Download Configuration file for installing the ILC Software # release v01

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# Configuration file for installing the ILC Software
# release v01-04 using the CMake build tool (
# Patches:
# Note: Please modify the directories according to your system
# Author: F.Gaede, DESY
# Date: 23 Jul, 2008
# Set ilcsoft and ilcPath to the local directories you want to use.
# ILCSoft( "install path for ILC software")
#ilcsoft = ILCSoft("/afs/")
ilcsoft= ILCSoft("/mnt/data2/ilcsoft/ilcinstall_prueba/ilcinstall/my_v01-04")
# python variable for referring the ILC Home directory
# only for SL3 and SL4 users
ilcPath = "/afs/"
# Global variables
#ilcsoft.debug = True
#ilcsoft.buildDoc = False
#ilcsoft.downloadOnly = True
ilcsoft.useCMake = True
default values are shown between ( )
build in debug mode (False)
build documentation (True)
download software only (False)
use CMake building tool (False)
# changed since v01-03:
# Never use "link".
# For the packages you want to use from your distribution use "use" and specify the path.
# For root for instance specify the ROOTSYS, for cmake I specified "/usr", as my cmake is
# /usr/bin/cmake, and this is found by ilcinstall.
# For all ilcsoft-packages that do not come with your distribution use "install" and specify
the version.
# when using 'link' or 'use' please specify full path to installed package
# or use the version installed in afs (ilcPath)
# LCIO is a persistency framework that defines a data model for linear collider detector
# It is intended to be used in both simulation studies and analysis frameworks. Its light
eight and portability makes
# it also suitable for use in detector R&D applications. It provides a C++ and a Java
implementation with a common interface (API)
ilcsoft.install( LCIO( "v01-10-01" )) LCIO( ilcPath + "lcio/v01-10-01" ))
#ilcsoft.use( LCIO( ilcPath + "lcio/v01-10-01" ))
# Marlin is a C++ software framework for ILC software.
# It uses the LCIO data model and can be used for all tasks that involve processing of LCIO
files, e.g. reconstruction and analysis.
ilcsoft.install( Marlin( "v00-10-03" ))
#ilcsoft.module("Marlin").env["MARLIN_GUI"] = 1
#ilcsoft.module( "Marlin").download.type="ccvssh"
#(ATTENTION: Number version of the packages revised for release v01-04)
#CEDViewer is a Marlin processors for the CED event display.
ilcsoft.install( CEDViewer( "v00-06" ))
#ilcsoft.module( "CEDViewer").download.type="ccvssh"
#LCFIVertex package provides the vertex finder ZVTOP, flavour tagging as well as vertex
charge determination for b- and c-jets.
ilcsoft.install( LCFIVertex( "v00-02-07-dev" ))
#ilcsoft.module( "LCFIVertex").download.type="ccvssh"
ilcsoft.install( SiliconDigi( "v00-04-01" ))
# Overlay is a Marlin packages that provides functionality for overlaying LCIO backgound
events on the simulator level
ilcsoft.install( Overlay( "v00-02" ))
#EUTelescope is a group of Marlin processors to be used for analysis and reconstruction
of data taken using the EUDET JRA1 pixel telescope.
#EUTelescope software goes from raw data acquired by a set of data aquisition boards to
high level objects like tracks crossing the telescope. Those tracks are used to
#characterized both the telescope itself and any other position sensitive detector (DUT)
that can be inserted into the telescope setup.
ilcsoft.install( Eutelescope( "v00-00-06" ))
# Marlin based simulation, digitisation, reconstruction and analysis code for the TPC.
ilcsoft.install( MarlinTPC( "v00-02-06" ))
stdconf = ConfigPKG( "StandardConfig", "v00-06-00" )
ilcsoft.install( stdconf ) = "marlinreco""ccvssh"
# MarlinReco is a software package for the reconstruction of events using (simulated) raw
data of an ILC detector. The different reconstruction algorithms
# i.e. track finding or cluster reconstruction are implemented in separate modules called
# MarlinReco mainly depends on the analysis and reconstruction software framework Marlin
and on the data and persistency model LCIO.
ilcsoft.install( MarlinReco( "v00-10-04" ))
#ilcsoft.module( "MarlinReco").download.type="ccvssh"
ilcsoft.install( PandoraPFA( "v02-03-00" ))
#ilcsoft.module( "PandoraPFA").download.type="ccvssh"
# The MarlinUtil package is a library with commonly used classes and functions.
ilcsoft.install( MarlinUtil( "v00-11" ))
#ilcsoft.module( "MarlinUtil").download.type="ccvssh"
#--------------------------------------------------------------ftag = ConfigPKG( "LCFI_SGVbasedNets", "v00-01" )
ilcsoft.install( ftag ) = "tagnet"
# The C Event Display (CED) is a client server based event display for the Marlin Framework.
# This is the server part, which accepts connections form a Marlin processor, and displays
the event on the screen.
# CED uses OpenGL and the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT). To install and run CED GLUT must
be installed on your System.
# CED es el visor de sucesos. Muestra una ventanita con lo que tengas descrito del
# detector y trazas, hits, etc... resultado de la reconstruccion.
ilcsoft.install( CED( "v00-05" ))
ilcsoft.module( "CED").envcmake["CED_SERVER"]='ON'
#ilcsoft.module( "CED").download.type="ccvssh"
# LCCD is a conditions data framework for the ILC - based on LCIO.e.g. slow control,
# electronics setup and calibration constants.
ilcsoft.install( LCCD( "v00-03-06" ))
# RAIDA is a ROOT implementation of AIDA (Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis).
# RAIDA offers the possibility to create and fill n-tuple or histograms using standard ROOT
objects with AIDA.
