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Effects of Air Pollutants
Effects on human health
Effects on vegetation and animals
Effects on materials and structure
Long term effects on the planet
Risk Assessment
Sources and Sinks
Effects on human health
• Pollutants enter body via inhalation, ingestion
and dermal contact
TOTAL BODY BURDEN: the way a trace material
accumulates in the human system
• Chemicals can be stored in the body
compartments; blood, urine, soft tissue,
hair,teeth and bone.
• Body can eliminate the trace material over a
period of few hours to days or longer
• Accumulation results when the material is much
more rapidly stored than eliminated.
• Pollutants can be stored in the blood,
urine, soft tissue, hair and bone.
• Effect on human health mostly depends on
the quantity of pollutants and the rate of
Human respiratory system
• Primary function: to deliver O2 to the
bloodstream and remove CO2 from body.
• Respiratory system may be divided into 3
Nasal (nose and mouth)
Tracheobronchial (trachea and bronchial
Pulmanory (bronchia and alveolar sacs)
Regional particle deposition
Particle Size conventions
• Inhalable fraction (<100 μm AED)
Can be breathed into nose or mouth
• Thoracic fraction (<25 μm AED)
Can penetrate head airways and enter lung
• Respirable fraction (<10 μm AED)
Can penetrate beyond terminal bronchioles
to gas exchange region
Particle and gas behavior in the
• Gases: Solubility dependent
• Particle behavior depends on aerodynamic
Very large particles, nasal openings allow
Smaller particles deposits in the
trachebronchial and pulmanory regions.
Very small particles penetrates into alveolar
CO and the human body
• Ambient CO
• Indoor CO
In the body O2 is moved for biochemical
oxidation and CO2 (waste) removed.
This complex is stong enough to
transport gases in the circulatory
system. But not strong enough to
prevent delivery to lungs and cells.
CO forms a much more stable complex with
hemoglobin(Hemoglobin-CO, COHb), so it reduces the
number of free hemoglobins for transport of CO2 and O2.
Molecular View of
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Impact of air pollution on humans
Health effects data can be obtained by
• Clinical
• Epidemiological
• Toxicological studies
Dose Response Relationship
Dose-response curve
No threshold type doseresponse curve
Threshold type doseresponse curve
Threshold value: under which no adverse effect was observed
Harmful Dosage   (int ake rate by inhalation  (removal rate) d (time)
Effects on vegetation and animals
Injury vs damage
Injury: An observable alteration in the plant
when exposed to air pollution
Damage: An economic or aesthetic loss due
to interference with the use of a plant
Injury. - Generally, pollution injury first appears as leaf injury.
Spots between the veins, leaf margin discoloration, and tip burns are common.
Crossection of a leaf
Two ways of pollutant entrance
to plant
• Direct way: Through stomates which open
and close to allow air through the interior
• Indirect way: Through the root system.
Pollutants deposit in soil and water and
these pollutants were taken by the roots of
the plant.
Leafs are important because of
its functions
• Photosynthesis accomplished by
• Transpiration: Movement of water from the
root system up to the leaves. Nutrient
movement and cooling
• Respiration:Oxidation of carbonhydrates,
energy producing process.
• C2H12O6+6O2
Ozone Injury
Ozone, the major component of oxidants is formed by the action of sunlight on products
of fuel combustion and can be moved to nearby growing areas by wind. Symptoms vary
depending on the concentration of ozone in the air and the length of exposure, Ozone
injury occurs on the most recently emerged leaves. Typical ozone injury may not be
evident on leaves exposed to a mixture of pollutants. Symptoms differ in different areas
of the province.
foliage with flecking "pepper spotting" injury typical of ozone injury.
Huntsville, Ontario.
PAN injury
typical of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) creates a glazy bronzing on
the underside of newly expanded potato leaves.
SO2 Damage: SO2 causes an interveinal
necrosis. Note the green veins in these samples.
Ozone damage Note stippling
symptoms on leaves
Fluorine Damage: Note the marginal necrosis (this is
similar to salt damage).
Effects on materials
Effects on metals
• Rusting
• Corrosion due to moisture, temperature
and pollutants
• Alteration of electrical properties
Effects on stone
• Discoloration
• Blackening
• gypsum formation
• Cracking
Gypsum formation
These damaged areas seem to receive rain or rain runoff and seem to be formed by sulfur
dioxide uptake, in the presence of moisture, on the stone surface.
Subsequent conversion of the sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid results in the formation of a layer
of gypsum on the marble surface.
Effects on the atmosphere, visibility
• Visibility is reduced due to light scattering or
absorption by the gases and particulates.
Scattering is wavelength dependent.
Longer wavelenths scatter less.
• Light absorption by NO2
Absorbs shorter blue causing red lights to be
Atmospheric haze
• Reduced visibility caused by the presence
of fine particles or NO2 in the atmosphere
• Particles are in the range of 0.1-1.0 um.
The major component of atmospheric
haze is sulfate, nitrate, graphitic material,
fly ash and aerosols.
• Primary and secondary particulate matters
cause haze.
Kualo Lumbur,2005, Malasia
Emergency was announced on august 2005. API was greater
than 500
• Primary particulate matter: Combustion
processes emit PM less than 1um size.
Large quantities of NO2 and SO2 are also
Secondary particulate matter: gas to particle
Gaseous molecules transformed to liquid
and solid particles
Gas to particle conversion occurs
• Absorption: gas goes into solution of liquid
phase (solubility dependent)
• Nucleation: thermodynamically stable
clusters formed.
• Condensation:collisons between a
gaseous molecule and an esisting aerosol.
Long term effetcs on the planet
• Global warming
• Ozone hole
The Ozone Layer
The ozone layer is a band of the stratosphere about 20
km thick, centered at an altitude of about 25 to 30 km
Ozone absorbs ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and the
ozone layer thus protects life on Earth
The Ozone Layer
Ozone is produced in the upper atmosphere in a
sequence of two reactions involving free radical
oxygen atoms
O2 + hv  O + O
O2 + O + (M)  O3 + (M)
Of all the human activities that affect the ozone layer,
release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) is thought to be
the most significant
CFCs and ozone
• CFCs have long residence time in the
CCl2F+ Cl
Cl +O3
ClO +O2
ClO +O
Cl +O2
CO2 and the Greenhouse
The greenhouse effect occurs when radiant energy
is retained in the atmosphere and warms it
Some atmospheric scientists think that global
warming is already under way
There are many natural sources that contribute
significantly to “greenhouse” gas production that
cannot be controlled by humans
The main strategy for countering human
contributions to possible global warming is to curtail
the use of fossil fuels
The Greenhouse Effect
Acid rain
• Formation HNO3 and H2SO4 in water
droplets due to SO2 and NOx
Deposition of pollutants
Water droplets
aerosols with bound HOCs
HOC vapors
Washout of
Washout of
Deposition of particles
Wet deposition
Dry deposition
How do we measure acidity of the
• Rain water has a natural pH of 5.5 (less
than 7)
• Collect rain water
• Measure pH
Rain sampling