Download, Issue #32 The 2CV definitively died... and the

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Transcript, Issue #32
The 2CV definitively died... and the "french touch" is about to.
The 2CV
About two years ago, when it was obvious that in Europe the 2CV was moving from
"lemon" to "collectible car", two people started a business for "recreating" the 2CV. Both
was following the same process : you give an old 2CV, some (in fact : a huge) amount of
money and, tadaa..., a few months later you have your 2CV from "lemon" to "collectible".
A factory was created in Belgium. There was a detailed article in "Planète 2CV" with a pack
of pictures showing already half a dozen 2CVs being produced. Indeed, the factory was
impressive : piles of chassis, moutains of old engines etc...
The other factory was created on the opposite side of France, in the departement of the
Aude. This one was ruled by a guy with a good sense of communication : he had
numerous articles in a lot of magazines, and not only car magazines, but all kind of
magazines. The specificity there was that it was not only a factory but some kind of "social"
center. There was two professionnal mechanics but most workers was guys recently out of
jail. This was allowing the factory to receive nice amounts of public money.
Knowing a little bit the costs of refurbishing a 2CV, and the market of the 2CV in Europe, i
was a little doubtfull about the success of such factories. There's no miracle : if you
refurbish a 2CV, or even a dozen of 2CVs, that's handwork anyway. There is a cost. You
work with brand new parts, which have a cost. And repainting have a cost. Adding all those
costs, and necessary profit to continue the business, you quickly end with a price close to
the one of a brand modern car. But your 2CV still have a max speed of 120 Km/h (flat out
with some wind on the back...), no ABS, no radio, no airbags, no climate control. Who in
Europe could spend that money : may be 50 people by country, who could anyway ask any
local mechanic/paint shop they know to rebuild a 2CV for that same price.
None of those factory was apparently thinking about export to the USA.
Results are the following :
The belgium factory closed after selling a dozen 2CVs, and the remaining stock of parts
was sold in Holland. The end.
The french factory took public money, took money from several clients who waited, waited
and waited for the work to be done until they was told by police that the factory had burned,
that they had lost their money and that the boss of the factory was in jail for criminal fire.
Surely there was no clever criminal of fire from those working in the factory to teach the
boss how to properly burn his factory : the boss was caught putting fire by... the firemen
who arrived much faster than the boss had planned !
Conclusion : the 2CV died when Citroën stopped production and it died again when those
two factories stopped in turn.
The "french touch"
Nothing to do with the 2CV but I'm a little bit worried with a few facts regarding my
To tell all the crude truth i have for a few days a strong need to "beeuuuuuarrrk !" when I'm
looking TV, mainly as I've cable TV (for just two weeks) and can compare the SAME event
pictured by french TV or by BBC, RAI (italy) etc... and even Al-jazeera (that's free with my
pack, sorry...)
I want here to talk about the two french journalists who are prisonners somewhere in Irak.
But lets go back first to 9/11/2001 when all began.
A few month after that event, i bought a koran plus a small book introducing to islam, just to
see what all that was about as the hijackers was muslims.
Aaarfff ! Huge shock ! What's that s... ? There might be some clue missing i guess (hope).
So i bought a book about the biography of Mahomet (muhammad or mohammed) as that
Prophet is the guide for muslims, the perfect muslim, the model to imitate, the clue to
understand koran.
Aaarffff again ! Huge shock again ! I had correctly understood : islam is definitively s... !
If you never read one chapter of the Koran nore any episode of the life of Muhammad, I
suggest you to do so : start with the life of Muhammad as it greatly enlights the koran. After
that you will then all of sudden, by miracle, understand everything about what is happening
in plenty parts of the world, starting with Irak, going through Sudan then ending in
"Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace"... talk about a massive destruction joke !
And there was one french involved with 9/11, shame, the only one stupid enough to be
caught before the hijacking, shame again. France : points out.
Then was that ridiculous story from a french "journalist" claiming that 9/11 was in fact
planned and realized by US government itself. France : points out again.
Then came the invasion of Irak.
France, and several european countries said "no". Well, that was not a good idea to slam a
country which had no people among the hijackers, and then open the pandora box (not
even talking about the massive destruction weapons that everybody forgot now)
But was the position of France only coming from moral reasons ? Not at all my friends, not
at all : the fact is that France voted "no" also because voting "yes" may have produced riots
from the french muslims. They are 10% of the population, a minority, but a non-integrated
minority producing more than 60% of the people in jails, and sometime ruling what we call
"zones de non-droit" (areas where police can hardly go) in numerous towns.
