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Student: ___________________________________________________________________________
1. A person's usual pattern of food choices is his or her
A. Nutritional status
B. Lifestyle
C. Diet
D. All of the above
2. Which of the following conditions is not a leading cause of death in Canada?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Cancer
C. Heart disease
D. Stroke
3. Which of the following nutrients is a source of energy?
A. Cholesterol
B. Protein
C. Vitamin D
D. Iron
4. Which of the following substances is a nutrient that does not supply any energy for the human body?
A. Carbohydrate
B. Fat
C. Alcohol
D. Vitamin C
5. Which of the following substances is a nutrient that does not provide any energy for the human body?
A. Water
B. Protein
C. Carbohydrate
D. Fat
6. ____ is the total of all chemical activities that occur in cells.
A. Metabolism
B. Synergy
C. Cytoplasm
D. Polypropism
7. Which of the following substances is an antioxidant in yellow and orange fruits and vegetables?
A. Zinc
B. Beta-carotene
C. Water
D. Protein
8. Which of the following substances is a phytochemical?
A. Cholesterol
B. Iron oxide
C. Beta-carotene
D. None of the choices
9. Which of the following foods is naturally a rich source of phytochemicals?
A. Margarine
B. Tuna
C. Grapes
D. Luncheon meat
10. Which of the following foods is not a rich source of phytochemicals?
A. Fresh blueberries
B. Lean meat
C. Whole-grain bread
D. Cashew nuts
11. Which of the following statements is true?
A. In the body, dietary supplements may act as drugs
B. The FDA strictly regulates the safety and effectiveness of dietary supplements
C. Manufacturers of dietary supplements must provide the FDA with evidence that their products provide
measurable health benefits before marketing them
D. All the choices are correct
12. Which of the following conditions is a health problem that is a not generally associated with dietary
A. Heart disease
B. Ear infection
C. Cancer
D. Type 2 diabetes
13. Which of the following lifestyle choices is responsible for the most preventable cancer deaths in Canada?
A. Eating fatty food
B. Consuming alcohol
C. Exercising infrequently
D. Smoking cigarettes
14. Compared to 35 years ago, the typical Canadian consumes more
A. Fruit
B. Eggs
C. Milk
D. None of the choices
15. Jorge weighs 187 pounds. What is his weight in kilograms?
A. 85 kg
B. 105 kg
C. 230 kg
D. 411 kg
16. Jerry's height is 72 inches. What is his approximate height in centimeters?
A. 153 cm
B. 183 cm
C. 203 cm
D. 223 cm
17. Kerry weighs 65 kg. What is her weight in pounds?
A. 123 pounds
B. 133 pounds
C. 143 pounds
D. 153 pounds
18. One kilocalorie is equivalent to
A. One-thousandth of a calorie
B. 10 calories
C. 100 calories
D. 1000 calories
19. Which of the following substances is a nutrient that does not provide any energy for humans?
A. Sugar
B. Protein
C. Iron
D. Fat
20. The energy value of a raw peach is reported as a number of
B. Kilocalories
C. Rads
D. Thermals
21. A serving of food contains 8 g carbohydrate, 5 g protein and 6 g fat. This food provides ___ kcal/serving.
A. 101
B. 106
C. 160
D. 191
22. How many kilocalories are in a portion of food that contains 18 g protein, 10 g fat, 4 g carbohydrate, 130
mg vitamin C and 120 ml water?
A. 78
B. 100
C. 158
D. 178
23. Erika is making a recipe from ingredients that contain 120 ml of water, 50 g of fat, 20 g of protein, 500 mg
of vitamin C, 100 g of carbohydrate and 600 mg of calcium. How many kilocalories does the entire product of
this recipe provide?
A. 680
B. 930
C. 1280
D. 1530
24. A serving of food supplies 25 g carbohydrate, 10 g protein, 10 g fat and 100 g water. Which of the following
statements is true about a serving of the food?
A. Fat provides the most food energy
B. Carbohydrate provides the most food energy
C. Water provides the most food energy
D. Fat provides about 25% of total calories
25. A serving of food supplies 10 g carbohydrate, 10 g protein, 10 g fat and 100 g water. Which of the following
statements is true about a serving of the food?
