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Arkansas FFA Veterinary Science CDE Exam
Logan County Field Day 2017
1. A veterinarian that specializes in cardiology would primarily work with animals having issues with
what body system?
a. Circulatory system
c. Skeletal system
b. Muscular system
d. Reproductive system
2. A veterinarian that specializes in dermatology would primarily work with animals having issues with
their __________ .
a. internal organs
c. muscles
b. skin
d. reproductive organs
3. The study of the structure, or morphology, of the animal body is known as _________ .
a. macroscopoly
c. development analogy
b. anatomy
d. genetics
4. Another term for developmental anatomy is __________ , which is the study of the formation of the parts
of the body.
a. embryology
c. macroscopoly
b. physiology
d. biochemistry
5. The __________ system includes the skin and several modified skin structures and provides the first line
of defense against harmful agents and also helps to regulate body temperatures.
a. musculoskeletal
c. integumentary
b. cardiovascular
d. lympatic
6. The skin consists of three layers of tissue, the epidermis, the dermis and the __________ .
a. hypodermis
c. hyperdermis
b. paradermis
d. dermic-layer
7. In the integumentary system, the __________ is a deeper layer of dense, irregular connective tissue.
a. dermis
c. hypodermis
b. epidermis
d. paradermis
8. All the bones and muscles of the body comprise the __________ system.
a. lymphatic
c. cardiovascular
b. integumentary
d. musculoskeletal
9. In the musculoskeletal system, __________ connect bone to bone.
a. bone-supports
c. muscle-supports
b. ligaments
d. tendons
10. Which of the following is NOT a muscle type?
a. smooth
c. skeletal
b. hard
d. cardiac
11. In the musculoskeletal system, __________ muscle is also engaged in involuntary movements and is
located on the heart wall to form the rhythmical patterns of the heartbeat.
a. smooth
c. cardiac
b. skeletal
d. rough
12. In the musculoskeletal system, __________ bones are known for being the same dimension in all
a. short
c. flat
b. long
d. irregular
13. The function of __________ include skeletal support for the body, protective enclosure such as the skull
for the brain, calcium regulation through hormones, and hemopoiesis, which is blood cell formation in
the body.
a. muscles
c. skin
b. bones
d. tendons
14. The __________ system consists of the heart and blood vessels.
a. lymphatic
c. integumentary
b. musculoskeletal
d. cardiovascular
15. In the cardiovascular system, __________ are very small blood vessels that permit exchange of nutrients
and waste products between the blood and the tissues.
a. tendons
c. arteries
b. capillaries
d. ligaments
16. The __________ system includes all of the organs involved in the prehension, digestion, absorption of
food and elimination of solid waste.
a. circulatory
c. lymphatic
b. integumentary
d. digestive
17. Horses, dogs, cats, swine and humans are __________ , meaning they have single chambered stomachs.
a. monogastric
c. monodigestive
b. ruminant
d. mono-reticulated
18. The four chambers to the stomach of a ruminant are the rumen, the __________ , the omasum and the
a. spleen
c. reticulum
b. pancreas
d. palate
19. The primary function of the organs of the __________ system is to provide for the exchange of gases
(oxygen and carbon dioxide).
a. lymphatic
c. respiratory
b. cardiovascular
d. integumentary
20. The __________ system consists of the organs in both sexes which work together for the purpose of
production of offspring.
a. musculoskeletal
c. integumentary
b. reproductive
d. respiratory
21. The __________ system consists of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands
and portions of the pancreas, gonads, placenta and gastrointestinal tract.
a. integumentary
c. reproductive
b. endocrine
d. circulatory
22. The __________ system consists of the brain, spinal cord, somatic and automatic nerves and controls the
function of movement of organs, muscles and the sensory organs.
a. endocrine
c. nervous
b. integumentary
d. neurotic
23. In the nervous system, the organ of special sense for hearing and balance is the __________ .
a. eye
c. ear
b. nose
d. tongue
24. As a veterinarian, one of the first behavior signals that should be evaluated is __________ .
a. temperature
c. body language
b. heart rate
d. age
25. The most common method of obtaining a respiration rate is to __________ .
a. use a glass thermometer
c. use an ophthalmoscope
b. visually watch an animal breathe
d. use an otoscope
26. Genes are carried on threads of living matter called __________ , and are used to store information that
tells the cell how to build proteins.
