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NAME ________________________________________________OCEANOGRAPHY LECTURE TEST # 4
___ 1. ? is # 2 in marine species diversity.
A.Mollusca B.Porifera C.Annelida D.Bryozoa E.Arthropoda
___ 2. The amount of plant growth depends on A.whether plants are able to stay within near-surface waters
B.the amount of nutrients C.all of the above D.none of the above
___ 3. The highest taxonomic category is the A.phylum C.genus D.class E.kingdom
___ 4. Coral zooxanthellae belong to the A.Pyrrhophyta B.Bacillariophyta C.Haptophyta D.Actinopoda
___ 5. Baleen whales belong to the A.Mysticeti B.Sirenia C.Pinnipedia D.Fissipedia E.Odontoceti
___ 6. Specialist species have a ? niche. A.narrow B.broad
___ 7. ? are photosynthetic and secrete a pill-box like siliceous shell. A.dinoflagellates B.coccoliths C.diatoms
D.Actinopodans E.foraminiferans
___ 8. The Marine Iguana found on the Hawaiian Islands B.are entirely carnivorous C.all of the above
are true D.none of the above is true
___ 9. Sea urchins and sand dollars belong to the A.Holothuroidea B.Crinoidea C.Echinoidea D.Stelleroidea
___ 10. ? utilize nematocysts to capture their prey. A.Cnidaria B.Mollusca C.Porifera D.Annelida E.Bryozoa
___ 11. Which of the following is a toothed whale? A.narwhal B.pilot whale C.blackfish D.dolphin E.all of
the above are toothed whales
___ 12. ? are sessile algae that inhabit rocky shores, usually in warm water. A.Rhodophyta B.Anthophyta
C.Chlorophyta D.Phaeophyta E.Mycophyta
___ 13. ? water tends to contain more oxygen. A.salty debris-rich C.cold D.all of the above tend to
contain more oxygen E.all of the above tend to decrease the amount of oxygen in water
___ 14. The decline of ? species often reveal adverse environmental impact. A.native B.immigrant C.keystone
D.alien E.indicator
___ 15. The polychaetes belong to the A.Annelida B.Ectoprocta C.Mollusca D.Cnidaria E.Arthropoda
___ 16. The ? are marine, benthonic, bilaterally-symmetrical, filter-feeding bivalves. A.Arthropoda B.Cnidaria
C.Ectoprocta D.Brachiopoda E.Porifera
___ 17. ? environments have the most species diversity. A.tropical B.temperate C.arctic D.all of the above
have the same amount of species diversity
___ 18. "Division" is a classification category used for A.animals B.plants C.all of the above D.none of the
___ 19. The presence of complex gills, a calcareous shell, and a radula is diagnostic of the A.Annelida
B.Bryozoa C.Mollusca D.Cnidaria E.Arthropoda
___ 20. Which of the following is true concerning sea snakes? A.a few are poisonous B.have a flat, swimming
tail C.are found primarily in the Atlantic Ocean D.all of the above are true E.none of the above is true
___ 21. Radiolarians A.have delicate calcium carbonate shells B.are only found in marine environments
C.are planktonic or benthonic D.all of the above are true E.none of the above is true
___ 22. ? environments include about 12% of the total ocean area. A.oligotrophic B.eutrophic C.oligotrophic
and eutrophic environments together total 12% of the total ocean area
___ 23. Which of the following is true concerning sealife around hydrothermal vents? A.with hot springs
spewing nitrogen, which creates food for dinoflagellates photosynthesis-based C.all of the above
are true D.none of the above is true
___ 24. ? are the largest plankton. A.ultraplankton B.nannoplankton C.microplankton
___ 25. Prokaryotes are A.single-celled B.the DNA is organized into chromosomes C.are characterized by a
cell nucleus D.reproduce sexually E.all of the above define prokaryotes
___ 26. The ? have a nauplius larva or embryo and 2 pairs of antennae. A.Chelicerata B.Crustacea
C.Ostracoda D.Isopoda/Amphipoda E.Cirripedia
___ 27. Which of the following is a scombroid fish? A.herring B.halibut C.shark D.tuna E.codfish
___ 28. Foraminiferans are A.planktonic B.benthonic C.forams may be planktonic or benthonic D.forams are
___ 29. In rocky-shore communities, seaweed is most abundant in ? environments. A.high wave energy
___ 30. The ? are simple- to multi-celled parasites or scavengers. A.Pyrrhophyta B.Bacillariophyta
C.Mycophtya D.Actinopoda E.Foraminifera
___ 31. ? have a bivalved carapace with a hinged articulation. A.Copepoda B.Crustacea C.Ostracoda
D.Isopoda/Amphipoda E.Cirripedia
___ 32. ? have small external ears and can rotate their hind flippers forward. A.sea lions B.seals C.walruses
___ 33. ? are often small, feather-like, crustose algae. A.Rhodophyta B.Anthophyta C.Chlorophyta
D.Phaeophyta E.Mycophyta