A. Fat provides the most food energy
B. Carbohydrate provides the most food energy
C. Water provides the most food energy
D. Fat provides about 25% of total calories
26. A serving of food supplies 15 g carbohydrate, 15 g protein and 4 g fat. Which of the following statements is
true about this food?
A. Fat provides most of the food energy
B. Protein contributes most of the food energy
C. Carbohydrate supplies 60 kcal/serving
D. None of the choices are correct
27. Which of the following foods is the most nutrient dense per serving?
A. Olive oil
B. French fries
C. Grape drink
D. Soy milk
28. Which of the following foods is the most nutrient dense per serving?
A. Corn oil margarine
B. Iceberg lettuce
C. Nonfat milk
D. Cream cheese
29. The recommended amount of a nutrient is 100 mg. Therefore, a megadose of this nutrient would be
A. 1000 µg
B. 10 mg
C. 1 g
D. None of the choices
30. Phil takes supplements that supply 1000 mg of vitamin C three times a day. The recommended amount of
vitamin C is 90 mg/day. His daily vitamin C is an example of a
A. Physiological level
B. Requirement
C. Marginal intake
D. Megadose
31. Maria limits her sodium intake to 2.3 g/day. This amount is equivalent to
A. 23 mg/day
B. 230 mg/day
C. 2300 mg/day
D. None of the choices
32. Which of the following substances is an essential nutrient for humans?
A. Alcohol
B. Sugar
C. Fiber
D. None of the choices
33. Which of the following nutrients is a micronutrient?
A. Fat
B. Iron
C. Water
D. All of the choices
34. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Micronutrients do not supply energy
B. Humans instinctively select nutritious diets
C. Milk, bananas and soybeans are among the few nutritionally perfect foods for humans
D. Nutrition experts classify sugary foods as "junk" foods
35. Which of the following foods is the most energy dense per serving?
A. Chocolate doughnut
B. ½ cup fresh strawberries
C. 8 ounces fat-free milk
D. 3 ounces baked chicken
36. Which of the following foods naturally supplies all known nutrients?
A. Banana
B. Whole-grain bread
C. Soybeans
D. None of the choices
37. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Dietitians generally classify foods as either "good" or "junk."
B. According to scientific evidence, taking megadoses of vitamins and minerals helps prevent many chronic
C. A diet that has variety contains many different kinds of nutritious foods
D. In the United States, you are more likely to see undernourished than overnourished people
38. An essential nutrient
A. Performs a vital function in the body
B. Is only in foods from animal sources
C. Must be supplied by the diet
D. None of the choices
39. Which of the following nutrients is the most essential for life?
A. Water
B. Protein
C. Omega-3 fatty acids
D. Vitamin C
40. According to the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act of 1994,
A. Dietary supplements must be tested for effectiveness before they are marketed
B. Genetically engineered foods are not fit for human consumption
C. Dietary supplements do not need to include ingredient information on labels
D. Manufacturers can classify certain herbal products and nutrient supplements as foods
41. A 6-ounce serving of a beverage contains 15 grams of sugar and 5 grams of alcohol. This amount of the
beverage supplies _____ kcal.
A. 95
B. 105
C. 125
D. 180
42. Which of the following substances is not a macronutrient?
A. Protein
B. Vitamin C
C. Carbohydrate
D. Fat
43. Proteins are necessary for
A. Production of cellular components, such as membranes
B. Regulation of body processes
C. Cellular development, growth and maintenance
D. All of the choices
44. Which of the following statements is true?
A. There is no reason to breastfeed a newborn.
B. The breast milk has no nutritional value.
C. Breast milk provides infants with immunity to some infectious diseases.
D. Dietitians do not recommend that infants be breastfed.
45. _____ is the use of living things to manufacture improved foods and other products.
A. Biotechnology
B. Organoleptics
C. Nutragenomics
D. None of the choices
46. Which of the following groups of Canadians is most at risk of undernutrition?
A. Chronic alcoholics
B. Preschool children
C. College freshmen
D. All of the choices
47. In Canada, food insecurity is most likely to affect
A. Adolescent boys experiencing a growth spurt.
B. Adult women who take birth control pills
C. Elderly persons on fixed incomes
D. Body builders consuming too many protein supplements
48. Shaina is in her 5th month of pregnancy. Her diet is poor because she rarely pays attention to her food
choices —she basically eats a limited variety of foods that she likes. Shaina was described as "undernourished"
by her physician. Thus, Shaina is likely to give birth to a
A. Premature baby
B. Baby with breathing difficulties
C. Low-birth weight baby
D. All of the choices
49. Today, the typical Canadian consumes _____ than Canadians did 35 years ago.
A. More servings of milk
B. Fewer eggs
C. More kinds of fruit
D. Fewer carbonated soft drinks
50. Which of the following factors influences a person's food choices?
A. Close friends
B. Food advertisements
C. Parents' food choices
D. All of the choices
51. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Malnutrition is unknown in Canada.
