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(1) the dangerous power of women, who would often seem to have no power at all
(2) images and spaces of wilderness versus civilization, and the perception of the
unknown/forest/ wilderness as dangerous
(3) the humanity and human characteristics of the gods—especially active gods
that you don’t want to make angry
(4) the image and space of the underworld—what it looks like and what happens
when life is over on this earth
(5) the heroic quest—one thing that makes a hero is the act of going on
adventures and doing great deeds, such as killing monsters and meeting strange
(6) heroic friendship and the necessity of companionship, both male and female
(7) the necessary duties and obligations of the king/ruler/leader
(8) the power of dreams and visions
(9) the definitions and meanings of the idea of “hero,” and how they change and
evolve over the course of history
3300-3000 BC - earliest known dates of civilization in Mesopotamia
2700 BC - Gilgamesh rules Uruk (fifth king)
2500 BC - History and Literature begin to be written in cuneiform in
2000 BC - Legends of Gilgamesh begin to be written
1300 - Epic of Gilgamesh essentially established
1250 BC - Destruction of Troy
1200 BC - Moses leads the Jews from Egypt to Palestine
1000-300 BC - Writing of the Old Testament by the Hebrews in Palestine
750-700 BC - Life of Homer
753 BC - Founding of Rome
509 BC - Rome established as a Republic
331-323 - Alexander the Great conquers Syria, Mesopotamia, Iran, Central Asia
300-222 BC - All of Italy ruled by Rome
264-146 BC - Wars between Rome and Carthage
83 BC and 48-45 BC - Rome’s First and Second Civil War
70-19 BC - Life of Virgil
60 BC - First Roman Triumvirate established: Cesar, Pompey, Cassious
30 BC - Rome conquers Egypt
5-6 AD (circa) - Birth of Jesus
100 AD - Completion of the four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles
123 AD - Hadrian's wall built by Romans in northern Britain
391 AD - Christianity declared official religion of Roman empire
476 AD - Fall of Rome and end of Western Roman Empire
539 AD - King Arthur of Britain killed
1247 AD - Death of Robin Hood
1265 - Birth of Dante Alighieri (died 1321)
1458 AD - Gutenberg publishes his Bible
1492 AD - Columbus lands in the Bahamas
1509 AD - Erasmus publishes Encomium moriae (Praise of Folly)
1512 AD - Michelangelo finishes ceiling of Sistine Chapel
1513 AD - Ponce de Leon locates Florida
1547 - Birth of Miguel de Cervantes (died 1616)
1558 - Elizabeth (daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn) assumes throne
1564 AD - Birth of Shakespeare (died 1616)
1571 AD - Martin posts his Ninety-Five Theses on door of church in Wittenberg
1611 - Publication of the King James Bible