* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Questions for game: In a group of 3-5, one person will be the reader. Questions will then be read to person 1 (randomly determine who is #1). The person keeps getting questions until they miss. Maximum of 10 questions in a row. Each correct answer is a point. If they miss, the next person gets to try to answer the missed question for two points. If that person misses, the next person gets a crack at it. In either case when the question is finally completed (either answered correctly or everyone has missed) the turn moves one person to the left of the person who originally missed. Keep playing until all questions are completed. 1. What phylum has nematocysts? (cnidaria) 2. What is the function of spicules? (skeleton of sponge) 3. What is the sexual stage of a jellyfish life cycle? (medusa) 4. What are the three germ layers? (ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm) 5. What is the stage after blastula where the digestive tract begins to form? (gastrula) 6. What are the fast cellular divisions at the zygote stage called? (cleavage) 7. What kingdom does not have eukaryotic cells? (monera) 8. What is a close relative of a Hydra? (Portuguese man o war) 9. What animal has the collar cells? (sponges/pofifera) 10. What type of symmetry is found in sponges? (asymmetry) 11. What cavity allows for organ development? (coelom) 12. What is the 8 cell stage for humans called? (blasocyst) 13. What type of animal is a fluke? (flatworm/platyhelminthes) 14. What phylum has a pseudocoleom? (nematode) 15. Which of the following is not a nematode, tapeworm, pin worm, heartworm? (tapeworm) 16. Which phylum has only two germ layers? (cnidaria) 17. Which protein found in liver breaks down hydrogen peroxide? (catalase) 18. Which germ layer becomes the nervous system? (ectoderm) 19. What are the cells on the tentacles that hold the stingers in jellyfish? (cnidocytes) 20. Where is the egg fertilized? (fallopian tube or oviduct) 21. What is the womb? (uterus) 22. What is the connection between the mother and baby on the uterine wall that is connected to the umbilical cord? (placenta) 23. What is made by oogenesis? (ovum or egg) 24. What is the sessile stage of a jellyfish life cycle? (polyp) 25. How does a tapeworm get its food? (absorbs food from intestine through its outer epithelial layers) 26. What disease is passed by the Anopholes mosquito? (malaria) 27. What is the disease caused by a nematode that lead to male menopause? (schistosomiasis) 28. What is the closest relative to coral that we have discussed? (sea anemone) 29. How many chromosomes in an ovum? (23) 30. What germ layer becomes the lining of the digestive tract? (endoderm) 31. What is the term for having both male and female parts? (hermaphrodite) 32. What type of symmetry is in the medusa stage of a jellyfish? (radial symmetry) 33. What type of symmetry in the platyhelminthes? (bilateral symmetry) 34. What two parts are found in an animal with a complete digestive system? (mouth and anus) 35. What type of metamorphosis does a fly do? (complete: maggot) 36. What is the term for head and thorax together? (cephalothorax) 37. What is the body cavity totally surrounded by mesoderm called? (coelom 38. What phylum does this organism or part belong to? a. Spider Arthropoda b. Clam Mollusca c. Earthworm Annelida d. Brittle star Echinodermata e. Slug Mollusca f. Hookworm Nematoda g. Water vascular system Echinodermata h. Hydra Cnidaria i. Humans Chordata j. Exoskeleton Arthropoda k. Cuttlefish Mollusca l. Spiny skinned Echinodermata m. Leech Annelida n. Nematocysts Cnidaria o. Barnacles Arthropoda p. Choanocytes Poriera q. Acoelomate Platyhelminthes r. Planaria Platyhelminthes s. Coral Cnidaria t. Tube feet Echniodermata u. Soft bodied Mollusca v. Roudworm Nematoda w. Jointed legs Arthopoda x. Nudibranch Mollusca y. Sea urchin Echniodermata z. Feather star Echinodermat 39. For squid and octopus, which is more likely to be on the bottom? (octopus) 40. For centipedes and millipedes, which is more likely to be a carnivore? (centipedes) 41. For arachnids and insects, which has spiracles? (insects) 42. For brittle stars and sea stars, which has thicker appendages? (Sea stars) 43. 44. 45. 46. What is the part of the mollusk that makes the shell? (mantle) What is the term for a digestive system with only one opening? (incomplete) What is the term for a circulatory system with blood vessels? (closed) What is the term for egg and sperm coming together inside the mother? (internal fertilization) 47. Which animals have the opening made during gastrulation become the mouth? (protostome)