Why do you think Jean-Marie Le Pen was in the second turn for being elected president ?
Just because a big percentage of french all of a sudden became nuts right before voting ?
No. We have some troubles with islamic people in France, for a long time, and that's rising.
Obviously, France decided that supporting islam was the best choice for peace in France.
In fact i should not say "peace" but "trying to avoid rising of violence between muslims and
Was that efficient ?
One can doubt about it as we had in the following months tons of "hijab girls" trying to
import "islamic tolerance" (in fact sexual dicrimination) within our schools (and hospitals,
and factories, and administrations and etc...). And so we had to create a law. Of course i
guess this was surely a strange law viewed from the other side of the pond. A few US girls
with their hijab and going to school in the USA are not a problem, so why those stupid
french have problems and are doing a law ?
My friends, you do have just "a few US girls with their hijab" when, we, have not a few but
many. And many other connected problems : girls having their face cutted with knives
because they have christian cross as ear rings, jews insulted or beaten in the streets
because they have a kipa... and even girls raped because they do not wear their hijab
telling that way, of course, that they are whores. (in the "zones de non droit"). That's the
real meaning of the "peaceful" islamic hijab when you have enough peaceful muslims in
one single place so that they are strong enough to peacefully ruling a street, or a block, or
a town under islamic sharia inspiration. The more hijab you can see in a town, the more bar
mysteriously burn. Of couse, this have nothing to do with the fact that alcohol is not allowed
by peaceful islam. The more hijab you can see in a town, the more shop selling pork also
mysteriously burn. Of couse, this have nothing to do with the fact that pork is not allowed
by tolerant and peacefull islam. The more hijab you can see in a town, the more jews and
christian cemeteries are coverred with tags. Of course, this have nothing to do with the fact
that “O Believers, do not befriend the Jews and the Christians … " read the koran in surat
5 (despite you might be told it is a mistranslation. French version is "O croyants! ne prenez
point pour amis les juifs et les chrétiens..." that is : "O believers [in Allah : i.e. Muslims] do
not take for friends jews and Christians..." )
You start with just a few hijab then you have shops burning... and within a few decades you
end as in Afghanistan. Or as in India/Pakistan in the 40's. Or as in Lebanon in the
seventies. Or as in chechenia in the 80's; Or as in Kosovo in the 90's.
By the way, the serbs that we bombed, ok, they was a little too much fascists, but... what
was the trouble there ? In fact, muslims wanted independance so that they could apply
sharia. And that was not so much told during bombing. It is not so much told too that
churches are burned by the muslims we saved... It is not so much told that Saudi Arabia is
giving away billions to build mosquees in Kosovo. And it is not so much told that Saudi
Arabia was happy with the bombing of the nasty serbs... because they was christians.
Of course, Saudi Arabia have oil and, as a matter of fact, is our obvious friend....
Tito was a dictator ruling yougoslavia far from democratic standards, that's right, but was
there any troubles between muslims and non-muslims in Yougoslavia when he was ruling
the country ? No.
By the way, Saddam was a dictator too, but was there any trouble between muslims and
non-muslims in Irak when he was ruling the country ? No. Prime minister of Irak, Tarek
Aziz, was a christian. Do you think that a christian will have any chance to be prime ministe
in the future Irak now that the USA brought democracy to the countrry ? I have a few
doubts about it.
But let's go back to the french hijab.
So, we had to make a law to keep, as far as possible, the peaceful and tolerant troubles
outside the schools.
From that time, we had to stand from TV a vast brain washing endlessly explaining that
islam was a "peaceful and tolerant religion" (but without any examples...), and that
terrorism had "nothing to do with islam", that terrorism was in fact "completely opposite with
true islam" (but without telling what islam have to do with and without giving any detail
about what true islam is...)
Knowing the koran and the biography of muhammad, this made me a little bit sick.
Then two french journalists was kidnapped.
And again "islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, terrorism have nothing to do with
Really ? So why do you have rules about ransom and prisonners in the koran ?
In fact, kidnapping is simply following the advices one can find written black on white in any
koran. It is simply imitating Muhammad who used kidnapping (and murders...) as a LEGAL
way to preach his peacefull islamic religion... His biography is very clear about that.