# our main application of RAIDA is to create ROOT output to be analysed using the ROOT
ilcsoft.install( RAIDA( "v01-04-02" ))
#ilcsoft.install( RAIDA( "v01-04-02" ))
# Mokka is a full simulation using Geant4 and a realistic description of a detector for
the future linear collider.
ilcsoft.install( Mokka( "mokka-06-06-p03" ))
ilcsoft.module( "Mokka").download.type="cvs"
#comment by me the next two lines
#lcsoft.use( Geant4 ( ilcPath + "geant4/9.1" ))
#ilcsoft.module("Geant4").env["G4ENV_INIT"] = ilcPath + "geant4/"
# - the following tools are installed in afs for SL3 and SL4 @
# they can be linked from there or need to be installed on your system
#CLHEP CLHEP( ilcPath + "CLHEP/" ))
#ilcsoft.use( CLHEP( ilcPath + "CLHEP/" ))
ilcsoft.install( CLHEP( ilcPath + "CLHEP/" ))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# prerequisites: installed versions of Java, geant4, root and mysql:
# -> modify according to your system !
# (and adding by me: CondDBMySQL, CMakeModules, CERNLIB, gear
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# ROOT ROOT( ilcPath + "root/5.16.00" ))
#ilcsoft.install( ROOT( ilcPath + "root/5.16.00" ))
ilcsoft.use( ROOT("/mnt/data2/ilc/root/5.16.00" ))
# Geant 4
ilcsoft.use( Geant4 ("/mnt/data2/ilc/geant4/9.1"))
# my local version is mysql/5.0.45 and it is in /usr/bin/ pero no linka igual que esta MySQL( ilcPath+"mysql/5.0.26" ))
#ilcsoft.install( MySQL( ilcPath+"mysql/5.0.26" ))
#I specified "/usr", as my mysql is /usr/bin/mysql, and this is found by ilcinstall.
ilcsoft.use( MySQL("/usr"))
# CMake
# my local version is CMake/2.4.6 and it is in /usr/bin pero no linka igual que esta
#ilcsoft.use( CMake( ilcPath + "CMake/2.4.6" ))
#ilcsoft.install( CMake( ilcPath + "CMake/2.4.6" ))
#I specified "/usr", as my cmake is /usr/bin/cmake, and this is found by ilcinstall.
ilcsoft.use( CMake("/usr" ))
# QT
# my local version is QT/3.3 and it is in /usr/lib/QT-3.3 QT( ilcPath + "QT/4.2.2" ))
ilcsoft.install( QT( ilcPath + "QT/4.2.2" ))
#I specified "/usr", as my qt is /usr/lib/qt-3.3, and this is found by ilcinstall.
ilcsoft.use( QT( "/usr" ))
# my version of GSL is 1.8 and it is in /usr/bin pero no linka igual que esta GSL( ilcPath + "gsl/1.8" ))
#ilcsoft.install( GSL( ilcPath + "gsl/1.8" ))
#I specified "/usr", as my GSL is /usr/bin, and this is found by ilcinstall.
ilcsoft.use( GSL("/usr" ))
# CondDBMySQL CondDBMySQL( ilcPath + "CondDBMySQL/CondDBMySQL_ILC-0-5-10" )) CondDBMySQL( ilcPath + "CondDBMySQL/CondDBMySQL_ILC-0-5-10" ))
ilcsoft.use( CondDBMySQL( "/mnt/data2/ilc/CondDBMySQL/CondDBMySQL_ILC-0-5-10" ))
# CMakeModules CMakeModules( ilcPath + "CMakeModules/v01-07" ))
#ilcsoft.install( CMakeModules( ilcPath + "CMakeModules/v01-07" ))
ilcsoft.use( CMakeModules( "/mnt/data2/ilc/CMakeModules/v01-07" ))
# CERNLIB CERNLIB( ilcPath + "cernlib/2006" ))
#ilcsoft.install( CERNLIB( ilcPath + "cernlib/2006" ))
ilcsoft.use( CERLIB("/usr/lib/cernlib/2006" ))
# A geometry description toolkit for ILC reconstruction software.
# This description is different from the geometry description needed for the detailed
simulation of the detector response.For the simualtion one needs very
# detailed knowledge of the material distribution in space whereas for the reconstruction
mostly a higher level description of the subdetector's charcteristics is needed.
# It uses XML files for the definition of the subdetector's geometry parameters, to generic
material properties
# in space, like the material's density at a given point or the integrated B-field along
a (straight) path between two points. GEAR( ilcPath + "gear/v00-09" ))
#ilcsoft.install( GEAR( ilcPath + "gear/v00-09" ))
ilcsoft.use( GEAR("/mnt/data2/ilc/gear/v00-09" ))
# Java
#if( ilcsoft.os.isSL3() ):
# Java( ilcPath + "java/1.5.0" ))
#if( ilcsoft.os.isSL4() ):
# Java( ilcPath + "java/1.6.0" ))
# end of configuration file
# SL3
# SL4 (and add by me for SL5)