B. The School Breakfast Program offers free or reduced-cost breakfasts to children, regardless of their family
C. Malnutrition is a state of health that occurs when the body is improperly nourished.
D. All of the choices are correct
52. Dietitians often refer to _____ as empty-calorie foods.
A. Carbonated soft drinks
B. 100% fruit juices
C. Fat-free milk products
D. Cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower
53. Which of the following foods or beverages is classified as "empty-calorie"?
A. Milk
B. Cottage cheese
C. Crackers
D. Beer
54. Which of the following foods is energy-dense?
A. Fresh strawberries
B. Cheddar cheese
C. Orange juice
D. Romaine lettuce
55. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The human body uses only fat for energy
B. Minerals such as calcium and iron provide about 3 kcal per gram
C. Most foods are mixtures of nutrients
D. Phytochemicals are classified as essential nutrients
56. Which of the following practices is most likely to result in a vitamin toxicity disorder?
A. Consuming 6 servings of fruits and vegetables daily
B. Taking megadoses of various vitamin supplements daily
C. Eating 4 ounces of chicken liver once a week
D. None of the choices
c1 Key
1. (p. 3) A person's usual pattern of food choices is his or her
A. Nutritional status
B. Lifestyle
C. Diet
D. All of the above
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 1
Schiff - Chapter 01 #1
2. (p. 3) Which of the following conditions is not a leading cause of death in Canada?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Cancer
C. Heart disease
D. Stroke
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: General
Schiff - Chapter 01 #2
3. (p. 12) Which of the following nutrients is a source of energy?
A. Cholesterol
B. Protein
C. Vitamin D
D. Iron
Course SLO: 2
Learning Objective: 4
Schiff - Chapter 01 #3
4. (p. 5) Which of the following substances is a nutrient that does not supply any energy for the human body?
A. Carbohydrate
B. Fat
C. Alcohol
D. Vitamin C
Course SLO: 1
Learning Objective: 4
Schiff - Chapter 01 #4
5. (p. 5) Which of the following substances is a nutrient that does not provide any energy for the human body?
A. Water
B. Protein
C. Carbohydrate
D. Fat
Course SLO: 1
Learning Objective: 4
Schiff - Chapter 01 #5
6. (p. 5) ____ is the total of all chemical activities that occur in cells.
A. Metabolism
B. Synergy
C. Cytoplasm
D. Polypropism
Course SLO: 2
Learning Objective: General
Schiff - Chapter 01 #6
7. (p. 7) Which of the following substances is an antioxidant in yellow and orange fruits and vegetables?
A. Zinc
B. Beta-carotene
C. Water
D. Protein
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 1
Schiff - Chapter 01 #7
8. (p. 7) Which of the following substances is a phytochemical?
A. Cholesterol
B. Iron oxide
C. Beta-carotene
D. None of the choices
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 1
Schiff - Chapter 01 #8
9. (p. 7) Which of the following foods is naturally a rich source of phytochemicals?
A. Margarine
B. Tuna
C. Grapes
D. Luncheon meat
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 1
Schiff - Chapter 01 #9
10. (p. 7) Which of the following foods is not a rich source of phytochemicals?
A. Fresh blueberries
B. Lean meat
C. Whole-grain bread
D. Cashew nuts
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 1
Schiff - Chapter 01 #10
11. (p. 6) Which of the following statements is true?