___ 34. LB/DB and Carbon-14 techniques are used to determine of predation B.productivity C.age
of sediments D.amount of turbidity E.amount of viscosity
___ 35. ?-strategists have a high rate of population growth with a low survivorship. A.r B.K C.both r- and Kstrategists have a high rate of population growth with a low survivorship
___ 36. Whale sharks feed primarily on B.aquatic mammals C.plankton D.all of the above E.none of
the above
___ 37. Important zooplankton characterized by a jointed carapace with two bristly antennae are the
A.Copepoda B.Crustacea C.Ostracoda D.Isopoda/Amphipoda E.Cirripedia
___ 38. Which of the following are "ratfish"? A.skates B.chimaeras C.gadiform osteichthyans D.clupeiform
osteichthyans E.perciform osteichthyans
___ 39. Sea cucumbers belong to the A.Holothuroidea B.Crinoidea C.Echinoidea D.Stelleroidea
___ 40. Deep ocean basins constitute about ? percent of oceanic areas. A.10 B.20 C.30 D.60 E.90
___ 41. Chitons belong to the A.Cephalopoda B.Gastropoda C.Scaphopoda D.Polyplacophora E.Bivalvia
___ 42. ? is found in seawater in average concentrations of about 6 to 10 ppm. A.nitrogen B.carbon dioxide
C.oxygen D.argon E.carbon monoxide
___ 43. ? would be most likely found in an estuary. A.rocky-shore communities B.kelp beds C.oyster reefs
D.coral-algal reefs E.vent communities
___ 44. Which of the following is not a prokaryote? A.Bacteria B.Chlorophyta C.Cyanobacteria D.all of the
above are prokaryotes E.none of the above is a prokaryote
___ 45. ? cause the red tides. A.diatoms B.radiolarians C.coccoliths D.foraminiferans E.dinoflagellates
___ 46. Water pressure tends to increase about 1 atmosphere per ? meters. B.five C.ten D.twenty-five
___ 47. ? fish spawn in freshwater. A.catadromous B.anadromous C.both catadromous and anadromous fish
spawn in freshwater
___ 48. Coccoliths belong to the A.Pyrrhophyta B.Bacillariophyta C.Haptophyta D.Actinopoda
___ 49. The ? are characterized by pentameral symmetry and a water vascular system. A.Arthropoda
B.Mollusca C.Echinodermata D.Ectoprocta E.Cnidaria
___ 50. ? have spatulate teeth and no beak. A.dolphins B.porpoises
___ 51. The Portuguese man-of-war belongs to the A.Anthozoa B.Hydrozoa C.Scyphozoa
___ 52. A larval fish would belong to the A.meroplankton B.holoplankton C.larval fish may belong to either
meroplankton or holoplankton
___ 53. ? convert refractory material to edible material. A.Protista B.Mycophyta C.Plantae D.Bacteria
___ 54. Primary productivity would increase with A.more light B.more nutrients C.shallower depth D.all of
the above tends to increase primary productivity E.only light and water depth determines primary
___ 55. ? have polyps only and the oral end bears tentacles. A.Anthozoa B.Hydrozoa C.Scyphozoa
___ 56. ? are elongate- to ovate-shaped animals with a flat foot and ventral sole for creeping. A.Cephalopoda
B.Gastropoda C.Scaphopoda D.Polyplacophora E.Bivalvia
___ 57. Which of the following is not true concerning sharks? A.skeleton composed of cartilage B.all species
with an operculum C.urea-rich blood equals normal salinity D.tooth-like scales
___ 58. Which of the following is true concerning scaphopods? A.freshwater, terrestrial and marine B.nektonic
C.plankton-feeders D.all of the above are true E.none of the above is true
___ 59. ? corals have zooxanthellae and are reef-builders. A.ahermatypic B.hermatypic C.both ahermatypic
and hermatypic corals have zooxanthellae and are reef-builders
___ 60. Dugongs and Manatees belong to the A.Odontoceti B.Mysticeti C.Sirenia D.Aves E.Pinnipedia
___ 61. Which of the following is not a baleen whale? A.sei whale B.gray whale C.humpback whale D.killer
whale whale
___ 62. Sea anemones, corals, sea fans, sea pens, and sea feathers belong to the A.Anthozoa B.Hydrozoa
___ 63. Torsion reorients the organs in the A.Cephalopoda B.Gastropoda C.Scaphopoda D.Polyplacophora
___ 64. Which of the following is not true concerning marine turtles? A.may weigh more than 400 kilograms
B.typically live in warm seas C.may be herbivores or carnivores D.most bear live young in marine
environments E.limbs are modified as flippers
___ 65. The pteropods and sea slugs belong to the A.Prosobranchia B.Opisthobranchia C.Pulmonata
___ 66. Herrings, anchovies, and sardines belong to the A.Perciformes B.Clupeiformes C.Gadiformes
D.Sirenia E.Cetacea
