of application. Lastly, the scholarship of teaching is
evident through the development and testing of instructional materials within our Foundations to Practice
course as well as within the clinical setting.
Program of Research and/or Focus of Original Creative Work
The Medical Emergency Team (MET) is intended to decrease non-intensive care unit
cardiopulmonary arrests by early recognition of a patient's deterioration in clinical status and
intervention before the patient either arrests or requires transfer to a critical care unit. An
adequate orientation program is critical in the acute care setting in order to, provide the novice
nurse with the skills needed to provide care to high acuity patients, the ability to recognize cues
of deterioration when performing patient assessments, identify problems, call for help, and
initiate immediate intervention. The planned translation project is facilitated by a curriculum
utilizing high fidelity simulation to educate novice nurses to recognize promptly clinical
deterioration of patients and effectively activate MET. COPA will facilitate competence in the
skills and clinical decision-making associated with initiation of the MET in acute care settings
for novice nurses. Utilization of a developed call criteria and algorithm will guide novice nurses
through two simulations and debriefing sessions. Tools developed for evaluation of the novice
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Vita for Lauren E Kendall
nurse will assess behaviors during the simulation experience, competence, satisfaction,
simulation design, and educational practices. Limitations of the planned translation project
include three themes: implementation, transfer of knowledge, and sustainability. Application of
the MET curriculum will address problems at the national, local, practice, and education level.
Building confidence, improving patient safety, and improving patient outcomes will be
facilitated through the use of simulation scenarios, evaluation, and debriefing tools developed in
the planned translation project.
Invited Presentations at Conferences
Kendall, L. E. (presented 2013, November). Development of Medical Emergency Team
Education Program for Novice Nurses. Presentation at Sigma Theta Tau Research
Dinner, Sigma Theta Tau, FSU College of Nursing. (State)
Kendall, L. E. (presented 2013, May). Development of Medical Emergency Team Education
Program for Novice Nurses. Presentation at NurCE DNP Capstone Presentations, NurCE,
Ida V. Moffett School of Nursing, Samford University. (State)
As a new faculty member at Florida State University I aspire to become an active member of several
service projects and initiatives throughout the Florida State University campus and surrounding
community. Currently serving on the Healthy Campus initiative, as well as within the community on the
Capital Area Advanced Practice Council has allowed an introduction to my service accomplishments. The
following presentation of institutional, nursing program, and professional and community service will
provide an overview to service achievements as well as short-term goals for future accomplishments.
Personal Philosophy/View of Service I strive to meet the needs of our partners and users by embracing the
principles of best practice in a caring, compassionate, and competent manner. I strive to be culturally
sensitive, and to work with team members and other stakeholders, respecting and appreciating their
contributions. One of the overarching principles of my practice is to meet the needs of the undeserved
through collaborative, interdisciplinary service projects and initiatives.
Florida State University
FSU College Service
Member, Florida Healthcare Simulation Alliance (2013–present).
Member, Admission and Progression (2012–present).
Faculty Mentor- Nursing, Healthy Campus 2020 (2012–present).
Member, Simulation (2011–2012).
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Vita for Lauren E Kendall
The Community
Member, Our purpose is to promote the viability, visibility, and unity of nurses engaged in
advanced nursing practice. As a result, we are a council of Advanced Practice Nurses
concerned with the health and wellness of the people of the State of Florida. In addition,
we promote professional advancement of our members, Capital area council of advanced
practice nurses (2011–present).
Lippincott. Nursing Education Consultant (2014–present).
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