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Paralanguage: Nonverbal
I have learned to depend more on what people
do than what they say in response to a direct
question, to pay close attention to that which
cannot be consciously manipulated, and to
look for patterns rather than content. -Edward T. Hall (1968:83)
Communication by means
other than language. The
process of transmitting messages
without spoken words.
Paralanguage includes
Facial expressions
Tones of voice
Eye contact
Spatial arrangements
Patterns of touch
60% of our messages get across
Nonverbal signals
• Haircut
• Touch
• Odors
Governed and determined by:
• Rules
• Contexts
• Situations
Paralanguage: refers to all
nonverbal communication actions
Paralanguage includes
intentional and unintentional
nonverbal messages
Paralanguage may be:
• Complementary
• Unconscious
• Learned
• eyebrow flash
• the nose wrinkle (social
• basic emotions: -happiness, sadness,
disgust, fear, anger, and
The functions of nonverbal
To repeat what was said verbally
To complement what was said verbally
To contradict what was said verbally
To substitute for what would be said
• To regulate and manage the communication
Nonverbal communication
divided into
• Kinesic and Proxemic acts
• Kinesics: The study of nonverbal
gestures, facial expressions, eye contact,
and body posture
• Proxemics: The study of the use of space,
touch, and distance as features of
nonverbal communication.
Universality versus Relativism
• Birdwhistell (1970)
• Emblems: are gestures understood by
participant of a communicative community
to express a specific meaning
Cultural Specific Emblems
• Can you guess what the following gestures from
Japan and France mean?
Could reflect social status and
gender: In North America
• Dominance versus subordination
---more space---take less space
---stare at others ---less eye contact
--- smile more-- smile less
Dangers of overgeneralizations
• Cannot assume everybody in a culture
behaves the same way
• Infrequent actions should not be used to
characterize a culture
• We should not ignore that nonverbal
behaviors are part of complex
communication processes
How do we communicate with
those we don’t know?
• Leonard Zunin (The First Four Minutes,
Three common behaviours:
• Which side of the path” look
• I acknowledge you” look
• Look—away priority”
• Edward, T Hall in 1963
• refers to touch and issues of personal space
Distance Between Faces
very close (3-6 inches)
close (8-12 inches)
neutral (20-36 inches)
Tone of Voice
soft whisper
audible whisper
soft voice, low volume
neutral (4.5-5 feet)
across the room (8-20 feet)
full voice
loud voice
stretching the limit
Type of Message
top secret or sensual
very confidential
personal subject matter
talking to a group
General appearance and dress
All nonverbal communication is
best understood within cultural
Body movements
Facial expressions
Eye contact
Silence is also part of nonverbal
• Sends nonverbal clues during
• Culturally determined
• Igbos of Nigeria
What is the relationship between
language and paralanguage? How
and why can the study of
nonverbal patterns help us
identify our own ethnocentric