Ah ah... "peacefull and tolerant are the muslims, France is the friend of muslims"
When will France read the Koran and the biography of Muhammad ? When will France
understand that the only rule of islam is to be quiet only as far as muslims are not
numerous and strong enough to impose islam with the use of the violence ?
Then the representatives of the french muslims TALK IN ARAB at "my" french TV and
stand in front of the french ELECTED governement people. Arabs talk in Arab in the name
of France. The french government is talking arab. France is officialy represented by
muslims on the international playground !
France is licking the boots of muslims ! BEEEEEUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAARKKKKKKK !
('scuse me, burrrp...)
Let's have a walk and go to the book shop see what are the new best-sellers, this will wash
my brain from those islamic bawls from the TV.
Do you know what was in the entry of the bookshop ? An exposition of pictures... showing
the "peacefull" muslims in the desert of Qatar. Enough is enough : Beuuuarrrrk :-(
Back home.
Let's have a look to TV, France 5 channel (education channel). Do you know what it was
about ? (true !) About an archeologic place in Syria, an old ruin of a hammam, the only one
displaying pictures of people in the whole islamic world. And the aim of the report was to
"proof" that islam is not forbiding to represent people but that it is only a false claim from
occident who do not understand Koran and islam. Euuuuarrkkkeeeeee ! (empty stomach
Help ! Zap to cable TV, BBC channel, information : oups thats about the two hostages
again. I've already seen that on the french news. But there is a big difference : this is a
rush sequence, no cut. On the french TV i saw the french minister talking first, THEN the
official (euuuarrrkk...) muslim.
In fact the rush sequence is clearly showing that the muslim talk FIRST and then, only
after, talk the minister, making a comment on the muslim declaration. What a shame...
Worse : in the french version we had a comment that hostages was not yet free because
"some people" (understand : USA) was making war operations in the area where was the
hostages, making the area unsafe for the hostages. Yeah : the USA are guilty if those two
guys have been stupid enough to run into a trap !
And today was another TV report explaining that the french muslims was indeed integrated
and fully part of the french nation (mainly in our jails...) and even VICTIMS of that hostage
Can't believe it... They are victims now ! This is the fault of the french people if the muslims
bothered us with their bloody hell hijab, forcing us to make a law to stop their sex
apartheid. Ah !
In fact french muslims are worried that their slow but working snake strategy have been all
of a sudden enlighted : yes, violence is legal regarding islam, it is allowed by the koran and
by Mohammed's example... when you can do it without too much risks.
In Irak, the kidnapping team can apply islam without too much risks. But in France, the
muslims can't, and they don't want the french to know it ! They obviously felt they had to
choose between temporarily forgotting about the koran and Mohammed's example or...
face riots, mosquees fired and "peacefull" french muslims beaten in the streets. Just like in
Nepal. Well, i'm a little bit exagerating, but that's no so far from one can ear when listening
to people talking in private.
Let me tell you this : i dont know how US people see that hostage story and what they think
about the reputation of France now (I would be interested to know : i'm out of the 2CV
export business so i have no risks ;-) but I'm offended at being represented by muslims
who are tremendous liers (and that's not the kind of white lie) about their "peaceful
religion", i'm hurted that muslims countries support France and I'm horrified to see how we
lick the boots of Koranic people.
A few links about the muslim's model :
About legal ransom in islam :
er_059.htm in paragraph "Was
Muhammad reproached in the Qur’an for his releasing the prisoners of war taken at the
battle of Badr? "
A few samples of the "tolerant and peaceful" Koran :
These sentences are not just telling stories, as in the Bible. Those sentence are direct
orders from Allah to guide the muslims in imitation with what was done by prophet
[2.85] Yet you it is who slay your people and turn a party from among you out of their
homes, backing each other up against them unlawfully and exceeding the limits; and if they
should come to you, as captives you would ransom them-- while their very turning out was
unlawful for you.
[8.70] O Prophet! say to those of the captives who are in your hands: If Allah knows
anything good in your hearts, He will give to you better than that which has been taken
away from you and will forgive you, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
[9.60] Alms are only for the poor and the needy, and the officials (appointed) over them,
and those whose hearts are made to incline (to truth) and the (ransoming of) captives and
those in debts and in the way of Allah and the wayfarer; an ordinance from Allah; and Allah
is knowing, Wise.
[47.4] So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when
you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free
as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates.
[57.15] So today ransom shall not be accepted from you nor from those who disbelieved;
your abode is the fire; it is your friend and evil is the resort.
etc... etc...