___ 67. The ? are colonial, sessile, bush-like, encrusting or carpet-like organisms. A.Annelida B.Bryozoa
C.Mollusca D.Cnidaria E.Arthropoda
___ 68. The presence of an operculum, anterior placement of the pelvic fin, and adaptation to "suction-feeding"
would be most diagnostic of the A.skates B.sharks C.osteichthyan fishes D.mysticetes E.odontocetes
___ 69. The largest, most intelligent invertebrates belong to the A.Cephalopoda B.Gastropoda C.Scaphopoda
D.Polyplacophora E.Bivalvia
___ 70. ? cephalopods are carnivores. A.all B.not all
___ 71. Heterotrophs are A.producers B.consumers C.heterotrophs may be producers or consumers
___ 72. Marine nektonic "jellyfish" belong to the A.Anthozoa B.Hydrozoa C.Scyphozoa
___ 73. There are approximately ? recognized kingdoms. A.two B.three C.five E.eight
___ 74. ? have slender, whip-like arms. A.Ophiuroidea B.Ostracoda C.Euphausiacea D.Malacostraca
___ 75. Which of the following is true concerning pinnipeds? A.mostly cold water B.carnivorous C.include
sea lions and seals D.all of the above are true E.none of the above is true
___ 76. ? are bivalved, "headless" animals with a wedge-shaped foot. A.Cephalopoda B.Gastropoda
C.Scaphopoda D.Polyplacophora E.Bivalvia
___ 77. The ? has six front segments united into a head and a pair of jointed pincers. A.Chelicerata
B.Crustacea C.Ostracoda D.Isopoda/Amphipoda E.Cirripedia
___ 78. Which of the following is not true concerning autotrophs? A.manufacture their own food B.are
"plants" C.form the highest trophic level D.all of the above are true E.none of the above is true
___ 79. Whales and dolphins belong to the A.Aves B.Sirenia C.Pinnipedia D.Fissipedia E.Cetacea
___ 80. ? are groups of individuals that can interbreed and produce viable offspring. A.families B.genera
C.species D.kingdoms E.phyla
___ 81. ? are solitary organisms with a radial symmetry in which the medusoid stage is dominant. A.Anthozoa
B.Hydrozoa C.Scyphozoa
___ 82. ? are bottom-dwellers, with a flattened body and expanded fins. A.skates B.chimaeras C.gadiform
osteichthyans D.clupeiform osteichthyans E.perciform osteichthyans
___ 83. The ? are barnacles. A.Chelicerata B.Crustacea C.Ostracoda D.Isopoda/Amphipoda E.Cirripedia
___ 84. ? often have medusoid and polyp stages. A.Cnidaria B.Mollusca C.Porifera D.Annelida E.Bryozoa
___ 85. Codfish, pollocks, and hakes belong to the A.Perciformes B.Clupeiformes C.Gadiformes D.Sirenia
___ 86. The Euphausiacea include the A.shrimp B.krill C.crayfish D.lobster E.crab
___ 87. ? Primary Productivity is defined by the amount of organics left after respiration. A.Net B.Gross
___ 88. ? have free-swiming larval stages. They then attach, develop many calcareous plates, and are usually
intertidal filter-feeders. A.Chelicerata B.Crustacea C.Ostracoda D.Isopoda/Amphipoda E.Cirripedia
___ 89. ? have both eyes on one side of the head. A.herring B.halibut C.hake D.pollock E.all of the above
have both eyes on one side of the head
___ 90. ? includes kelp and sargassum. A.Rhodophyta B.Anthophyta C.Chlorophyta D.Phaeophyta
___ 91. ? are usually bilaterally symmetrical and are typically unsegmented. Often the organism is divided into
a head, foot and mantle. A.Annelida B.Bryozoa C.Mollusca D.Cnidaria E.Arthropoda
___ 92. The Coleoidea and Nautiloidea are subclasses within the A.Cephalopoda B.Gastropoda
C.Scaphopoda D.Polyplacophora E.Bivalvia
___ 93. Diatoms are A.terrestrial B.freshwater C.marine D.diatoms can be found in all of the above
environments E.diatoms are freshwater and marine only
___ 94. ? have two whiplike flagella for propulsion. A.Pyrrhophyta B.Bacillariophyta C.Haptophyta
D.Actinopoda E.Foraminifera
___ 95. Squids and octopuses belong to the A.Cephalopoda B.Gastropoda C.Scaphopoda D.Polyplacophora
___ 96. ? have thin, broad leaves; some are calcareous. A.Rhodophyta B.Anthophyta C.Chlorophyta
D.Phaeophyta E.Mycophyta
___ 97. Dinoflagellates are A.autotrophs B.symbionts C.parasites D.dinoflagellates include autotrophs,
parasites and symbionts E.all dinoflagellates are heterotrophs
___ 98. ? have an agglutinated or calcareous test. A.Pyrrhophyta B.Bacillariophyta C.Haptophyta
D.Actinopoda E.Foraminifera
___ 99. Which of the following is a decapod? A.shrimp B.crayfish C.crab D.lobster E.all of the above are
___ 100. ? includes sharks, rays and chimaerids. A.Osteichthyes B.Agnatha C.Aves D.Mysticeti