A. In the body, dietary supplements may act as drugs
B. The FDA strictly regulates the safety and effectiveness of dietary supplements
C. Manufacturers of dietary supplements must provide the FDA with evidence that their products provide
measurable health benefits before marketing them
D. All the choices are correct
Course SLO: 5
Learning Objective: General
Schiff - Chapter 01 #11
12. (p. 3) Which of the following conditions is a health problem that is a not generally associated with dietary
A. Heart disease
B. Ear infection
C. Cancer
D. Type 2 diabetes
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: General
Schiff - Chapter 01 #12
13. (p. 9) Which of the following lifestyle choices is responsible for the most preventable cancer deaths in
A. Eating fatty food
B. Consuming alcohol
C. Exercising infrequently
D. Smoking cigarettes
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 3
Schiff - Chapter 01 #13
14. (p. 9) Compared to 35 years ago, the typical Canadian consumes more
A. Fruit
B. Eggs
C. Milk
D. None of the choices
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: General
Schiff - Chapter 01 #14
15. (p. 11) Jorge weighs 187 pounds. What is his weight in kilograms?
A. 85 kg
B. 105 kg
C. 230 kg
D. 411 kg
Course SLO: 4
Learning Objective: 5
Schiff - Chapter 01 #15
16. (p. 11) Jerry's height is 72 inches. What is his approximate height in centimeters?
A. 153 cm
B. 183 cm
C. 203 cm
D. 223 cm
Course SLO: 4
Learning Objective: 5
Schiff - Chapter 01 #16
17. (p. 11) Kerry weighs 65 kg. What is her weight in pounds?
A. 123 pounds
B. 133 pounds
C. 143 pounds
D. 153 pounds
Course SLO: 4
Learning Objective: 5
Schiff - Chapter 01 #17
18. (p. 12) One kilocalorie is equivalent to
A. One-thousandth of a calorie
B. 10 calories
C. 100 calories
D. 1000 calories
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 1
Schiff - Chapter 01 #18
19. (p. 12) Which of the following substances is a nutrient that does not provide any energy for humans?
A. Sugar
B. Protein
C. Iron
D. Fat
Course SLO: 1
Learning Objective: 4
Schiff - Chapter 01 #19
20. (p. 12) The energy value of a raw peach is reported as a number of
B. Kilocalories
C. Rads
D. Thermals
Course SLO: 2
Learning Objective: 1
Schiff - Chapter 01 #20
21. (p. 12) A serving of food contains 8 g carbohydrate, 5 g protein and 6 g fat. This food provides ___
A. 101
B. 106
C. 160
D. 191
Course SLO: 2
Learning Objective: 7
Schiff - Chapter 01 #21
22. (p. 12) How many kilocalories are in a portion of food that contains 18 g protein, 10 g fat, 4 g carbohydrate,
130 mg vitamin C and 120 ml water?
A. 78
B. 100
C. 158
D. 178
Course SLO: 2
Learning Objective: 7
Schiff - Chapter 01 #22
23. (p. 12) Erika is making a recipe from ingredients that contain 120 ml of water, 50 g of fat, 20 g of protein, 500
mg of vitamin C, 100 g of carbohydrate and 600 mg of calcium. How many kilocalories does the entire product
of this recipe provide?
A. 680
B. 930
C. 1280
D. 1530
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 7
Schiff - Chapter 01 #23
24. (p. 12) A serving of food supplies 25 g carbohydrate, 10 g protein, 10 g fat and 100 g water. Which of the
following statements is true about a serving of the food?
A. Fat provides the most food energy
B. Carbohydrate provides the most food energy
C. Water provides the most food energy
D. Fat provides about 25% of total calories
Course SLO: 2
Learning Objective: 7
Schiff - Chapter 01 #24
25. (p. 12) A serving of food supplies 10 g carbohydrate, 10 g protein, 10 g fat and 100 g water. Which of the
following statements is true about a serving of the food?
A. Fat provides the most food energy
B. Carbohydrate provides the most food energy
C. Water provides the most food energy
D. Fat provides about 25% of total calories
Course SLO: 2
Learning Objective: 7
Schiff - Chapter 01 #25
26. (p. 12) A serving of food supplies 15 g carbohydrate, 15 g protein and 4 g fat. Which of the following
statements is true about this food?
A. Fat provides most of the food energy
B. Protein contributes most of the food energy
C. Carbohydrate supplies 60 kcal/serving
D. None of the choices are correct
Course SLO: 2
Learning Objective: 7
Schiff - Chapter 01 #26
27. (p. 15) Which of the following foods is the most nutrient dense per serving?
