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Ancient China Study Guide
1. What similarities can you see between the Huang and the rivers you have studied in
the last three chapters?
2. What does the word Huang mean in Chinese?
3. How might the production of loess be connected with the Gobi and Ordos deserts?
4. Why is loess both a blessing and a curse to Chinese farmers?
5. What water control methods did the Ancient Chinese farmers try?
6. What is erosion?
7. What caused erosion in the Huang Valley?
8. What is famine?
9. How are erosion and famine related?
10. What is the steppe?
11. How did life on the steppes of northern China differ from life in the Huang Valley?
12. How might the daily meals on the steppes differ from the daily meals along the river
13. What is a dynasty?
14. Why do you think a dynasty could help a civilization develop?
15. How did the Shang dynasty encourage the settlement of more lands and towns?
16. What roles did towns play in the development of Shang civilization?
17. Draw the social pyramid of the ancient people of Anyang?
18. Who was Fu Hao?
19. Describe the types of homes found in Anyang?
20. How did Chinese writing change over time? Why?
21. What was the function of oracle bones?
22. Who was Shihuangdi?
23. How long did he think his empire would last?
24. How did Shihuangdi organize his empire?
25. How did Shihuangdi change the power structure begun by the Shang kings? Why?
26. What means did Emperor Shihuangdi use to unify and strengthen the empire?
27. What geographical features protected the Qin state from conquest?
28. What was Shihuangdi’s grand plan for his tomb?
29. What was the purpose of the clay army in this plan? How large was the army?
30. In what ways were farmers absolutely crucial to the Qin economy?
31. What did Confucianism say the Chinese had lost?
32. How could the Chinese get these back?
33. According to Confucius, how are relations between children and parents in a family
like those between subjects and rulers in a government?
34. What did the Han Empire adopt from the Qin? What did they change?
35. Why do you suppose Han rulers adopted certain Qin practices and changed others?
36. Why do you think the emperor Wudi established schools throughout China?
37. In what areas did Han China make great achievements?
38. The backbone of the Han economy was_____________.