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Vol. •94• 59'] a GLENNY, Arteries in theHeartRegion o! theKiwi ARTERIES IN THE HEART BY FRED I-I. REGION OF THE 225 KIWI GLENNY INTRODUCTION THROUGH the cooperationof the Curator of Birds of the United StatesNational Museum,the writer was able to study the arrangement of the main arteriesin the region of the heart of the Kiwi (Apteryx australismantelh). The findingsare set forth in the followingobservations with the hope that they may be of interestto students of bird anatomy,and to give a betterunderstanding of the structure oœ the bird. OBSERVATIONS The left and right innominatearteriesarisefrom the aortic root of the right ventricle. The systemic archon the right sideremains as the functionalarch and joins the right radix aorta which passes posteriorlyto join the definitive dorsal aorta. The left and right ligamenturnbotalli are presentalong with the distal portion of theleft radix aortanowfusedwith the left ligamenturn aortae(Glenny, 1941). Unlike mostother birds (Glenny, 1940, 1940a,1941a),the innominate arteriesgive rise to two thyroid arteries (dorsaland ventral) beforegivingrise to the internal carotidand subclavianarteries. The subdavianarteriesgive rise to the 1) coracoid,2) internal mammary or intercostal,3) cutaneous,and 4) two pectoral-axillaryarteries. With the reductionof wingsfrom flight, there is considerable modification in the areassupplied by the pectoral and axillary arteries as comparedwith thoseareassuppliedby the samevessels in other birds. Thus the arterieswhich normallysupplythe pectoralmuscles of other birds, supply the wings,skin, and pectoral musclesin the Kiwi. The latter or pectoralmusclesare suppliedby small branches of the larger arterieswhich supplythe wings. The cutaneousartery suppliesthe skin and is lateral in position. The left carotid arch givesrise to the 1) brachio-scapular, 2) internal carotid, and 3) superficialcervicalarteries. The left superficial cervicalarterygivesoff a branchwhichpasses laterallyalongthe neck and suppliesthe musclesand other tissuesin that region,while the other branch suppliesthe tracheaand lymphaticglandson the left sideof the neck. The internal carotidentersthe hypapophysial canal and passesanteriorly toward the head alone. 226 GLENNY, Arteries in theHeartRegion o! theKiwi ['Auk L April The right carotidarch givesrise to the 1) cervico-brachio-scapular and 2) ascending-oesophageal arteries. The formersendsoff small branchesto the syrinx,brachio-plexus, shoulderand scapula,and anteriorlyalong the dorsalregion to the cervicalmusculature. The ascending-oesophageal givesrise to oneimportantbranchwhichsuppliesthe lymphaticglandson the right sideof the neck;otherwise it suppliesthe oesophagus and to a lesserextent other tissuesin this area. DISCUSSION Althoughonly one specimen oœthis species of Kiwi wasavailable, baseduponthe formerexperiences of the writer it is safeto assume that the abovepictureis a reasonable representation of the condition of the anteriorpart of the arterialsystemin .4ptcryx. The writer is of the opinionthat thisconditionis to be considered asan exampleof modification ratherthanof extremeprimitiveness. This conclusion isbasedupontheevidences presented in thepenguins, a late rheaembryo,and otherpresumably primitivebirds. The fact that a branchof the right carotidarchis supertidalis an indication that this arrangement is one of modificationand perhapsto a lesser degreeof primitiveness.However,the greatestmodificationof TEXT-FIO. 1.--Diagrammatic representation of the main arteriesin the regionof the heart of the Kiwi (.4pteryxaustralismantelli). A, right radix aorta. B, ligamenturn aortae. C, internal carotid artery. D, dorsal aorta. E, right cervico-brachio-scapular artery. F, right ascending oesophageal artery. G, left ascendingtracheo-lymphatic artery. H, left vertebral artery. I, innominate arteries. J, superficialcervicalartery. K, right lymphatic artery. M, internal mammary (intercostal)artery. N, coracoldartery. O, subclavianartery. P, pectoralarteries. Q, pulmonary artery. s, ductus shawii. U, scapulararteries. c, cutaneousbranchesof pectoral artery. w, axillary branchesof pectoralartery. t, thyroid gland and arteries. Vol. •9'] 1942 .• GLENNY, ,4rteries in theHeartRegion of theKiwi 227 H .Q D Diagrammaticrepresentationof the main arteries in the region of the heart of the Kiwi (Apteryx australismantellO. arterial supplyis found in the arterieswhich are derivedfrom the subclavianartery. In the rhea and penguins,thesearteriesfollow muchthe samegeneralpatternas thosein other species of the more primitive ordersoœbirds. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to thank Dr. Alexander Friedmann, oœ the U.S. Wetmore and Dr. Herbert National Museum, œor their kindness in makingavailablematerial and œacilities for this study. 228 GLENNV, Arteries in theHeartRegion of theKiwi ILApril 'Auk I•EFEKENCES GLENNY, • H. 1959.Ananomalous artery in thekingfisher (Ceryle alcyon•. OhioAcad. Sci., 39: 94-96. 1940. A systematic studyof the main arteriesin the regionof the heart. AvesI. Anat. l•ecord, 76: 371-•80. 1940a.The main arteries in the region of the heart of three speciesof doves. Bull. Fan Mere. Inst. BioL, Peiping,China, zool. set., 10: no. 4, Dec. 25. 1941. Presenceof the ligamenturnbotalli in the Golden Eagle, the l•ed-tailed Hawk, and the CommonPigeon. Ohio Journ. Sci., 41: 46-49. 1941a.A systematic studyof the main arteriesin the regionof the heart. Aves II. Ohio Journ. Sci., 4h 99-100. Bird ResearchLaboratory, Summit County Wildlife ResearchStation, Akron, Ohio