A. Olive oil
B. French fries
C. Grape drink
D. Soy milk
Course SLO: 1
Learning Objective: 8
Schiff - Chapter 01 #27
28. (p. 15) Which of the following foods is the most nutrient dense per serving?
A. Corn oil margarine
B. Iceberg lettuce
C. Nonfat milk
D. Cream cheese
Course SLO: 1
Learning Objective: 8
Schiff - Chapter 01 #28
29. (p. 16) The recommended amount of a nutrient is 100 mg. Therefore, a megadose of this nutrient would be
A. 1000 µg
B. 10 mg
C. 1 g
D. None of the choices
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 5
Learning Objective: 6
Schiff - Chapter 01 #29
30. (p. 17) Phil takes supplements that supply 1000 mg of vitamin C three times a day. The recommended amount
of vitamin C is 90 mg/day. His daily vitamin C is an example of a
A. Physiological level
B. Requirement
C. Marginal intake
D. Megadose
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 5
Learning Objective: 6
Schiff - Chapter 01 #30
31. (p. 11) Maria limits her sodium intake to 2.3 g/day. This amount is equivalent to
A. 23 mg/day
B. 230 mg/day
C. 2300 mg/day
D. None of the choices
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 5
Schiff - Chapter 01 #31
32. (p. 6) Which of the following substances is an essential nutrient for humans?
A. Alcohol
B. Sugar
C. Fiber
D. None of the choices
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 1
Schiff - Chapter 01 #32
33. (p. 12) Which of the following nutrients is a micronutrient?
A. Fat
B. Iron
C. Water
D. All of the choices
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 1
Schiff - Chapter 01 #33
34. (p. 12) Which of the following statements is true?
A. Micronutrients do not supply energy
B. Humans instinctively select nutritious diets
C. Milk, bananas and soybeans are among the few nutritionally perfect foods for humans
D. Nutrition experts classify sugary foods as "junk" foods
Course SLO: 4
Learning Objective: 1
Learning Objective: 8
Schiff - Chapter 01 #34
35. (p. 15) Which of the following foods is the most energy dense per serving?
A. Chocolate doughnut
B. ½ cup fresh strawberries
C. 8 ounces fat-free milk
D. 3 ounces baked chicken
Course SLO: 6
Learning Objective: 6
Schiff - Chapter 01 #35
36. (p. 12) Which of the following foods naturally supplies all known nutrients?
A. Banana
B. Whole-grain bread
C. Soybeans
D. None of the choices
Course SLO: 1
Learning Objective: 8
Schiff - Chapter 01 #36
37. (p. 3) Which of the following statements is true?
A. Dietitians generally classify foods as either "good" or "junk."
B. According to scientific evidence, taking megadoses of vitamins and minerals helps prevent many chronic
C. A diet that has variety contains many different kinds of nutritious foods
D. In the United States, you are more likely to see undernourished than overnourished people
Course SLO: 3
Learning Objective: 8
Schiff - Chapter 01 #37
38. (p. 5) An essential nutrient
A. Performs a vital function in the body
B. Is only in foods from animal sources
C. Must be supplied by the diet
D. None of the choices
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 1
Schiff - Chapter 01 #38
39. (p. 12) Which of the following nutrients is the most essential for life?
A. Water
B. Protein
C. Omega-3 fatty acids
D. Vitamin C
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 1
Schiff - Chapter 01 #39
40. (p. 6) According to the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act of 1994,
A. Dietary supplements must be tested for effectiveness before they are marketed
B. Genetically engineered foods are not fit for human consumption
C. Dietary supplements do not need to include ingredient information on labels
D. Manufacturers can classify certain herbal products and nutrient supplements as foods
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: General
Schiff - Chapter 01 #40
41. (p. 12) A 6-ounce serving of a beverage contains 15 grams of sugar and 5 grams of alcohol. This amount of the
beverage supplies _____ kcal.
A. 95
B. 105
C. 125
D. 180
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 7
Schiff - Chapter 01 #41
42. (p. 12) Which of the following substances is not a macronutrient?
A. Protein
B. Vitamin C
C. Carbohydrate
D. Fat
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 1
Schiff - Chapter 01 #42
43. (p. 24) Proteins are necessary for
A. Production of cellular components, such as membranes
B. Regulation of body processes
C. Cellular development, growth and maintenance
D. All of the choices
Course SLO: 1
Learning Objective: 4
Schiff - Chapter 01 #43
44. (p. 21) Which of the following statements is true?