a. chromosomes
c. genomes
b. alleles
d. chains
27. In genetics, the two strands of DNA in the double helix are made up of four nucleotide bases called
adenine, thymine, __________ and guanine.
a. polynine
c. thamine
b. polymer
d. cytosine
28. The stages of meiosis include: prophase, __________ , anaphase and telephase.
a. metaphase
c. telephase
b. taraphase
d. megaphase
29. In dogs, Cocker Spaniels, English Setters, Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers would fit in the
__________ category.
a. hounds
c. sporting dogs
b. herding dogs
d. working dogs
30. In dogs, Boxers, Mastiffs, Siberian Huskeys and Great Pyrenees would fit in the __________ category.
a. hounds
c. non-sporting dogs
b. herding dogs
d. working dogs
31. In dogs, Chihuahuas, Maltese, Pekingese and Pugs would fit in the __________ category.
a. working dogs
c. non-sporting dogs
b. toys
d. hounds
32. Which of the following is an example of a shorthaired cat?
a. Russian blue
c. Ragdoll
b. Himalayan
d. Maine Coon
33. Which of the following is a Dairy breed of cattle?
a. Charolais
c. Jersey
b. Polled Hereford
d. Chianina
34. Which of the following is a fine wool breed of sheep?
a. Rambouillet
c. Hampshire
b. Dorset
d. Southdown
35. Which of the following is a fiber breed of goat?
a. Nubian
c. Alpine
b. Angora
d. Saanen
36. Which of the following is a medium wool breed of sheep?
a. Rambouillet
c. Corriedale
b. Merino
d. Suffolk
37. Which of the following is a dairy breed of goat?
a. Nubian
c. Boer
b. Angora
d. Spanish
38. Most of the U.S. swine production is from __________ boars and sows.
a. Hampshire
c. Landrace
b. Duroc
d. Crossbred
39. Which of the following is a light horse breed?
a. Arabian
c. Welsh
b. Shetland
d. Percheron
40. Which of the following is a pony horse breed?
a. Arabian
c. American Paint
b. Appaloosa
d. Welsh
41. Which of the following is a draft horse breed?
a. Belgian
c. Welsh
b. Quarter Horse
d. American Paint
42. Which of the following is considered a major mineral?
a. Zinc (Zn)
c. Flouride (F)
b. Magnesium (Mg)
d. Copper (Cu)
43. The two classes of vitamins are __________ soluble and __________ soluble.
a. plant, animal
c. bone, tissue
b. liquid, solid
d. fat, water
44. The genetic make-up for a single trait of an individual is called its __________ .
a. genotype
c. dominant trait
b. phenotype
d. recessive trait
45. If the pair of genes for a trait are different, it is known as _________ .
a. dominant
c. homozygous
b. recessive
d. heterozygous
46. A genetic structural deformity that includes an opening in the roof of the mouth is known as _________ .
a. over-shot jaw
c. cryptorchidism
b. combined immune-deficiency
d. cleft palate
47. A genetic structural deformity that includes fusion of the functional toes of a calf is known as ________ .
a. hip dysplasia
c. cleft palate
b. mulefoot
d. dwarfism
48. Modes of __________ transmission of diseases include flies, mosquitos, equipment, etc.
a. direct
c. specific
b. indirect
d. non-specific
49. A disease common to both humans and animals is known as a __________ .
a. abnormality
c. bi-species disease
b. genetic diseases
d. zoonosis
50. Which of the following diseases is also known as parrot fever and is primarily a disease of birds
caused by a bacteria and transmitted through the feces?
a. Chlamydiosis
c. Erysipelas
b. Cat Scratch Disease
d. Leptospirosis
Arkansas FFA Veterinary Science CDE Exam KEY
Logan County Field Day 2017
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. A
13. B
14. D
15. B
16. D
17. A
18. C
19. C
20. B
21. B
22. C
23. C
24. C
25. B
26. A
27. D
28. A
29. C
30. D
31. B
32. A
33. C
34. A
35. B
36. D
37. A
38. D
39. A
40. D
41. A
42. B
43. D
44. A
45. D
46. D
47. B
48. B
49. D
50. A