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Sentence Outline for Argument Essays
Write out each section with complete sentences using a subject and a
verb. You may write directly in this document and save it.
I. Introduction (Review the WRP sections on writing the introduction, body,
and conclusion in Ch. 12). Address each of the points in the introduction.
A. Background (what information do you need to provide to your reader in order for the
reader to understand your argument? Your introduction will likely be more than one
paragraph and may even be more than one page).
In my introduction I will need to provide readers with some background information in
order to understand my argument of how climate change is affecting wildlife. Based on
historical evidence of species distribution and trends in population from season to season
and year to year. What certain species habitats are and how these effects are pushing
them to seek different environments to adapt to in order to survive.
B. What is already well known about your topic?
Climate change is a topic that most people are aware of, although the fundamentals of it
are not completely understood. It is well known that certain species of animals are
showing signs of the effects of climate change such as the polar bear in the arctic, whose
natural habitat is being diminished because of warmer temperatures; melting the ice.
C. What does the current literature say about your topic?
Current literature points to the evidence found that wildlife are already making adaptations
to different environments and that some species are at extinction or near it based on
scientific research.
D. Are there any assumptions about your topic that you could challenge in the
There have been assumptions made that climate change is just a “natural process” and
that human activity has no relation to it; it’s only natural changes occurring within
ecosystems, yet there is evidence that human induced changes are possibly speeding the
process of natural systems, which in turn is pressuring wildlife to extreme measures.
E. Are there important key terms you need to define in the introduction?
Some important key terms I will need to define in the introduction may be an explanation
of what wildlife is; making a distinction between domestic animals and wild animals. What
an ecosystem is and making a point of the principle of its function, defining conservation
and how it plays a role in the entire picture will be important to make clear as well.
II. Thesis statement (state this fully in a complete sentence). Your thesis will show your
claim and your reasons. Review the use of an enthymeme as a thesis.
My thesis statement is “Global climate change will have a significant impact on wildlife and
the effects of it on them will be numerous and challenging on a broad scale”. The
enthymeme thesis I incorporated into my explanation of the thesis statement is “Wildlife
will most certainly be one of the prime indicators of global climate change because of the
obvious signs they will present due to the effects imposed by the changes that are
A. Write two to four key words from your thesis statement that you will use to develop
your major points.
1. Global climate change
2. Wildlife
3. Indicators
III. Thesis Development (Body)
The body of your paper should:
defend your thesis
provide analysis of the issues
present well-reasoned statements at the beginning of each paragraph
supply evidence of support with proper documentation
Organization: State how you will organize your essay: chronologically, in order of
importance, comparing and contrasting, developing a causal analysis, defining terms,
explaining a process, and/or asking and answering questions. Using a combination of
these organizations is acceptable. See Ch. 12b for more information.
I plan to organize my paper by:
Using a combination of the organizations: developing a causal analysis, defining key terms
as they are presented and when appropriate, explaining processes, comparing and
contrasting ideas and information of sources.
Be sure that you include statistics in your paper and use the information you learned this
semester to analyze the statistics. Show how you will do this:
I will state the statistics used to show the importance of certain data within my writing and
then follow up with an image showing the possible trends related to what I have stated
A. First major point
1. My first major point to explain is what changes we are observing today, are
these changes positive or negative?
a. evidence that supports this point
Evidence to support this point would be having an idea of how these changes
will be represented by trends in species habits.
b. state how this point relates to your thesis
These points relate to my thesis because the effects will be significant in the overall
lives of wildlife and how they survive by adjusting to different environmental factors.
B. Second Major Point (state in a sentence that is parallel in structure to the first major
1. Global climate change will produce changes in a community is established or
a.evidence that supports this point
By observing the population trends of wildlife we can see the differences year to
year or decade to decade by how low or high their numbers range consistently. Climate
change effects could be seen if the average numbers are significantly different than
normal, putting aside other factors such as predation, urban expansion etc.
b. state how this point relates to your thesis
By observing population trends of wildlife, it relates to how climate change could
be affecting this important aspect of a species community to survive; a healthy
and sustained population is ultimately the key to conserving an ecosystems
integrity and ability to continue to exist.
C. Third Major Point (state in a sentence that is parallel in structure to the first major
1. The location where a species is located and how it is distributed within a region is
important to be aware of due to how a changing climate is affecting the
components of the ecosystem.
a.evidence that supports this point
If vegetation that is used as a forage resource is being diminished due to a cooler or
warmer climate, its availability could be lost. Same goes for species of predation, if their
prey has relocated to a more conducive area, then the predators food source is also lost,
which would cause all members of an ecosystem to relocate to different regions, terrain,
and/or elevation within the terrain.
b. connect this point to your thesis
This point is relatable to my thesis because warmer climates will impose pressure on the
growing season of vegetative species, it could even eliminate the growth entirely in a
region. If the climate changes significantly in an area where an animal species has
inhabited and the environment is not adaptable then certain species must relocate which
in turn interferes with a predator’s ability to find their food source.
D. Fourth Major Point (state in a sentence that is parallel in structure to the first major
1. A species reproduction habits have a lot to do with their environment, in order to
survive they must reproduce.
a.evidence that supports this point
If the climatic factors are undesired, such as a shift in temperature, which affects
the availability of food, water and shelter; a species likelihood to reproduce is low.
Conditions must be favorable and an animal’s needs must be met in order to have a
healthy pregnancy and to give birth to healthy babies can reach maturity and continue the
process. If one of these main factors is out of order then it will disrupt the reproduction
process and success within a community.
b. connect this point to your thesis
The environment must be conducive for a reproducing animal. Climate change
will affect these important points making an animal’s ability to reproduce
difficult, most importantly because food and water shortages can occur which
leaves the animals without proper nutrition or hydration, not only inhibiting
reproduction, but ultimately causing death.
A. Review your ideas and tie them together with your thesis
All of these points are related to climate change. Within an ecosystem they are
interdependent on one another and tied together. If one of these things is
disturbed due to climate change the others are also going to be pressured.
These aspects of climate change are so interrelated and undeniable. It is
important to understand how they work and how they can be affected by
change. It proves that extinction is relevant when we discuss global climate
change, and how human actions contribute to natural processes; either by
speeding it up, or making the circumstances more difficult. Wildlife species will
move about to favorable conditions thus improving their likelihood of survival
but that doesn’t ensure that all the things they require for survival will be
available to them. In order to ensure their survival to the best of our ability is to
acknowledge these changes are occurring and to what degree they are, in order
to predict how wildlife will react to climate change. Being informed, and taking
appropriate action to conserve them with management plans to the best of our
ability will be key to assisting in their long term health.
B. What ideas to you want your reader to remember after reading your paper?
After reading my paper, I would like readers to remember the important points I
pointed out of how climate change is related to wildlife and the resources they
depend on for survival. I would like to instill a sense of responsibility to people
to have a desire to learn more about climate change and how its affects will be
numerous for ecosystems and on such a large scale when you look at the
whole picture. It’s not about focusing on one aspect of the problem, it is about
taking all things into consideration. From the simplest idea of grass growing and
how warmer temperatures could stop it from growing, to water sources drying
up; causing animals to relocate further away from their original ranges. All of
the effects of climate change will produce problems that are interrelated and
wildlife will be excellent indicators of it.