A. There is no reason to breastfeed a newborn.
B. The breast milk has no nutritional value.
C. Breast milk provides infants with immunity to some infectious diseases.
D. Dietitians do not recommend that infants be breastfed.
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 10
Schiff - Chapter 01 #44
45. (p. 22) _____ is the use of living things to manufacture improved foods and other products.
A. Biotechnology
B. Organoleptics
C. Nutragenomics
D. None of the choices
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: General
Schiff - Chapter 01 #45
46. (p. 21) Which of the following groups of Canadians is most at risk of undernutrition?
A. Chronic alcoholics
B. Preschool children
C. College freshmen
D. All of the choices
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 9
Schiff - Chapter 01 #46
47. (p. 21) In Canada, food insecurity is most likely to affect
A. Adolescent boys experiencing a growth spurt.
B. Adult women who take birth control pills
C. Elderly persons on fixed incomes
D. Body builders consuming too many protein supplements
Course SLO: 6
Learning Objective: 9
Schiff - Chapter 01 #47
48. (p. 21) Shaina is in her 5th month of pregnancy. Her diet is poor because she rarely pays attention to her food
choices —she basically eats a limited variety of foods that she likes. Shaina was described as "undernourished"
by her physician. Thus, Shaina is likely to give birth to a
A. Premature baby
B. Baby with breathing difficulties
C. Low-birth weight baby
D. All of the choices
Course SLO: 5
Learning Objective: N/A
Schiff - Chapter 01 #48
49. (p. 9) Today, the typical Canadian consumes _____ than Canadians did 35 years ago.
A. More servings of milk
B. Fewer eggs
C. More kinds of fruit
D. Fewer carbonated soft drinks
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: General
Schiff - Chapter 01 #49
50. (p. 3) Which of the following factors influences a person's food choices?
A. Close friends
B. Food advertisements
C. Parents' food choices
D. All of the choices
Course SLO: 6
Learning Objective: 2
Schiff - Chapter 01 #50
51. (p. 18) Which of the following statements is true?
A. Malnutrition is unknown in Canada.
B. The School Breakfast Program offers free or reduced-cost breakfasts to children, regardless of their family
C. Malnutrition is a state of health that occurs when the body is improperly nourished.
D. All of the choices are correct
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 10
Schiff - Chapter 01 #51
52. (p. 15) Dietitians often refer to _____ as empty-calorie foods.
A. Carbonated soft drinks
B. 100% fruit juices
C. Fat-free milk products
D. Cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 8
Schiff - Chapter 01 #52
53. (p. 15) Which of the following foods or beverages is classified as "empty-calorie"?
A. Milk
B. Cottage cheese
C. Crackers
D. Beer
Course SLO: 6
Learning Objective: 8
Schiff - Chapter 01 #53
54. (p. 15) Which of the following foods is energy-dense?
A. Fresh strawberries
B. Cheddar cheese
C. Orange juice
D. Romaine lettuce
Course SLO: 6
Learning Objective: 6
Schiff - Chapter 01 #54
55. (p. 13) Which of the following statements is true?
A. The human body uses only fat for energy
B. Minerals such as calcium and iron provide about 3 kcal per gram
C. Most foods are mixtures of nutrients
D. Phytochemicals are classified as essential nutrients
Course SLO: 6
Learning Objective: 8
Schiff - Chapter 01 #55
56. (p. 16) Which of the following practices is most likely to result in a vitamin toxicity disorder?
A. Consuming 6 servings of fruits and vegetables daily
B. Taking megadoses of various vitamin supplements daily
C. Eating 4 ounces of chicken liver once a week
D. None of the choices
Course SLO: 6
Learning Objective: 8
Schiff - Chapter 01 #56
c1 Summary
# of Questions
Course SLO: 1
Course SLO: 2
Course SLO: 3
Course SLO: 4
Course SLO: 5
Course SLO: 6
Course SLO: N/A
Learning Objective: 1
Learning Objective: 10
Learning Objective: 2
Learning Objective: 3
Learning Objective: 4
Learning Objective: 5
Learning Objective: 6
Learning Objective: 7
Learning Objective: 8
Learning Objective: 9
Learning Objective: General
Learning Objective: N/A
Schiff - Chapter 01