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Aim: How did ancient China develop under the
Shang and Zhou dynasties?
Do Now: Take out homework – Paragraph
Explain the positives and negatives of loess.
Dynasty – a line of rulers who belong to the
same family
Capital in city of Shang
Control of Yellow River delta
Kings ruled over towns
Gave land to nobles – the rich who were often
family members
◦ Nepotism – favoring relatives of those close to you
Agricultural society
Shang Society
King and Family
Prisoners of War
Written language
Oracles – people who could predict the future
Oracle bones – bones used by oracles to
predict the future
Veneration of ancestors – pray to ancestors
who could control human life
Overthrows Shang dynasty in 1000s B.C.
Mandate of Heaven – nature maintained order
in the world and the king ruled as a
representative of heaven
◦ Chosen by the gods
Dynastic Cycle - a dynasty would remain in
power only as long as it was providing good
When a dynasty went into decline, and began
to abuse its power, it was said to lose the
Mandate of Heaven, or the favor of the gods.
A strong leader would usually emerge to
claim the Mandate, and establish a new
The dynastic cycle would then begin again.
Aim: Explain the uniqueness of Shihuangdi’s
Do Now: Take out Tomb of Shihuangdi
Explain the Dynastic Cycle
221 B.C. – general of Qin wins battles and
controls eastern China
◦ Emperor – supreme ruler of an empire
◦ Shihuangdi – “First Grand Emperor”
Geography protection
◦ Qinling Mountains
◦ Huang River
Split empire into 36 provinces (political
divisions of land)
Nobles move to capital – Xianyang
Single system of money
Mirror of the real world
Clay army of soldiers and horses to protect
Crossbows set up if tomb opened
Explain Shihuangdi and the tomb of
Aim: How does Confucianism offer values
that all people can learn from?
Do Now: Take out homework
Why is it important to take advice from
someone older than you(parents,
grandparents, aunt/uncles)
Lived from 551-479 B.C.
Lived through time of warfare
Suggested peaceful way to live
He says China has lost its traditions
Stresses education to make people better
Better people make a better civilization
Respect of elders
Thoughts recorded in a book
◦ The Analects
Founded by Lao Tzu
Teaches inaction and not action
Don’t try to control nature of things, act
spontaneously and let nature take its course
◦ Opposite of Confucianism
Construction begun by Shihuangdi
Protection from northern invaders
Most of it built in later generations
◦ 1300s to 1600s
Aim: How did the Han dynasty make grand
Do Now: Take out Han Dynasty worksheet
What was the purpose of the Great Wall?
206 B.C. - Qin overthrown
General of rebels – Han Gaozu
Expanded borders north to Korea and south
to Vietnam
Confucius state
Civil service exam – government officials
must be qualified for the job or pass a test
◦ No longer can they just be appointed by king
Wudi – first strong emperor of Han
Grand School – empire’s best school
◦ Doctors, scientists, mathematicians, gov’t jobs
Invention of paper
Seismograph – machine used to detect
Trade routes that connected Asia and Europe
Silk was very popular trading item
Take out Chapter Review