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Effective Term:
Foundations and Variations in Early Child Development
Andrea Henderson
Desert Vista
Credit Hours:
Lecture Periods:
Lab Periods:
Typical and atypical child growth and development, birth through grade 3. Includes theoretical framework; brain
development and effects of experience on brain development; prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal causes of
disability; variations in development; healthy development; and intervention.
Prerequisite(s): ECE 117.
Recommendation: Completion of ECE 211 before enrolling in this course.
Information: All ECE courses require college-level reading and writing.
Performance Objectives:
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Discuss aspects of the theoretical framework for child development. (NAEYC 1a, 1b, 5b). (CEC
1, 9, 10)
2. Discuss the major milestones in healthy brain and neural development and corresponding areas
of the brain (NAEYC 1b). (CEC 2)
3. Explain several ways that activity and experience can change the structure of the nervous
system in the first year of life. (NAEYC 1a, 1b, 4a). (CEC 3, 5)
4. Explain several prenatal causes of disability (NAEYC 1b). (CEC 3)
5. Explain several perinatal causes of disability (NAEYC 1a, 1b) (CEC 3)
6. Explain several postnatal causes of disability (NAEYC 1a, 1b) (CEC 3)
7. Discuss variations in developmental domains and major exceptionalities (NAEYC 1a, 1b, 3a).
(CEC 1, 2, 3, 8 )
8. Discuss strategies to support healthy development (NAEYC 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 4a,
4b, 4d). (CEC 4, 5, 7)
9. Discuss the value of professional approaches to interventions (NAEYC 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, 4a,
4b, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e). (CEC 5, 7, 9, 10)
Theoretical Framework for Child Development
A. History of treatment and education for children with disabilities
1. Treatment
2. Education
B. Philosophy of effective special education services
1. Family as primary educators
2. Collaborative team approach
3. Written plans for service
4. Professionalism and ethics
5. Data driven practice
C. The importance and use of current knowledge
D. Theories
1. Nature and nurture
2. Continuous development or stages
3. Critical and sensitive stages
4. Plasticity and vulnerability
E. Principles of child development
1. Patterns of growth
2. Patterns of development
3. The infant as active learner
4. Play is the work of children; they learn through play
5. Children with disabilities are more alike than different
F. Resources for current information
The Brain and Nervous System: Prenatal through Postnatal Development
A. Brain glossary
1. Notochord
2. Neural crest
3. Brain sections and function
4. Neurons
5. Blood brain barrier
6. Brain problems
7. Genes
B. Development of the nerves and brain
1. Genetic Direction:
a. What is typical
b. Genetic screening
2. The process of nervous system development
3. Time line of development of nerves and brain
4. The drivers
a. Genetically driven
b. Activity dependent development
Foundations of Learning - First Year of Life: How use Structures the Wiring of the Brain
A. Development is sequential
B. Synapse formation
C. Synaptic pruning
D. Myelination
E. Critical periods
F. Brain plasticity
Prenatal Variations in Development
A. Gene-Related Syndromes and Conditions (Known or Probable)
1. Major chromosomal differences
2. Excessive repeats
3. Neurocutaneous syndromes
4. Metabolic
5. Familial dyslexia
6. Structural problems
B. Avoidable and Unavoidable Factors That Interfere with Development
1. Placental problems
2. Nutritional deficiency
3. Toxins
4. Metabolic or fluid decompensation
5. Maternal infections
Peri-Natal Variations in Development
A. Major screening tools
B. Hypoxia/anoxia
C. Meconium aspiration
D. Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH)
E. Prematurity
F. Brachial plexus injury associated with breech presentation
G. Medication caused deafness
H. Oxygen caused visual problems
Respirator associated lung problems
VI. Post-Natal Variations in Development Infection
A. Brain infections vs. immunizations
B. Toxins
C. Trauma
D. Drowning
E. Malnutrition
F. Tumors
G. Psychosocial stressors
H. Environmental quality issues
VII. The Functional Development Perspective
A. Motor development
1. Typical progression of milestones
2. Red flags
3. Common disabilities
B. Language development
1. Typical progression of milestones
2. Red flags
3. Common disabilities
C. Cognitive development
1. Typical progression of milestones
2. Red flags
3. Common disabilities
4. Advanced cognitive development; giftedness
D. Social development
1. Typical progression of milestones
2. Supporting healthy attachment and bonding
3. Red flags
4. Identification of autism, including problems related to:
a. Theory of mind
b. Joint attention
5. Common disabilities
E. Adaptive development
1. Typical progression of milestones
2. Red flags
3. Common disabilities
F. Sensory
1. Typical progression of milestones
2. Red flags
3. Common disabilities
VIII. Strategies to Support Healthy Development
A. Motor
B. Language
C. Cognition
D. Social
E. Adaptive
F. Sensory
G. Interrelated nature of development
Professional Approach to Interventions
A. Focus on strengths
B. Involvement of family and the intervention team
C. Benefits of early intervention
D. Current trends in professional responsibilities