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Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy Test
1. (2a) What are the most abundant atmospheric gases found on the outer planets?
hydrogen and helium
carbon dioxide and oxygen
nitrogen and methane
neon and argon
2. (2a) What effect did the solar wind and heat from the newly formed sun have on the composition of
the inner planets of the solar system?
They lost much of the heavier elements.
They lost much of their lighter elements.
They gained most of their lighter elements.
They gained most of their heavier elements.
3. (2a). Why do scientists think the outer planets have cores made from rock and a great deal of ice?
They formed too far from the sun to have liquid water.
Large chunks of ice were broken off of Earth and sent into space.
The heavier elements were vaporized as the planets formed.
Hydrogen and oxygen in water are the most abundant elements.
4. (2b). How does the size of the solar system compare to the Milky Way galaxy?
The solar system is larger
The solar system is the same size
The solar system is about one half the size
The solar system is much smaller
5. (2c). Which solar system object is the largest?
6. (2c). How large an area is needed to create a solar system model that includes a sun the size of the
marble pictured?
a classroom
a playing field
a city
a state
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7.(2d). Which planet is most like Earth?
Mercury has the same rocky crustal material.
Venus is nearly the same size and atmospheric pressure.
Mars has an atmosphere and moderate temperatures.
Saturn has the same gases and amount of gravity.
8. (2d). Which conditions on Earth support the biosphere?
molten core, semi-solid mantle layer
liquid water, oxygen/carbon dioxide in atmosphere
365 day year, 24 hour day
rotation at the equator, silica rich crust
9.(2d) What do Earth’s atmosphere and the distance Earth is from the sun combine to create?
moving continents
an oxygen rich atmosphere
magnetic north pole
moderate temperatures
10. (2d). Why is Mars the most likely destination for manned voyages and surface exploration?
A. Earth is closest to Mars
B. Mars has two moons to explore
C. Mars has some conditions similar to Earth
D. Mars has life making it a more interesting destination
11. (1c) What holds the planets in their orbits around the sun?
A. both nuclear fusion and nuclear fission
B. electricity and magnetism from the sun
C. The big bang placed the planets in their current positions
D. The balance of gravity and forward motion
12 ( 1c). How does the nebular theory describe the formation of the solar system?
A. A star exploded and created the individual planets we have today.
B. A cloud of spinning dust and gas condensed into the sun and planets
C. A giant asteroid collision broke off parts that became the planets and sun
D. Chunks of matter from the big bang were blasted into space and formed it
13. (1c) How do meteorites that fall to Earth support the nebular theory?
A. The planets grew as they collected meteorites and other matter.
B. The meteorites are made from the different elements than those found on Earth
C. They are the same shape as Earth and the planets
D. The meteorites have evidence of erosional processes on other planets
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14 (2a). Which phase of the moon creates the strongest tides?
a. new moon and full moon
b. first and last quarter moons
c. waxing and wanning gibbous
d. waxing and wanning crescent
15 (1c). What evidence do scientists use to verify the nebular theory for the solar system formation?
A. plate movement
B. erosional processes on Jupiter and Neptune
c. formation of new planets in the solar system
d. spinning discs around stars that are forming solar systems.
16 (1c). What caused the planets to form?
a. junks of meteorites collide into pre existing planets
b. the accretion of material within the spinning disc
c. fusion of hydrogen into helium
d. exploding nearby star
1. Describe three important conditions on Earth that support life.
2. List the steps of formation of the solar system from the nebular cloud. Describe how each step
affected the composition (lighter and heavier elements) of the planets.